03-01-2000 ('\ ~, ".> , ").,. --~. ~ '-'" ...., CITY OF EDGEWATER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING March 1,2000 8:00 a.m. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Thomas Alcorn called to order a regular meeting of the Economic Development Board at 8:05 a.m., Wednesday, March 1,2000, in the conference room of City Hall. ROLL CALL: Members present were Chairman Thomas Alcorn, Adelaide Carter, Edward Keenan, Michael Wilson, Donald Gillispe (arrived at 8:10 a.m.), Roland Bazin and Charles Gianino. Also present were Sandra Pettit, Economic Development Assistant with Enterprise V olusia; Planning Director Lynne Plaskett and Board Coordinator Liz McBride. Nora Aly and Christopher Balmer were excused. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes for February 2, 2000, were presented to the Board for approval. There being no corrections or changes, Ms. Carter moved to approve the minutes as presented, second by Mr. Wilson. Motion CARRIED 6-0. (Mr. Gillispe had not arrived.) AGENCY AND CITY REPORTS: 1. Enterprise V olusia - Sandra Pettit, Economic Development Assistant, said in reference to the aquiculture project (fish farm) to be located at the Tomoka Landfill, that applications had been submitted to St. John's River Water Management to drill wells for the tanks, and site plans were being prepared. Ms. Pettit reported the Monarch Studios entertainment project was still in delay and it was not known who was backing this project. She said the boat racing project, similar to NASCAR racing but with boats, was still being worked on. She said things were going well, and sites around the county were being tested to ascertain the environmental impact. Ms. Pettit said the project would need a total of 1,000 acres, and the lake would be 15 or 20 acres. As for yacht manufacturer Stewart Catamaran, Ms. Pettit reported they were the only one who submitted a proposal to the County to locate at the Marine Park. It was her understanding the County was in the process of responding to them. She said they wanted to lease a 16,000 sq. ft. building that is currently on site, while building a 40,000 sq. ft. building. Ms. Pettit said Stewart Catamaran wanted the County to renovate the 16,000 sq. ft. building. After reviewing the information gathered by Enterprise V olusia (EV), Regal Boats (the other manufacturer considering the Marine Park area) said the areas wages were too high and were looking at Lake County. Ms. Pettit said EV would like to place someone in the Elk's Club and was mailing a proposal to a catalog fulfillment center company. She said the company would need about 14,000 sq. ft., and they hoped to subdivide the building. ~ ..""", Economic Development Board March 1, 2000 - Minutes Page 2 Chairman Alcorn recognized new member Charles Gianino and asked him to tell the Board a little about himself. Those in attendance introduced themselves. Chairman Alcorn said a fiberoptic network installed by Chuck Mojack for the college was recently discussed at a DBCC board meeting. The Chairman said Ms. Pettit may want to talk with Chuck in reference to the proposed call center at the Elks location. 2. Port Authority - no one was present. Ms. McBride informed the Board Joe Nolin, Special Projects Manager, sent a memorandum on February 22, 2000, stating he hoped to have all derelict vessels including the "Lionfish" removed by August 2000. Ms. McBride said she would forward a copy of that memo to the members. 3. Atlantic Center for the Arts (ACA) - no one was present. 4. Bert Fish Medical Center - Arvin Lewis, Director of Integration, was unable to attend. Chairman Alcorn said the Foundation was very active. He said there would be a History of Caring program on Friday, March 17,2000, and a Giving Tree for those who had donated to the hospital over the last few months. S. Daytona Beach Community College (DBCC) South Campus - Chairman Alcorn said the college had talked about joining in the FIND project, but he thought the college had not been able to get funding to build a proposed technical center. 6. City of Edgewater - Planning Director Lynne Plaskett spoke about two proposed annexations on Air Park Road and the sewer extension on Park A venue, Air Park Road and Dale Street. She said the sewer extension from Park A venue to Air Park Road was tentatively scheduled to start construction in May with a completion date of November. Ms. Plaskett said this tied into Dougherty Marine, who just received a development order to build on their property on Air Park Road, and Dale Street also received a development order for construction of three buildings for industrial use. She said there may be an additional annexation north of SR 442 and east of 1-95 going to Taylor Road for a proposed golf range. Ms. Plaskett reported the School Board was to hear a request from their Land Development Manager on the location of the proposed middle school which would be build in Edgewater. CONTINUED BUSINESS: 2. Economic Development Symposium Reminder (March 4, 2000) - Chairman Alcorn moved this item. He said this was an event the Board had talked about doing for two years. The Chairman said he met with the City Managers of Edgewater and New Smyrna, who both thought their Councils knew most of the information to be presented but felt maybe there was other information out about economic development and those having problems trying to develop. He said the symposium would be starting about 8:30 a.m., lunch would be provided at the Edgewater Airport, and a flight or motor home trip to the Daytona Beach Airport. Chairman Alcorn said during break time, there would be displays set up by about 10 or 12 companies. He said Enterprise V olusia would playa major part in and was a major contributor to the program. '-" ...., Economic Development Board March 1, 2000 - Minutes Page 3 1. "Outreach Program" to Assist New and Existing Businesses - Ms. Carter said she had visited three out of the four companies on her list. Mr. Bazin said he had only received one survey back. Due to their schedules, a few members had not been able to visit their list of businesses and one member misplaced his list. Ms. Carter explained the program to Mr. Gianino and he said he would take five names. NEW BUSINESS: None at this time. CHAIRMAN AND BOARD MEMBERS REPORTS: Mr. Keenan said he was working on a hotel project in Daytona and thought the Elks location may be of interest to them to renovate as a hotel. Ms. Carter said the Recreation & Cultural Services Board did not meet in February so she had nothing to report. She said the City Council did approve funds to help with the overall historical preservation. Chairman Alcorn said the opening of Flagler A venue Park in New Smyrna Beach was that evening at 5:00 p.m. for those interested. He said the program was done through incremental tax financing, which he explained. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion was made and approved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 a.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Elizabeth J. McBride, Board Coordinator Economic Development Board E:\edb-minutes\rnin030 1 OO.reg