08-11-2004 '-" CITY OF EDGEWATER Planning and Zoning Board Regular Meeting Wednesday, August 11, 2004 6:30 p.m. ...."" 1. CALL TO ORDER Vice-Chairwoman Zeese called to order the Regular Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board at 6:43 p.m., July 14,2004 in the Community Center, 102 N. Riverside Drive, Edgewater, Florida. 2. ROLL CALL Members present were Charlene Zeese, Donald Masso, Sandy Jones, Kristine Pluscec, and Robert Garthwaite. Edwin V opelak and Todd Fuhrmann were excused. Also present were Chief Planner Darren Lear, and Planning Technician Bonnie Wenzel. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION by Mr. Masso. SECOND by Pluscec to auurove the minutes of July 14.2004 as uresented. MOTION CARRIED 5-0 PUBLIC HEARING 4. OLD BUSINESS None at this time. 5. NEW BUSINESS PUBLIC HEARING a. V A-0404 - Wm. Hockensmith, authorized agent for owner, requesting a variance from Section 21- 52.02(g) to allow two (2) driveways; to eliminate the right turn/deceleration lane requirement of Section 21-52.05(g) of the City of Edgewater Land Development Code; a variance from Section 21- 52.02(b) of the City of Edgewater Land Development Code to allow a distance of 50-feet in lieu of the required 100-feet from an intersection; and to allow the western driveway to not align with the driveway to the south, as required in Section 21-52.02(g) of the City of Edgewater Land Development Code for property located at the northeast corner of US Highway 1 and Boston Road to construct a retail store. (Tabled from the July 14,2004 meeting) Vice-Chairwoman Zeese opened the public hearing and Mr. Lear provided background information on the request. Mr. Lear also presented pictures of newer Dollar General stores and stated the City has requested the development keep in line with some of the Land Development Code's architectural standards. Mr. Wm. Hockensmith stated that they agree to comply with the architectural standard and agree to the request of a turn lane on Boston Road. Mr. Lear added that he spoke with the architect and they also stated they will follow the architectural standards set forth in the Code. Mr. Ray Anderson, 1905 S. Riverside Drive, spoke regarding the request and the effect on the No Name Saloon. Ms. Elizabeth Damascio, 1918 S. Riverside Drive, spoke about the traffic problems this development could cause along Boston Road. Mr. Lear stated that staff's recommendation was from a public safety standpoint. There was discussion regarding a light at the intersection. 8-11-04 P&Z minutes "W' CITY OF EDGEW A TER Planning and Zoning Board Regular Meeting Wednesday, August 11,2004 6:30 p.m. ..."", Vice-Chairwoman Zeese closed the public hearing. Ms. Jones moved to approve the variance with the conditions that a left turn lane be provided alon!! Boston Road and the propertv is developed under the architectural!!uidelines of Article XVIII of the Land Development Code. Second bv Mrs. Pluscec. MOTION CARRIED 5-0 b. RZ-0405 - Judson Woods, Esq., requesting the rezoning of property located at 2751 Alamanda Drive from R-l (Single Family Residential) to R-2 (Single Family Residential). Vice-Chairwoman Zeese opened the public hearing, and Mr. Lear provided background information. Mr. Judson Woods stated the owner was willing to comply with staffs' recommendation. Vice-Chairwoman Zeese closed the public hearing. Mr. Garthwaite moved to send a favorable recommendation to City Council for the proposed Official Zonin!! Map amendment from R-l (Sin!!le Familv Residential) to R-2 (Sin!!le Familv Residential) with the followin!! conditions: 1. The owners shall applv for the abandonment of the six-foot plantin!! buffer; 2. The owners shall applv for a Minor Lot split of the ori!!inal parcel with the City; 3. The Technical Review Committee approved the minor lot split request; and 4. The owners shall provide documentation of a 30-foot deeded access to the easterlv portion of the property. Second bv Ms. Jones. MOTION CARRIED 5-0 6. DISCUSSION ITEMS a. Planning Director's Report None at this time. b. Chairman's Report None at this time. c. Agency Member's Report None at this time. 7. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 7: 16 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Bonnie Wenzel, Planning Technician 8-11-04 P&Z minutes 2