10-08-2003 "WI ,.., .'" CITY OF EDGEWATER Planning and Zoning Board Regular Meeting Wednesday, October 8, 2003 6:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Vopelak called to order the Regular Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board at 6:30 p.m., October 8, 2003 in the Community Center, 102 N. Riverside Drive, Edgewater, Florida. Chairman V opelak welcomed Ms. Sandy Jones to the Board. 2. ROLL CALL Members present were Chairman Edwin V opelak, Robert Garthwaite, Kristine Pluscec, Donald Masso, Anton Heeb, Sandy Jones and Charlene Zeese. Also present were Chief Planner Darren Lear and Planning Technician Bonnie Wenzel. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION bv Mr. Masso. SECOND bv Mrs. Pluscec to annrove the minutes of Sentember 3.2003 with the followinl! correction under ROLL CALL: Mrs. Zeese was not nresent at the meetinl!: and to annrove the minutes of Sentember 17. 2003 as read. MOTION CARRIED 7-0 It has been brought to staff's attention that the minutes from the September 17, 2003 meeting did not include the vote on various items. The minutes should be amended as follows: NEW BUSINESS: Item 3 (RZ-0308) - MOTION CARRIED 6-0 Item 4 (AN-0302) - MOTION CARRIED 6-0 Item 5 (CPA-0303) - MOTION CARRIED 6-0 Item 6 (RZ-0307) - MOTION CARRIED 6-0 4. OLD BUSINESS PUBLIC HEARING None at this time. 5. NEW BUSINESS PUBLIC HEARING A. AN-0304 - Alan R. Weaver, president and authorized agent for HNWW, Inc, owner, requesting annexation of approximately :1:.27 acres of property located south of 220d Street and west of Silver Palm Drive. Mr. Heeb asked if there any plans for the development of the property. Mr. David Hall stated they were looking, but there was nothing planned at this time. Mr. Heeb then asked ifthere was a time line for development. Mr. Hall stated one (1) to two (2) years. MOTION bv Mr. Garthwaite. SECOND bv Mrs. Zeese to send a favorable ~e~~~~~ndation to Citv Council for the annexation of 27:1:. acres of land located south of 220d Street and west of Silver Palm Drive. MOTION CARRIED 7-0 10-8-03 P&Z minutes ....... ...., , CITY OF EDGEWATER Planning and Zoning Board Regular Meeting Wednesday, October 8, 2003 6:30 p.m. B. V A-0309 - Charles Russo, owner, requesting a variance from Section 21-54.03 and Table V-I to allow an eight-foot (8') landscape area in lieu of the required 10-feet adjacent to a public roadway and to allow a 30-foot rear setback in lieu of the required 50-feet for property located in the 2400 block of Guava Drive to construct a 2,400 square foot warehouse building. Mr. Garthwaite asked why there was no variance request to the lot size. Mr. Lear stated the lot was a legal non-conforming lot of record. Mr. Garthwaite stated that he was concerned if a fence were placed at the rear of the property it would be hard to clean the drainage ditch. Mr. Lear stated there was sufficient room. MOTION bv Mr. Garthwaite. SECOND bv Ms. .Jones to ann rove the variance from Section 21-54.03. Section 21-57.02(0. Table V-I and Table V-7 to allow an ei!!ht -foot (8') landscane area in lieu of the reouired 10-feet adiacent to a nublic roadwav. to allow a vehicle backun area of IO-feet in lieu of the reouired 15-feet. and to allow a 30-foot rear setback in lieu of the reouired 50-feet for this nronertv based on the condition that the annlicant installs some form of onaoue fencin!! alon!! the rear of the nronertv. MOTION CARRIED 7-0 C. ZA-030 1 - Thomas E. Howard, authorized agent for SeaEdge Partners, owner, requesting approval of the modified Zoning Agreement for the Proposed Edgewater Lakes residential subdivision located west of US Highway I and south of 3 6~h Street. Mr. Lear informed the Board that the original Zoning Agreement for this development expired. He added that this Zoning Agreement is still in draft form and there were still some issues to be resolved before final approval by City Council. There was discussion regarding the development of the golf course and the water usage. Mr. Howard stated the plans for Phase II, which includes the golf course, were not established at this time as there are environmental studies to stilI be completed, he further noted that Phase II would have to be approved by the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD). Discussion ensued regarding the "pod" type development. Parker Mynchenberg, Parker Mynchenberg and Associates, stated that studies on water usage have been completed for Phase I, but not for Phase II at this time. He added that for Phase II studies would be done, the City would have to approve the plans, as well as SJRWMD. Mr. Mynchenberg stated the water would come from the surficial aquifer for irrigation. Mr. Howard stated it would be up to the individual homeowners to decide what type of irrigation they would use. Mr. Mynchenberg stated the common areas would have bahia with no irrigation; the front entrance would have St. Augustine grass with irrigation. There was discussion regarding encouraging residents to use drought resistant landscaping. 10-8-03 P&Z minutes 2 .... ....", CITY OF EDGEWATER Planning and Zoning Board Regular Meeting Wednesday, October 8, 2003 6:30 p.m. Discussion ensued regarding the side setbacks stated in the Zoning Agreement. Mr. Heeb asked if there would be any buffer between the residential and the commercial properties. Mr. Lear stated the developers of the commercial properties would be required to meet the Land Development Code buffer yard requirements. Chris Bache, 4485 Myrtle Street, spoke of his concerns about the finished floor elevation and flooding. Mr. Lear stated the Code states the finished floor elevation is one -foot (1') above Base Flood Elevation. MOTION bv Mr. Heeb. SECOND bv Mr. Garthwaite to send a favorable recommendation to Citv Council to ann rove the modified Zoninp' Ap'reement for the nronosed Edp'ewater Lakes subdivision with the followinp' conditions: The residential lots of 50-feet to have a side setback of seven and one-half feet (7 112'): 60-foot lots to have a side setbac'k of seven and one-half feet (7 112').: 70-foot and SO-foot lots to have side setbacks of 10-feet. anv corner lots to have a 15-foot side setback: two (2) storv dwellinvs to have H)-foot side setbacks: and a heip'ht limitation of 26-feet. Mr. Masso amended tbe motion to state 50-foot lots shall have a side setback of five-feet (5'): Mr. Garthwaite amended the motion to state 60-foot lots shall have a side setback of five-feet (5'). 70 and SO-foot lots to have a seven and one-half-foot (7 ~ ') side setback. two (2) storv home to have the same setback as sinp'le storv and to encourap'e the use of droup-ht resistant landscaninp' at all nossible areas. The amendments were accented bv Mr. Heeb. MOTION PASSED 7-0 D. SD-0303 - Thomas E. Howard, authorized agent for SeaEdge Partners, own~r requesting preliminary plat approval for Phase I of the proposed Edgewater Lakes residential subdivision located west of US Highway 1 and south of36th Street. Mr. Garthwaite asked if all requirements for preliminary plat approval were met. Mr. Lear stated they would be prior to final construction plan approval. MOTION bv Mr. Garthwaite. SECOND bv Ms. Jones to send a favorable recommendation to. Citv Council for nreliminarv nlat annroval of Edpewater Lakes. Phase I. nrovided all outstandinp' issues are resolved. MOTION CARRIED 7-0 10-8-03 P&Z minutes 3 ...... ~ CITY OF EDGEWATER Planning and Zoning Board Regular Meeting Wednesday, October 8, 2003 6:30 p.m. 6. DISCUSSION ITEMS I. Planning Director's Report Mr. Lear welcomed Ms. Jones to the Board. He discussed the recent Smart Growth Summit he attended. 2. Chairman's Report Election of V ice-Chairperson MOTION hv Mr. Heeh. SECOND hv Mr. Masso to elect Charlene Zeese as Vice-Chair of the Plannin!! and Zonin!! Board. MOTION CARRIED - 6-1. Mrs. Zeese voted no. 3. Agency Member's Report Mr. Heeb discussed the recent Smart Growth Summit, as well as some recent meetings he had with staff from Daytona Beach and Port Orange regarding growth. E. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Bonnie Wenzel Planning Technician 10-8-03 P&Z minutes 4