12-05-2001 \ c... ~~(!...<J"! \~ ~ .... CITY OF EDGEWATER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING December 5, 2001 8:00 a.m. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Thomas Alcorn called to order a regular meeting of the Economic Development Board at 8:00 a.m., Wednesday, December 5,2001, in the Community Center. ROLL CALL: Members present were Chairman Thomas Alcorn, Thomas McKinley, Adelaide Carter, Nora Aly, Edward Keenan, and Douglas McGinnis. Also present were City Manager Ken Hooper, Councilman Jim Brown, Southeast V olusia Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Steve Dennis and Planning Technician Pat Drosten. Christopher Balmer, Michael Wilson, Roland Bazin and Board Coordinator Liz McBride were excused. Ms. Drosten recorded the minutes. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes for November 7, 2001, were presented to the Board for approval. There being no corrections or changes, Ms. Carter moved to approve the minutes as presented, second by Mr. Keenan. Motion CARRIED 6-0. CITY AND OTHER REPORTS: 1. City of Edgewater Updates - With the Board's approval, Chairman Alcorn would like this item discussed later in the meeting. Chairman Alcorn said Councilman Brown had a gentlemen who wanted to make a presentation to the Board. Ron Prekup introduced himself and stated he was involved with the Indian River Sports Fishing Club. They promote safe/recreational boating and operate out of Cameron's Marina. He said the Top Gun Tournament, the largest spotted sea trout tournament on the east coast, had been in existence for 13 years. The City had contributed to the tournament in the past and Mr. Prekup was asking the City again for financial assistance of $500. He said City Council was not supporting them and that they (Council) voted not to contribute. Chairman Alcorn asked what the money would be used for. Mr. Prekup said it would be for the welcoming party or could be used to offset the cost of renting port-o-Iets, tents, permits and advertising. Chairman Alcorn said he would not have a problem ear marking money for advertising to promote the area. City Manager Hooper interjected that Council had numerous requests for financial assistance with limited amount of money and had to choose. Council turned down the request and felt since it was economic development, to send it to the Board. Councilman Brown reiterated that they had limited funds this year. Chairman Alcorn asked for the City Manager's feelings. City Manager Hooper felt there may be some benefit but had not seen any long term benefit. He felt this was not good use of public dollars. Chairman Alcorn said his recommendation would be to contribute $250 toward advertising. Discussion continued on getting other businesses to support the event. '-" ...., Economic Development Board December 5, 2001 - Minutes Page 2 Chairman Alcorn entertained a motion to allocate $250 to the Indian River Sports Fishing Club to help promote the project via an advertisement. Ms. Carter so moved, second by Mr. McKinley. Motion CARRIED 6-0. Funding criteria would be an item for discussion to be included in the strategic plan. a. FIND - City Manager Hooper reported that the City entered into an agreement with FIND to purchase l41:t acres over a ten (10) year period, interest free for the first five (5) years, for approximately $4 million. The infrastructure is being put in now, and parcels would probably be available to purchase in May. Any size lot could be platted. He said the EDB could help him develop a marketinglbusiness plan. City Manager Hooper said the school board was looking at a portion of the property and had asked City Council to reserve the site for six (6) months. Councilman Brown asked if a road would go across the canal to tie into 10th Street. City Manager Hooper had discussed this with New Smyrna Beach City Manager Frank Roberts several times. He said they needed to know where the school would go first. b. Comprehensive Plan - City Manager Hooper said the final version of the Comp Plan would be heard on December 17, 2001. c. Annexations - City Manager Hooper stated the City was trying to move south down to Ariel Road, and had approached Hacienda del Rio. CONTINUED BUSINESS: (With the Board's consent, the order was changed.) 2. Update on Business CD - Steve Dennis, Southeast V olusia Chamber of Commerce Executive Director, reported they were about 60-70 percent through the project. He needed an updated Community Profile from the City of Edgewater. Chairman Alcorn asked how many disks they were going to produce. Mr. Dennis said the City of Edgewater will get 500 disks for $2,750, and that the Chamber funded all the costs up front. It was noted that the County had taken an interest in the project. 1. Economic Development/City Retreat - (Chairman Alcorn wanted to discuss this last.) NEW BUSINESS: 1. Identifying Trade Shows for Attendance in 2002 - Chairman Alcorn asked if the Board felt attendance at trade shows was important. Mr. Dennis thought it may be a good idea to monitor what goes on at the Orange County Convention Center. Ms. Aly thinks the Board should concentrate on marine industry trade shows. Mr. McGinnis asked if there was a list of shows. Chairman Alcorn said the Board needed to work something up, but coming up were the IBEX conference, Miami Boat Show and Lauderdale Boat Show. City Manger Hooper suggested talking to Scott Porta, Jerry Fox and Oscar Zellar for the best market contacts. Consensus was that the area should diversify and also look at aviation. ~ ....", Economic Development Board December 5, 2001 - Minutes Page 3 CONTINUED BUSINESS: 1. Economic Development/City Retreat - Chairman Alcorn repeated the retreat would be held at the Atlantic Center of the Arts and would include the City Council and the EDB. They would cover what achievable goals the EDB could reach in a one year period. Items of discussion could include: 1) set guidelines for financial support from EDB, 2) give City Council guidance what they need to do to provide economic growth in the City, 3) business plan for FIND, 4) information systems we have in place, 5) the web site, and 6) CRA district (should playa large park). City Manager Hooper said they needed to develop a business plan and how to sell it. After more discussion, the primary focus for the program was: 1) FIND, 2) City Hall location, and 3) business expos (marine, medical, aviation). Chairman Alcorn wanted to sit down with City Manager Hooper to iron out the agenda. Chairman Alcorn would be the facilitator. Ms. Carter felt business recognition was important and should be an annual event. Mr. Dennis cautioned putting too much on the agenda. Councilman Brown stated he was not happy with the name ParkTowne for the industrial park (FIND) because it did not recognize Edgewater. Chairman Alcorn made the statement, "the EDB does not think the name was reflective and would help in the promotion of the park, and that they would discuss the name and come up with a recommendation." CHAIRMAN AND BOARD MEMBERS REPORTS: Chairman Alcorn said the next meeting was scheduled for January 2, 2002, and asked if anyone would be absent. Since there would not be a quorum, the meeting was changed to January 9,2002, with the agenda restricted to retreat items. Ms. Aly asked about the business award and if the Board wanted to do it. It was to be put on the next agenda. Ms. Carter reported the banners were up, the Historical Perseveration Committee meeting would be held December 13th, the ballfields at Hawks Park were moving forward and the City was putting a new roof on the building north of Dustin's and the Parks and Recreation Department hoped to move into it sometime in February. Councilman Brown said they were having a tree lighting ceremony at the fire station after the concert in the park Saturday, December 8th at 5:30 or 6:30. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion was made and approved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:35 a.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Elizabeth J. McBride, Board Coordinator Economic Development Board F:\edb-minutes\12050 I.reg