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March 28, 2001
7:30 a.m.
Chairman Thomas Alcorn called to order a regular meeting of the Economic Development Board
at 7:50 a.m., Wednesday, March 28, 2001, in a conference room of the Edgewater YMCA.
Members present were Chairman Thomas Alcorn, Adelaide Carter, Nora Aly, Michael Wilson,
Roland Bazin and Douglas McGinnis. Also present were City Manager Ken Hooper, Planning
Director Lynne Plaskett, News Journal staff reporter Jean Morgan and board coordinator Liz
McBride. Edward Keenan (arrived at 8:05 a.m.) and Rich Morin were recorded absent. Christopher
Balmer was excused.
The minutes for March 7, 2001, were presented to the Board for approval. There being no
corrections or changes, Ms. Carter moved to approve the minutes as presented, second by Ms. Aly.
Motion CARRIED 6-0.
1. Update of Advertisement in Soundings Trade Only publication. Mr. Bazin sent a copy of
the advertisement to Enterprise Volusia with an explanation of the Economic Development Board's
intent. He was informed it would be taken before their board (Enterprise Volusia) to see if and how
much they would be willing to contribute. Mr. Bazin said a date had not been set for the start-up of
publication which would run eight (8) times a year at $385 per run. He said it would be decided after
hearing back from Enterprise V olusia.
Chairman Alcorn recognized new board member Doug McGinnis.
Sandra Pettit of Enterprise V olusia said they were reviewing the ad request and looking at which
magazine was geared more to manufacturing than retail. Mr. Bazin said that is why he recommended
Soundings Trade Only publication. Ms. Pettit and Mr. Bazin were to work together and have
recommendations for the next meeting.
Chairman Alcorn advised those in attendance that the Edgewater Economic Development Board was
subject to Sun Shine law and the joint meeting with the Southeast Volusia Economic Development
Task Force would be on public record.
Economic Development Board
March 28, 2001 - Minutes
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NEW BUSINESS: None at this time.
There being no further business to come before the Board, Chairman Alcorn announced that the
meeting would now be combined with the Southeast V olusia Economic Development Task Force.
Chairman Rick Sterba called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m.
Chairman Rick Sterba, Sandy Jones, Ken Gray, Dr. Frank Wedda, Fred Heise, Tom Alcorn, Jerry
Fox, Jim Russell, Jordan Smith, Sandra Pettit, Robert Jackson, Dave Westerheide of Regions, Task
Force coordinator Christine Cartisano, News Journal staff reporter Jean Morgan, Edgewater City
Manager Ken Hooper, Edgewater Planning Director Lynne Plaskett, Edgewater EDB members:
Adelaide Carter, Nora Aly, Doug McGinnis, Roland Bazin, Mike Wilson, Edward Keenan and
coordinator Liz McBride.
None at this time.
1. Enterprise V olusia - Sandra Pettit reported meeting with a consultant for a call center who
had visited four sites for possible location. BellSouth indicated fiber optic lines to the Winn Dixie
site would not be cost effective. She said the telephone operators annual salary would have been
approximately $20,000. She announced the Elk's Club building was back on the market. She said
Vital Works in Daytona Beach was expanding and moving into a 36,000 square foot building, and
that their software engineers earned approximately $46,000 annually. Ms. Pettit felt the large
distribution company looking for sites in Orange County for approximately 500 acres may not
materialize and the heavy transportation company looked as though it would remain in Brevard
Economic Development Board
March 28, 2001 - Minutes
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2. Bert Fish Medical Center - Arvin Lewis reported the new CT scanner had be operating since
the first of March and marketing for the preventive help scan would begin shortly. He said there had
been 46 kidney transplants since the program's inception two years ago. Mr. Lewis said they were
in the design state for remodeling the emergency room which would add space for a "fast track" for
those with less urgencies. He said they were looking to consolidate women's health services into one
area. He stated the Center would be looking for a replacement for Dr. Morris who had resigned.
3. Daytona Beach Community College - Dr. Frank Wedda said the new Advance Technical
Center would be opening in August 2001, and hoped that industries coming into the area would be
made aware of the educational program. He said summer registration would open March 26th. Dr.
Wedda said the college was pushing enrollment of high school students to begin taking college credit
4. Port Authority - Jerry Fox stated the Authority was holding off on the land source study that
was to be paid totally by the Port Authority. They were recommending restarting ajoint participation
program where municipalities would match funds of the Port Authorities for projects and felt the
County was receptive to that idea. They would know something within the next few weeks.
5. Marine Discovery Center - Jim Russell announced how successful the Seafood Festival was
and hoped next year it would be even better. He said they were progressing on the marine center and
waiting on finalization from New Smyrna Beach. Jordan Stuart updated the group saying the lease
was in the hands of NSB City Attorney George Beasley. They were looking for possible grants from
the Port Authority and joint participation with the City. What made the Seafood Festival successful
was discussed.
6. New Smyrna Beach - Tom Harowski said the census showed a 21 percent growth rate for
New Smyrna which was about the same as the County as a whole. The seasonal population was a lot
larger then expected. He said the new sports complex opened March 23rd, with another phase of
construction to begin once they decide what to do with the current stadium. Mr. Harowski stated four
projects to be completed by the end of March were: the paving of 20th A venue, landscaping of 3rd
Avenue, the sidewalk along N. Peninsula and dredging the canal. Buena Vista Park would open in
April and Magnolia Street paving should be completed in August. He said the City was not sure
where it was going with the Tree Ordinance and that the high school site had cleared the Department
of Community Affairs with no comments.
7. Edgewater - Planning Director Lynne Plaskett reported the comprehensive plan had been
completed by a consultant, would be discussed by Council at a workshop on April 16th and would be
transmitted to the Department of Community Affairs and V olusia Growth Management Commission
on May 7th. She said City Council had approved an area boundary for the creation of a CRA District
and the City was in the process of doing a blight study for the area. Annexation of 450 acres for a
golf course community would be going before Council next month and discussions were continuing
with Waterway Park residents on water and sewer services. Water and sewer service for Cory Estates
Economic Development Board
March 28, 2001 - Minutes
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and Omni Circle would also be addressed in the near future. City Manager Ken Hooper relayed City
Council and FIND had approved an intent to award contractors bidding and Starbase Development
Corporation would be getting documents back to the City. He said the approximately $3 million
infrastructure project should start early May. He said also on the Council agenda would be the award
of the contract for Phase II design.
8. Oak Hill- Bill Jackson reported City Clerk Kim Cherbano resigned. He said the wastewater
system was working and had only six complaints. They were actively working on getting a paved
interchange (May town Road) and expanding their City limits. The Waterfront Committee was
extremely active and recently a workshop was held with them to go over grants and they were
impressed with a tour of Oak Hill. He said they would be starting a pier and bird watching, and
working on obtaining a $3 million grant.
9. Tom Harowski interjected that rumors of a Super Wal-Mart coming to NSB were true and
they were looking at a 30 acre parcel on SR 44 north of Lindleys Nursery. Converting the Elks Club
into a convention center was discussed. Mr. Alcorn asked the status of the CD-ROM for the
economic development program. Mr. Harowski said they were looking for 10-12 sponsors to kick
in $35,000.
10. Edgewater Economic Development - Tom Alcorn spoke about the lack of industrial space.
He felt Oak Hill had excellent opportunities drawing prospects by having an Enterprise Zone. New
Smyrna's space seemed to be near the railroad and airport. Mr. Alcorn felt Edgewater had the most
available industrial space: along Park Avenue, the FIND project area and the Massey Airport. The
availability of industrial properties could be viewed on the Enterprise V olusia website.
11. Janet Heck introduced Christine Cartisano who replaced Jill Geddy. She mentioned the
Chamber membership luncheon, featuring a surprise program, would be held on the Daytona Cruise
Line on April 12th. It was limited to 100 people and would be boarding from Riverview Charlie's at
12. Sandy Jones reported Volusia Days, held annually in Tallahassee, was where cities and
counties joined to lobby legislators for money and that Steven Dennis, Executive Director of the
Chamber, and New Smyrna Beach City Manager Frank Roberts attended. Ms. Jones explained
"Rockin Jobs" and how businesses can help with the areas future employees.
There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion was made and approved to
adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9: 13 a.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Elizabeth J. McBride, Board Coordinator
Economic Development Board
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