01-14-2004 '-' ...." CITY OF EDGEW ATER Planning and Zoning Board Regular Meeting Wednesday, January 14,2004 6:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman V opelak called to order the Regular Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board at 6:45 p.m., January 14, 2004 in the Community Center, 102 N. Riverside Drive, Edgewater, Florida. 2. ROLL CALL Members present were Chairman Edwin V opelak, Kristine Pluscec, Donald Masso, Anton Heeb, Sandy Jones and Charlene Zeese. Also present were City Manager Ken Hooper, Chief Planner Darren Lear and Planning Technician Pat Drosten. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION by Ms. Jones. SECOND by Mrs. Zeese to aooroye the minutes of December 10. 2003 as read. MOTION CARRIED 6-0 4. OLD BUSINESS PUBLIC HEARING None at this time. 5. NEW BUSINESS PUBLIC HEARING A. V A-03l2 - Luis Geil, authorized agent for Mitch Patel, requesting several variances from the City of Edgewater Land Development Code to allow the construction of a retail store on property located adjacent to and west of 603 Indian River Boulevard. Chairman V opelak opened the public hearing and Mr. Lear gave a brief summary of the request. Luis Geil, authorized agent spoke about the request. Jackie Levine, 1818 Fern Palm Drive, asked for clarification on access to her property. Chairman V opelak closed the public hearing MOTION by Mr. Heeb. SECOND by Ms. Zeese to aooroye V A-0312 with the condition that the anoIicant reduce the number of oarkin!! so aces a!!ainst the orooosed buildin!! from 16 totS. 01-14-04 P&Z minutes -- ....., CITY OF EDGEW A TER Planning and Zoning Board Regular Meeting Wednesday, January 14,2004 6:30 p.m. MOTION CARRIRD 6-0 B. V A-0311 - James S. Morris, Esq., authorized agent for Matthew and Cynthia Guntharp, owners, requesting a variance from Section 21-41.04(a) and Section 21- 50.02 (Table V-I) to allow a 38.57-foot setback from the Mean High Water Line in lieu of the required 50-feet and to allow a 30-foot front setback in lieu of the required 40-feet to allow construction of a single family home on property located at 1001 S. Riverside Drive. Chairman V opelak opened the public hearing and Mr. Lear gave a brief summary of the request. James Morris, authorized agent spoke regarding the request. Mr. Ron Schach, 931 S. Riverside Drive, asked for clarification on some issues. His concerns were addressed by Mr. Lear, Mr. Morris, and Ms. Vicky Juke, Prudential Real Estate, representing the owners. Chairman V opelak closed the public hearing. MOTION bv Mr. Masso. SECOND bv Ms. .Jones to aDDrove the variance from Section 21-41.04(a) and Section 21-50.02 (Table V-I) to allow a 38.57-foot setback from the Mean High Water Line in lieu of the reouired 50-feet and to allow a 30-foot front setback in lieu of the reouired 40-feet to construct a sinl!le family residence at DrODertv located at 1001 S. Riverside Drive. Drovided some form of a mithmtion Dlan is aDDroved bv V olusia County Environmental Manal!ement. MOTION CARRIED 6-0 C. AB-0303 - Glenn D. Storch, applicant, requesting the vacation/abandonment of two (2) unimproved right-of-ways within property located north of S.R. 442, and west of Lybrand Avenue to allow the parcels to be combined for the construction of the Coral Trace Subdivision. Chairman V opelak opened the public hearing and Mr. Lear gave a brief summary of the request. Chairman V opelak closed the public hearing. 01-14-04 P&Z minutes 2 'w' ""'-"" CITY OF EDGEW A TER Planning and Zoning Board Regular Meeting Wednesday, January 14,2004 6:30 p.m. MOTION bv Ms. Zeese. SECOND bv Ms. Jones to send a favorable re~:m;n::d:ti:na~o Citv Council for the abandonment/vacation of the two (2) unimnr~ d i t-_f- s located within nronertv located north of S.R. 442. west of Lybrand Av~. ;nd e~~;~f 1-95 to allow the develonment of a single-familv residential subdivisi~n. MOTION PASSED 6-0 D. CU-0306 - Steven and Jill Hole, owners, requesting a Conditional Use Permit to allow outdoor storage on property located at 328 N. Ridgewood Avenue. Chairman V opelak opened the public hearing and Mr. Lear gave a brief summary of the request. Mr. Steven Hole, property owner spoke regarding the proposed use of the property. Mr. Dan Cornelius, 114 Oakridge Ave., spoke of his concerns regarding the request. Mr. William O'Neill, owner Chock and Block Marine, 328 N. Ridgewood Ave., clarified his business operation. MOTION bv Mrs. Zeese. SECOND bv Ms. Jones to aDDrove the Conditional Use Permit to allow outdoor storal!e of boats and recreational vehicles at nronertv locat~d at 328 N. Ridl!ewood Avenue. MOTION CARRIED 6-0 6. DISCUSSION ITEMS None at this time. 1. Planning Director's Report None at this time. 2. Chairman's Report Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman MOTION bv Mr. Masso. SECOND hv Mr. Heeb to elect Mr. VODelak as Planninl! and Zoninp Board Chairman MOTION CARRIED 6-0 MOTION hv Mr. Masso. SECOND hv Mr. Heeh to elect Ms. Zeese as Planninl! and Zoninp Board Vice-Chairman MOTION CARRIED 6-0 01-14-04 P&Z minutes 3 '-' ...." CITY OF EDGEW A TER Planning and Zoning Board Regular Meeting Wednesday, January 14,2004 6:30 p.m. 3. Agency Member's Report None at this time 7. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 8: 15 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Pat Drosten Planning Technician 01-14-04 P&Z minutes 4 ~ ....., "'-l "'l / - ~ " u; -.!J ~ ....... \'~ T ~ "^ < ~