05-03-2000 q-'7l~o-:::'''''. ~ ......., ...." CITY OF EDGEWATER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING May 3, 2000 8:00 a.m. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Thomas Alcorn called to order a regular meeting of the Economic Development Board at 8:00 a.m., Wednesday, May 3,2000, in the Community Center. ROLL CALL: Members present were Chairman Thomas Alcorn, Charles Gianino, Adelaide Carter, Christopher Balmer (arrived at 8:04), Nora Aly, Edward Keenan, Michael Wilson, Donald Gillispe, and Roland Bazin. Also present were Mayor Donald Schmidt; Councilman Jim Brown; Arvin Lewis, Director of Integrations, Bert Fish Medical Center; two residents of Hacienda Del Rio; Planning Director Lynne Plaskett and Board Coordinator Liz McBride. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes for AprilS, 2000, were presented to the Board for approval. There being no corrections or changes, Ms. Carter moved to approve the minutes as presented, second by Mr. Gianino. Motion CARRIED 8-0. (Mr. Balmer had not arrived) AGENCY AND CITY REPORTS: 1. Enterprise V olusia - Chairman Alcorn said he would return to this item later in the meeting. 2. Port Authority - Chairman Alcorn said the Port Authority was still working on the issue of abandoned vessels. 3. Atlantic Center for the Arts (ACA) - There was no report. 4. Bert Fish Medical Center - Arvin Lewis, Director of Integration, said Bert Fish was still focused, and would continue to focus, on the Southeast V olusia market. He said the medical center just up-dated their nuclear camera which is extensively used by the oncologist and general surgeons, and would be adding another camera in about four weeks. He spoke of additional equipment being purchased or leased in the near future to benefit area citizens. '-' ....., Economic Development Board May 3, 2000 - Minutes Page -2- Chairman Alcorn acknowledged two gentlemen in the audience and said the Board would be happy to answer any of their questions. One gentleman asked if there were to be any discussion concerning the old Prestress Concrete Plant (now the Marine Commerce Park). Chairman Alcorn said the most recent information he had was the County Council put out a request for proposal (RFP) for those interested in the property. He said to date, only one proposal was received, and they were proposing to buy the entire parcel. The Chairman said commercially zoned property was limited along the river, and this site would be a wonderful economic resource. He felt the Marine Park was an excellent site for builders of large boats, but realized there would be issues with surrounding homeowners. The Chairman explained one of the Economic Development Board's functions was to encourage businesses to the area. The same resident from Hacienda Del Rio (community next to the Marine Park) said that is why they were interested in what was happening and what was going on. The Chairman felt it was vitally important these gentlemen were taking active part in their community. The other gentlemen said they were not against development of the property, but wanted the proper type of development, unlike the concrete plant or a fish processing plant. They have had no problem with Boston Whaler. The residents thanked the Board before departing. 6. City of Edgewater - Planning Director Lynne Plaskett reported receiving the Department of Environmental Protection permit for the extension of the sewer line for Park A venue to Air Park Road and the St. Johns wetland determination permit for the FIND Project. She said sometime in the future there would be an article about Edgewater in the Volusia Magazine. Ms. Plaskett said she and City Manager Hooper were interviewed for the article. She informed the Board the City applied and has qualified for a grant for enhancement funds for landscaping and irrigation on US 1 and SR 442. She said the MPO was responsible for reviewing the applications and forwarding them to FDOT. FDOT checks to make sure the criteria has been met and sends the applications back to the MPO for their ranking. Ms. Plaskett hoped the City would know something around September. She said the City had citizens and City Boards writing letters of support for the project which was appreciated. Ms. Plaskett said she had a meeting with a potential annexation project of 450 acres south of Edgewater (the old proposed golf course). She said they were still interested in doing a golf course and some residential development. Ms. Plaskett hoped the Board had an opportunity to review the new Land Development Code, and asked if anyone had comments or suggestions to please get them to her as soon as possible. She said Council would be holding workshops on May 8th and 22nd and she would like to incorporate their comments. Ms. Carter asked Ms. Plaskett if Riverside Bank had ever contacted her regarding available building space for relocation. Ms. Plaskett said no. 5. Daytona Beach Community College (DBCC) South Campus - Chairman Alcorn said DBCC's focus was what were they going to do when Dean Jennie Fields leaves and what type of structure they would have. He said DBCC had no funding for building in connection with the FIND project. '-" ..""", Economic Development Board May 3, 2000 - Minutes Page -3- 1. Enterprise V olusia - Chairman Alcorn said he would like to back track to this item. He recently attended a workshop on economic development where they talked about whether Enterprise Volusia was going to administer the Opportunity Fund (the money they give to people in the form of grants to bring their businesses in). The Chairman felt one problem with economic development in this area was that the Board holds numerous meetings and no one does anything. He said because of the nature of what he does in real estate, he is constantly trying to find places for people to locate. He said the big thing for new or emerging business was funding. Chairman Alcorn said the Chamber and the City would be putting on a Venture Capital seminar trying to bring businesses in. He said the City of New Smyrna Beach.along with the City of Edgewater both have economic incentives as far as tax abatements. He said the City of Edgewater is looking at setting up a tax incremental financing district. The Chairman reiterated, from a real estate stand point, he had no place to put anyone. He said the only one in this area currently developing was Scott Porta, and Mike Cotton in Port Orange and South Daytona. Chairman Alcorn said the reason people are not developing is all the "hoop jumps" they have to go through in the development process, which sometimes takes up to two years. He said the City of New Smyrna Beach had responded to this by building some spec buildings. The Chairman said if we (the City) were going to get people here, we needed some place for them to locate. Ms. Aly said while visiting her assigned businesses, three of the four wanted to leave town. She said if the Board wanted to start doing something, they should finish the project of contacting their assigned businesses. Ms. Carter said out of 39, she had only received 11 surveys back. Ms. Aly said on her visit to Smart Industries, it was indicated they wanted to expand and wanted an office site. Ms. Carter read from Smart Industries survey where it stated they wanted to see more office buildings put on US 1 and felt this would help "curb appeal". Ms. Aly said Smart Industries had already expanded twice and wanted to expand again. She said they were limited along US 1 because of the water retention policies. Ms. Aly said the Board needed to finish the surveys to determine how to help the businesses. Chairman Alcorn said of the companies he visited, all were satisfied and had no problems. Mr. Wilson said everyone he spoke to were also very happy, and enjoyed doing business in the City of Edgewater. He said when he asked if he could answer any questions or if the Board could do anything for them, they answered no. Mr. Wilson himself enjoyed doing business in Edgewater. Mr. Wilson felt the need to get investors to invest money in the City. Chairman Alcorn agreed, but reiterated the City just doesn't have anything available. Ms. Wilson asked what recommendation could the Board make or what could the City do to bring people here to invest the type of money to put in a speculative building. Chairman Alcorn said the number one thing would be having a site ready for them (with retention and St. lohn's permits), then they could submit the plans and in 90 days be able to start building. The Chairman referred to the FIND project and said he understood that the locations were going to' be site ready, so an investor could buy it and put up their buildings. "-' ""'" Economic Development Board May 3, 2000 - Minutes Page -4- Mr. Keenan spoke of an example in Vermont of putting up a spec building which drew General Electric. He spoke of the City buying a building vacated by a large company and leasing it to other companies. He also spoke about county revenue bonds. He felt it would be a good idea to put up a spec building in Edgewater. . Chairman Alcorn said the City needs to put in infrastructure and needs to be supportive, but if the City does a spec building, would they in fact be competing with the private sector. He said the City could put out an RFP for the FIND project to anyone who would like to develop or buy a parcel. If no one responded, the City could put up a spec building with the intent of sell it. Mr. Keenan said there was only one way to start, and that was to start. Alvin Lewis, Director of Integrations, Bert Fish Medical Center, said they (Fish) had four deals fall through for property along the southern portion of US 1, and bought property further north than they wanted to be simply because that was where they could get adequate space for the price. Mr. Lewis said he was from a small town in south Georgia, where about 20 years ago they became very serious about economic development. He said they built a spec building which stayed empty for 15 years, but they got five major manufacturing plants because they had a spec building to show. He said the spec building now housed a motor production operation which employed about 200 people. Ms. Aly asked when the FIND. project would be ready to be cleared and put bids out. Chairman Alcorn said he heard in about six months the roads would be in. He said if FIND followed the plan they talked about, there would be central retention, the land site ready, and would know the particular size building that could be put on the lot. Ms. Aly asked for a plan so that she may pass it along to interested parties. The Chairman felt the City needed to be pro-active and asked for direction or thoughts from the Mayor. The Mayor said the City needed to be involved and stay involved and maybe take a chance or two, and he would like to see the City think about a spec building. He felt Edgewater had set so dormant year after year as other Cities took chances to do things. The Mayor said it would be a little challenge, but felt the City needed to take a couple giant steps. Chairman Alcorn spoke about none of the municipalities compensating Realtors for finding buildings or sites for prospects. Ms. Aly said she had an idea for the Miami Boat Show and these types of shows. She said the City of Edgewater could take out an ad in the sponsors' programs, telling of the City's projects, such as the FIND Project. Ms. Aly suggested getting Realtors to help pay for the ad by getting them to list their names as contacts of such projects. CONTINUED BUSINESS: 1. Outreach Program Reports - Ms. Carter asked the members to get the surveys back to her so she could compile the information. The Mayor asked about the survey and asked to see a copy. Ms. Aly said the Board needed to find out the dates of the shows (Miami Boat Show, the Aircraft Show, etc.), and if the Board was interested in attending, to request funds from Council. Ms. McBride stated the City's budget would be coming up soon and that would be the time to request funds for the next fiscal year. Councilman Brown said this Council and the Mayor were very pro- active. He said he would like some of the EDB' s proposal brought before the Council, such as the venture of the City building a spec building. He said the Council was very interested in what the Board had to say and would work with the Board. .... ...,., Economic Development Board May 3, 2000 - Minutes Page -5- NEW BUSINESS: None at this time. CHAIRMAN AND BOARD MEMBERS REPORTS: Ms. Carter said the Recreation Cultural Services Board had been working hard. She said the Board had been prioritizing what they are going to be working on within the parks system to make them better. Ms. Aly asked if the Chairman could delegate assignments to the Board members to get things accomplished. She listed possible assignments. Mr. Balmer said this was his second EDB meeting and he still did not have a clear picture of what the Board's job or goals were. He said he completed his surveys, but he felt this wasn't the most effective way of gathering the iflformation. Mr. Balmer said he spent about three hours going to the businesses three different times, to find out one was no longer at the location. Mr. Balmer said he wanted direction as to where the Board was going, and what he should be doing to promote economic development. He said he didn't want busy work, but things that were going to be productive for this City to grow. The Mayor suggested setting up a workshop between City Council and the EDB, and also inviting local businesses. He said the meeting could be structured to give the businesses time to talk. The Mayor said the Council was pro-active, and the EDB was as important as the Council. He felt together they could come up with a game plan. Chairman Alcorn said a joint workshop was an excellent idea and he, along with Lynne Plaskett and Liz McBride, would put an agenda together. Updating the Economic Development Board's web site was discussed as well as links to other sites. Mr. Wilson was going to look into this. The Chairman asked the Mayqr about a meeting to be held on May 17th. The Mayor said those involved would be our House and Senate representatives, County Council, City representatives from Edgewater and Deltona, property owners and the Miami Corp. He said they would be discussing options for joining SR 442 from Edgewater and Elkcam Boulevard from Deltona at SR 415. The Mayor said the meeting would be held at the SouthTrust Bank in Deltona at 10:00 a.m. and open to the public. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion was made and approved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:25 a.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Elizabeth J. McBride, Board Coordinator Economic Development Board F:\edb-minutes\min050300.reg