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December 6, 2000
8:00 a.m.
Chairman Thomas Alcorn called to order a regular meeting of the Economic Development Board
at 8:05 a.m., Wednesday, December 6,2000, in the Community Center.
Members present were Chairman Thomas Alcorn, Rich Morin, Adelaide Carter, Christopher Balmer
(arrived at 8:25 a.m.), Edward Keenan and Roland Bazin. Also present were Arvin Lewis, Director
of Integrations, Bert Fish Medical Center; Bissy Holden, Advertising & Public Relations Manager,
Florida Health Care Plans; Cathy Vaughn, Public Relations Manager, Bert Fish Medical Center;
Steve Dennis, Executi ve Director, Southeast V olusia Chamber of Commerce; Mike Jiloty, President,
Jiloty Communications Inc.; Planning Director Lynne Plaskett and Board Coordinator Liz McBride.
Nora Aly, Michael Wilson and Donald Gillispe were excused. (Ms. Aly was originally recorded
absent, but she had left a message on Ms. McBride's voice mail that was not heard until after the
meeting. )
The minutes for November 1, 2000, were presented to the Board for approval. There being no
corrections or changes, Ms. Carter moved to approve the minutes as presented, second by Mr.
Bazin. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Chairman Alcorn mentioned he had invited a few people to the meeting to give reports at the
conclusion of the regular agenda.
1. Enterprise V olusia - Sandra Pettit, Economic Development Assistant, could not be present
but Chairman Alcorn stated one big issue which would affect us was the proposed Marine Park. He
reported the people who were going to move there decided not to for a number of reasons; one being
they had an issues with all the law suits going on as far as building boat docks.
2. Port Authority - No report presented.
3. Atlantic Center for the Arts (ACA) - No report presented.
Economic Development Board
December 6, 2000 - Minutes
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4. Bert Fish Medical Center - Arvin Lewis, Director of Integration, reported they completed
the MIS conversion on November 1,2000, and are still working on printer related issues. He said
the Edgewater building was slated to receive its certificate of occupancy on December 18,2000, and
an X-ray unit by the end of December 2000. Mr. Lewis indicated the Indian River office would
probably move the weekend of the 18th to the new facility. The Florida Health Care facility in New
Smyrna would also be moving to the new location. Mr. Lewis mentioned the hospital Board
approved the purchase of a new CT scanner, on lease, which would be installed at Bert Fish in
5. Daytona Beach Community College (DBCC) South Campus - No report presented.
6. City of Edgewater - Planning Director Lynne Plaskett reported the FIND project was
moving along. The City received two interlocal agreements for the railroad crossings at Mango Tree
Drive and Dale Street. She said the City was getting ready to conduct a blight study for the
establishment of a CRA district. Ms. Plaskett said some preliminary areas would be the main
corridor of US 1 from 10th Street to Park Avenue, and include the FIND project as well as the newly
annexed industrial airport property. Later in the year 2001, the City would be working on a joint
planning area agreement with V olusia County so the land uses were consistent as the City continues
to annex property to the south and west. Ms. Plaskett conveyed the Land Development Code would
be completed in the next few months. She said although it was adopted in July, there was a
committee formed to look at issues that were working or not working and how to fix them. She
mention the Comprehensive Plan should also be completed in the next three to four months.
1. Attendance at Upcoming Trade Shows
a. Consumer Electronics, Las Vegas, January 2001- Chairman Alcorn reported he
would be attending this show.
b. New York Boat Show, January 2001-? Chairman Alcorn explain the process of
attending shows and what the City pays for. He asked if anyone was interested in going the weekend
of January 6, 2001. Typically the Chairman said, two days are spent walking the floor handling out
Chairman Alcorn reported a show for the suppliers would be held the first week in February 2001,
in Fort Lauderdale, which he felt would be a good show, and the Miami Boat Show scheduled
around the second weekend in February.
Chairman Alcorn stated Mr. Morin and Mr. Wilson attend many shows promoting their own
products but could also promote Edgewater using a pocket guide size promotional piece (to be
developed). He said Mr. Dennis would be addressing some ofthe things being done specifically for
Southeast V olusia.
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December 6, 2000 - Minutes
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2. Update Edgewater Information for Distribution
a. Mike Jiloty, Jiloty Communications, Inc. - Chairman Alcorn introduced Mr. Jiloty
and reminded the Board it was his firm that printed the economic development brochure and fact
sheet. Mr. Jiloty indicated it had been several years since the materials were printed and Ms.
McBride called saying the Board wished to update the information. He said samples of promotional
pieces his firm had done for Ormond Beach, DeLand, Enterprise V olusia and some others were sent
to Ms. McBride. Also sent was a preliminary price list for an entire package of materials which
included: creation of a logo, stationery, master brochure, rack brochure, fact sheet and pocket guide
for a total of around $25,000. The pricing would depend on what was designed and the quanty
printed. Ms. Plaskett said she was working on the demographics. Mr. Jiloty remarked that if the
Board needed the pocket card for a trade show, he could put something together inexpensively, that
would give the Board something fresh to take with them. Chairman Alcorn wanted the quick fact
guide and the brochure reprinted with updated information.
Chairman Alcorn desired to table Mr. Jiloty's presentation and asked Steve Dennis, Executive
Director, Southeast V olusia Chamber of Commerce, to share what the Chamber was working on.
Mr. Dennis distributed and explained a diagram of information which he said would be on their web
site. He said they were including a lot of information about New Smyrna Beach, Edgewater and Oak
Hill with numerous links. The key elements included economic development, education, medical,
tourism, retirement, religious, community organizations, environmental, cultural, heritage and
outdoor (ECHO). Mr. Dennis said they would like the proposed CD to show the diagram of the
information, and if detailed information was needed, there would be a portion on the disk where they
would be able to log onto the Internet. He felt once the design of the web site was worked out, it
would not take very long to move the information onto the web site. Mr. Dennis reported since the
Advertising Authority was moving to a new location on SR 44, the Chamber would be adding an 800
number service to direct calls toward any of the organizations or materials on the site.
The convenience/advantage of a credit card size CD was discussed. Chairman Alcorn asked Mr.
Jiloty if he concurred with Mr. Dennis and if his firm had produced multi media CDs. Mr. Jiloty
liked them and felt the CD could hold a fair amount of information. Mr. Dennis spoke about all the
materials you receive at trade shows, and how a lot of information is packed onto a small CD. He
said the Chamber's CD should ready in early 2001.
Chairman Alcorn asked Mr. Jiloty to price a few thousand reprints of the fact sheet. Mr. Jiloty said
he needed updated information and it would probably cost a few hundred dollars, but he would
forward a price list to Ms. McBride. Chairman Alcorn wanted 2,500 printed for under $300.
Chairman Alcorn introduced Bissy Holden, Advertising & Public Relations Manager, Florida Health
Care Plans and asked her to explain her organization. Ms. Holden gave a brief overview of Florida
Health Care Plans relocation into the new Bert Fish Medical Center Edgewater facility. She said the
move would be the week of December 11, 2000, with physicians starting to see patients on
December 18,2000.
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December 6, 2000 - Minutes
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Ms. Holden reported Florida Health Care Plans is a local community base health maintenance
organization servicing primarily Flagler and V olusia Counties, with some members in Seminole
County. Ms. Holden explained the function of a health maintenance organization. The services to
be provided in the new facility will be: primary physician care, lab and a Florida Health Care
member's only pharmacy, some radiology and in the future some specialities. Florida Health Care
Plans will co-sponsor with Bert Fish Medical Center the Chamber After-Hours April 19, 2001, and
a community open-house/healthcare program on January 20,2001.
Ms. Holden reported her organization does not offer health care to individuals but they do have a
small group program for two or more employees and a senior program. She said they have close to
60,000 members. Mr. Lewis commented Florida Health Care Plans had consistently scored the
highest in the County for quality of care in responses from the members. Cathy Vaughn, Public
Relations Manager, Bert Fish Medical Center, said everyone had already reported what she was
going to say.
1. Member Photographs for ID Cards (after meeting in Deputy City Clerk's office)
Chairman Alcorn said since the Board would be attending different programs/functions, photo ID
cards were going to be made. He asked if the members knew of any show they felt the EDB should
be represented at, to let him know.
Chris Balmer asked about the New York Boat Show and if the Chairman needed anyone to attend.
Mr. Bazin had expressed interest in attending and Chairman Alcorn said he would give him the
information. Mr. Dennis mentioned an Aviation Show which would be worth attending that was
held around the first of the year in Orlando. It was a show for suppliers who made everything from
the seats to the switches on an aircraft. He said a Plastic Show held in Chicago was another large
show. Mr. Balmer said he would be available to attend one of the shows. Chairman Alcorn asked
Mr. Balmer to contact SMART to see what show they would be attending, and to tell them the EDB
would be interested in going with them.
Chairman asked Mr. Balmer, who acted as Chairman for the City Hall Siting Committee, for an
update on moving City Hall. Mr. Balmer reported the Committee concluded their recommendations
and presented them to City Council. He said three zones were selected, and the preferred site was
the corridor between Turgot south to Silver Ridge. For the current site, the committee preferred it
be become some type of recreational park facility and second to that, high usage. Mr. Keenan asked
if anyone thought about building up the current City Hall. Mr. Balmer said it had been considered.
Rich Morin felt additional industries needed to be targeted, such as motor sports. He felt something
should be in the demographics saying, "close proximity to Daytona Beach and Orlando" so some
race fans spend their money in Edgewater.
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December 6, 2000 - Minutes
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Ed Keenan reported some people from New York wanted to put a trade show for aircraft sales and
such here. He said Orlando had a $5 billion a year industry for that.
Adelaide Carter did not have anything new but that she was still attending the Recreation and
Cultural Services Board meetings. She also had attended the YMCA ribbon cutting.
There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion was made and approved to
adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:05 a.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Elizabeth J. McBride, Board Coordinator
Economic Development Board
F\edb-minutes\rnin 120600.reg