04-03-2002 '-" .""" CITY OF EDGEWATER PERSONNEL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Wednesday, April 3, 2002 Minutes A meeting of the Personnel Advisory Committee was called to order at 9:00 a.m., Tuesday, July 31, 2001 in the City Planning Department Conference Room. ROLL CALL Deborah Sigler Tracey Barlow Bill Bennett Patricia Drosten Calvin Ayers Thomas Smith Present Present Absent Present Present Absent Donna Looney, Personnel Administrative Assistant/Recording Secretary was also present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion was made by Tracey Barlow to approve the minutes of the meeting held on July 31, 2001 with a second by Calvin Ayers. Motion CARRIED 3-0. COMMUNICATIONS/REPORTS Debby distributed proposed language changes to the Personnel Policy and Procedure Manual, in accordance with the committee's previous discussions. After discussing each proposal and agreeing with the language, Pat Drosten made a motion to recommend the following changes: 1) Sec. 5.02 Probation (see attached pg. 11) 2) Sec. 7.01 Classification Plan (D) Salary Ranges and Progression (see attached pg.14) 3) Sec. 8.03 Vacation (D) (see attached pg. 23) 4) Sec. 8.07 Sick Leave (C) (see attached pg. 25) ..... ..."., NEW BUSINESS Debby asked for input on how the City can show appreciation to the employees. Since there was no Christmas celebration this past year no one received their City pins. She has asked each department to invite her to their next department meeting so the employee pins can be awarded. She would like some ideas of a social, a dinner, or something to have in honor of the workers. There was some discussion about where this could be held, one of the City's parks, the YMCA pool area once it is complete, etc. The members are going to solicit input from the work force as to what kind of social/celebration they would like to have. It was relayed to the board members that some employees have expressed they would like to receive gift certificates like they did in the past rather than have any type of get together. MISCELLANEOUS Calvin stated that a lot of the employees in the Public Works area are concerned that their jobs are being eliminated or dead- ended because of the broadbanding system. There was discussion among the members concerning more communication being needed when changes like these take place. It was suggested that Debby look into some of the titles that were eliminated, specifically, Heavy Equipment Operator. ADJOURNMENT Tracey Barlow moved to adjourn, being seconded by Calvin Ayers. Meeting adjourned. Minutes submitted by: Personnel Department ..... ...., 3. Any employee who is temporarily assigned to a position of higher rank for five (5) working days or more shall be compensated at a rate equivalent to the greater of the minimum salary for that classification or five (5) percent above his current salary from the first day of assignment. 4. While serving in a temporary assignment, the value of any monetary benefit received, such as. paid sick accrual, the cashing in of vacation time, shall be based on the employee's regular rate of pay. 5.02 PROBATION The probationary period is an important part of the employee review process and shall be utilized for appraisal of an employee's performance, adaptability to the position, and for rejecting any employee who does not meet the desired standards of performance. This time period may also be used to establish the appropriate salary for an individual. A new employee and/or a promoted employee may receive an increase in their pay upon successful completion of the probation, with the recommendation of the Department Director, and the approval of the City Manager. An employee on probation is considered an "at will" employee. A probationary employee may be released from City service during the probationary period without cause, without notice and without appeal.:. Subsequent to any employee being released from probation a drug screen may be required. A. An employee hired into a regular full-time position is subject to the satisfactory completion of a six (6) month probationary period before being deemed a regular City employee. An employee hired into a police or fire full-time position is subject to the satisfactory completion of a one (1) year probationary period before being deemed a regular City employee. An individual who does not successfully complete the probationary period will be required to reimburse the City for all education_and training expenses incurred. B. Employees who are promoted, demoted or transferred will serve a six (6) month probationary period in the new position commencing with the first day in the new position. Police and Rre employees shall serve a one year probationary period. C. During the probationary period, the employee's supervisor will carefully observe job performance. Weaknesses in performance will be brought to the employee's attention and may be put_in writing by the supervisor, and submitted to the Personnel Director for placement in the employee's personnel file. D. Upon completion of the probationary time period, the Personnel Department will prepare a Personnel Action Form to be executed by the Department Director and a copy given to the employee when releasing them from probation and into regular employment. Until such document is executed it shall not be assumed that the probation has been successfully completed. The probationary period may be extended at the discretion of the Department Director, Personnel Director, or the City Manager for reasons which will be documented and explained to the employee. Revision April 6, 2001 1 1 B. The Personnel Direc~as the primary responsibility for the ad......,..stration and maintenance of the Classification Plan and is authorized to: 1 . Conduct periodic studies to assure that the Classification Plan and compensation for positions remains current and uniform. 2. Request the completion and submission of position Questionnaires or other related information when considered necessary for proper maintenance of the plan. 3. Conduct studies of an existing position when there has been a substantial change in the duties and responsibilities which justify consideration of possible reclassification. 4. Maintain a position authorization summary identifying all authorized positions in the City service. C. Composition of the Compensation Plan. 1. The Compensation Plan shall include: a. A table of minimum and maximum pay ranges. b. A schedule of salary classifications for each title in the classification plan, consisting of minimum and maximum ranges. D. Salary Ranges and Progression. 1. The Compensation Plan consists of a salary schedule containing salary ranges, the compensation associated with the ranges, and a schedule listing the assignments of each class in the Classification Plan to a grade in the Salary Schedule. 2. Pay increases are not automatic, but may be achieved through performance evaluations, promotion, reclassification, or pay range adjustment. In the event an employee, through education and/or training, increases his value to the City, the Department Director and the Personnel Director may make a recommendation for an increase in that employee's salary, and upon approval of the City Manager, the employee's salary may be adjusted. 3. The City Manager shall have final authority to place approved position within the Classification Plan. E. Changes to the Classification Plan must recommended by the CityManager and be approved by the City Council. 7.02 CITY SERVICE A. Continuous Service. 1. An employee's continuous service date is established as the most recent date of hire and cannot precede the date the employee reported for and began work as a fulltime employee. Paid absences do not affect the date of continuous service. 2. The continuous service date for an employee who was initially hired as a temporary or part time employee and becomes a regular employee is the date of full time regular hire. 3. Authorized unpaid leaves of absence for a period of thirty (30) days or more and layoff as provided in these policies and procedures are not considered a break in continuous service, but do affect the employee's benefit date. Revision April 6, 2001 14 B. No employee ~ be entitled to vacation time without haWg completed a ful year's employment. Upon completion of one (1) year of employment with the City, an employee shall be credited with ninety-six (96) hours (12 work days for Police) of vacation leave. Subsequent to the completion of one (1) year of employment, an employee shall accrue vacation leave on a monthly basis. C. Vacation leave accrued, but not used, within any given anniversary period may be carried over and accumulated. Employees may accumulate vacation leave up to a maximum of five hundred (500) hours. (Pdice & Fire personnel on 12 hour days 750 hours) D. Upon termination of employment, except for the commission of a criminal act as determined by the City Manager, an employee shall be paid for any unused portion of accrued vacation time. The payment shall be determined by using the rate of pay received by the employee at the time of termination. Immediately prior to retirement, an employee may cash unlimited accrued vacation to insure those hours be included in their pension calculations. E. In lieu of taking vacation leave, vacation leave may be cashed in an amount equal to one half of that accrued within the current anniversary period. The amount of compensation shall be determined by using the employee's hourly rate at the time the vacation leave is cashed in. F. Vacations must be scheduled with the approval of the Department Director. 8.04 LEAVE OF ABSENCE A. Leave of Absence With Pay. 1 . Jury Duty or Witness Leave: Any employee shall be given necessary time off without loss of pay when performing jury duty or when called by proper authority to be a witness in a legal proceeding concerning City of Edgewater business, provided such call to duty is reported in advance to his Supervisor and approved by the Department Head. Any fees paid to the employee for the performance of jury duty or being a witness shall be turned over to the City. Jury duty and witness leave shall not be considered as hours worked for the purposes of determining whether overtime is due. 2. Military Leave: Any employee who is a member of the National Guard or an organized military reserve unit of the United States will be allowed a maximum of twenty (20) calendar days leave of absence at anyone time when called to active duty or for training. During such period of leave with pay, the employee's benefits shall continue uninterrupted in the same manner as if they were on active duty with the City. Revision April 6, 2001 23 B. Family and Medical~ve - All eligible employees will be given --..tnily and Medical Leave in accordance with the Family and Medical Leave Act. All Family and Medical Leave will be arranged through the Personnel Director. 8.07 SICK LEAVE All employees of the City shall be entitled to sick leave and compensation therefore under the following terms and conditions: A. In order to receive pay for sick leave an employee must notify the Supervisor, Department Director or designee of the specific employee's department, at the start of the work day which he will miss. 8. Sick leave will be earned at the rate of eight (8) hours for each month of service (one day for police and fire personnel). These hours shall accumulate up to a maximum of three hundred and twenty (320) hours (40 days for police and fire personnel). After accumulating the three hundred and twenty (320) hours (40 days) maximum sick leave, an employee shall receive as additional pay the hours in exmss of three hundred and twenty (320) (40 days) up to an additional eight (8) hours (full day's pay) for each month thereafter that he does not use any sick leave. If, however, the employee uses any sick leave after accumulating the three hundred and twenty (320) hours (40 days) maximum sick leave, the employee must restore his accumulated sick leave to the maximum again before he shall be eligible for any additional pay. C. Upon termination of employment, except for the commission of a criminal act as determined by the City Manager, an employee is entitled to a lump sum payment for any unused portion of accrued sick leave. Immediately prior to retirement, an employee may cash unlimited accrued sick to insure those hours be included in their pension calculations. In the event of death, an employee's beneficiary shall be entitled to a lump sum payment for any unused portion of accrued sick leave. The payment shall be determined by using the rate of pay received by the employee at the time of termination. D. Sick leave may be used for illness in the immediate family or donated to any City employee who has an emergency or long term illness. Immediate family is defined as: spouse/co-habitant, parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, step-children and stepparents of either the employee or spouse. 8.08 DONATION OF SICKN ACA TIONIPERSONAL TIME A. Employees may donate accrued sick, vacation or personal time to a City employee who has an extended period of illness. B. The employee receiving the donation must have exhausted all available sick leave, personal leave and vacation leave. C. The time will be donated on a day for day basis with no distinction made between differing hourly rates of employees. D. The Personnel Department will process requests for and donation of accrued time. Revision April 6, 2001 25 '-" .." SECTION VIII - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 8.00 PURPOSE In order to achieve the City's general policy to provide reasonable compensation, benefits, assurances and safeguards to its employees, the City has developed and maintains a comprehensive package of benefits and programs for its employees. Benefits are automatically granted to employees based on the criteria described herein. Employees must meet eligibility guidelines described in this section. The benefits described herein apply to regular employees and part time employees on a pro-rata basis. 8.01 HOLIDAYS A. The City will recognize the following as paid holidays: New Year's Day Martin Luther King's Birthday President's Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Day After Thanksgiving Christmas Day Christmas Eve B. Whenever a holiday falls on Sunday, the holiday will be observed by the City on the Monday following the holiday. C. Whenever a holiday falls on Saturday, the holiday will be observed on the Friday before the holiday. D. For those employees working rotating shifts, if the actual holiday falls on an employee's off duty day, he shall receive an additional day's compensation paid at his regular rate of pay. E. For those employees working rotating shifts, if the actual hOliday falls on an employee's on duty day, he shall be compensated at the rate of time and one-half his regular rate of pay for all hours worked in addition to his holiday pay. F. In lieu of holiday pay, an employee shall be allowed a day off with pay with the concurrence of the Department Head. The day taken off in lieu of the holiday must be taken within thirty (30) calendar days after said holiday. G. In order to be eligible for holiday pay an employee must work both his last scheduled work day before the holiday and the first scheduled work day after the holiday unless the absence is due to compensated leave. Revision April 6, 2001 21 ........ ,..", 8.05 BEREAVEMENT LEAVE A. When a death occurs in the immediate family of an employee, that employee shall be granted up to three (3) days bereavement leave without loss of pay. Additional time may be taken by the employee as vacation leave, personal days, sick leave, compensatory time, leave of absence without payor a day off without pay. B. The City agrees that immediate family is defined as spouse/cohabitant, parents, mother-in- law, father-in-law, grandparents, children, grandchildren, brothers, stepbrother ,sisters, stepsister, stepchildren and stepparents of either the employee or spouse/cohabitant. C. 8.06 LEAVE OF ABSENCE WITHOUT PAY A. Personal Leave 1 . The Department Director may grant a regular employee a leave of absence without pay for a period not to exceed thirty (30) working days. Leaves of absence without pay for a period in excess of thirty (30) working days shall be approved by the City Manager. Such leaves may be granted only to employees who have completed their probationary period and who have exhausted all of their sick, vacation and personal time accrued. ...~ - 2. The taking of a day off without pay shall not constitute a leave of absence without pay until an employee has accumulated five (5) days off without pay within any twelve (12) month period 3. Benefits shall not accrue during a leave of absence without pay. Benefits shall accrue during a leave of absence with pay until such time as the leave of absence with pay exceeds sixty (60) working days. Benefits shall not accrue during a leaveof absence with pay exceeding sixty (60) working days. 4. The City shall cover the employee under its group health plan through the end of the month in which the employee requests that the leave begin. Thereafter, employees on leave may continue their benefits under the City's group health insurance plan provided the employee pays the entire monthly premium due during the leave. Employees who wish to continue their insurance coverage should so advise the Personnel Director before beginning their leave. 5. Because operations sometimes require that vacant positions be filled, a personal leave of absence does not guarantee that the job will be available when the employee returns from a leave. An effort, however, will be made to place the employee in the previous position or a comparable job which the employee is qualified to perform. If no such position is available, the employee will be given preference when a position does become vacant if he has the necessary qualifications. Revision April 6, 2001 24 ....... """"'" 8.09 WORKERS' COMPENSATION CLAIMS A. Eligibility. All employees injured in the line of duty are eligible for workers' compensation benefits, in accordance with Chapter 440, Florida Statutes. A workers' compensation managed care arrangement is a health care delivery system which provides Quality medical care while ensuring proper treatment and containing medical costs which became mandatory on January 1, 1997. (440.134F.S.) B. Procedures. 1 . If an on the job injury occurs the supervisor must be notified immediately and either the supervisor or the Personnel Department will call the managed care arrangement representative. Of course in the case of a life threatening errergency someone should first call 911. Once the managed care representative has been notified and given the necessary information about the injury, they coordinate all medical needs, which will include a drug screen in all cases. Information will have to be provided to ensure the workers compensation benefits are calculated and reported accurately. 2. The injured employee must report to the Personnel Department as soon as possible (after medical attention is administered in emergency cases) to complee all necessary paperwork and receive necessary information. 3. An Incident report shall be completed by the employee and supervisor in each case of a work related injury or accident, regardless of severity or whether medical attention is required. The report shall be submitted to the Safety Officer as soon as possible for follow up into prevention of a reoccurrence. 4. No injured employee will be allowed to return to work without medical release. C. Questionable Injuries If the Supervisor or Department Director is suspicious of the reported injury, this shall be communicated to the Personnel Director and/or the Safety Officer for appropriate action. D. Workers' Compensation Benefits. A regular employee covered hereunder who is temporarily disabled in the line of duty shall receive paid leave, and benefits for the period of this disability subject, however, to compliance with all of the following conditions: 1 . The disability involved must have resulted from an injury or an illness directly related to or sustained in the performance of the employee's work. 2. Paid leave shall not exceed The injured employee will remain at full pay status, not to exceed ninety (90) work days (135 work days for police and fire personnel) for anyone injury. If, as a direct result of the continuation of the disability involved, the employee is unable to return to work at the end of the period, the employee may petition the City Manager for an extension of full pay staus. If the City Manager decides not to permit the employee to remain in full pay status beyond the period, the employee shall revert to normal Workers' Compensation benefits. Revision April 6, 2001 26 .... ..."" 11.08 A. DRIVING RECORD A valid pertinent Florida driver's license is required for anyone who operates a City vehicle. Any employee whose license is suspended, revoked, canceled, or expired shall not drive any City vehicle until such time as the license has been reinstated. B. The number and expiration date of the employee's driver's license or chauffeur's license shall be recorded in the department's files with periodic reviews to verify compliance with this policy. C. An employee who is required as a condition of employment to possess and maintain a valid Florida driver's or commercial license, must immediately inform his supervisor in the event the license is denied, expired, suspended or revoked. 11.09 DRUG AND ALCOHOL USE A. The City of Edgewater is a Drug Free Workplace; all employees are prohibited from: 1. Selling any drug, including alcohol or prescription drugs, whether on or off-duty, unless the employee is legally entitled to sell the substances in question. 2. Possessing any alcoholic beverage or illegal drug while on-duty or on City property at any time. 3. Using any controlled substance not prescribed for the employee by a physician or alcoholic beverage which may adversely affect job performance. This may include both use while on-duty and use while off-duty which can adversely affect on-duty performance. 4. Reporting to work with the presence of illegal drugs or alcoholic beverages in the body system which is equal to or exceeds the cutoff detection levels established pursuant to Chapter 440, Florida Statutes. B. When reasonable cause exists to believe that an employee is under the influence of any controlled substance, narcotic drug or alcohol, the employee's Department Director and Personnel Director upon approval by the City Manager or his designee shall have the authority to require employees to submit to testing designed to detect the presence of such controlled substance, narcotic drug, or alcohol. In the event the City requests that en employee submit to testing and the employee chooses not to submit to such tests, this refusal shall be grounds for appropriate disciplinary action. C. An employee who must use a prescription drug which the employee has been advised will or which the employee may reasonably expect to cause adverse side effects such as drowsiness, impaired reflexes, or reaction time shall inform his Department Director that he is taking such medication on the advice of a physiCian and of the possible side effects of the drug and expected duration of use. D. Direct involvement in an accident and/or the filing of a workers compensation claim by an employee while on duty,where bodily injuries resulted in medical treatment, and/or $1,000.00 worth of damages were incurred, shall be considered reasonable cause to require the employee to take drug or alcohol tests. Revision April 6, 2001 35