04-30-1991 - ...... .",., CITY OF EDGEWATER FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD REGULAR MEETING APRIL 30, 1991 CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM 6:37 P.M. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Edget"iater 30~ 1 S'91 . Ben Wagner called to Firemen's Pension Board order a meeting of the City of at 6:37 P.M.~ Tuesday~ April ROLL CALL: Members present were Firefighter William Finch~ Mr. Ben Wagner~ Mr. Al Gi]bert~ and Mr. Robert Morin. Lt. Larry Carson arrived at 6:40 P.M. Also present was Lisa R. Miller, Board Secretary. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Firemen's Pension Board minutes for the March 12, 1991 and the April 9, 1991 meetings were submitted for approval. Mr. Gilbert moved to approve both sets of minutes. Firefighter Finch seconded. Motion carried 4-0. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Chairman Wagner reviewed that they were still trying to arrange for representatives from several area banks to come and discuss different options of investing funds. Chairman Wagner also mentioned he had learned that the Firemen's Pension Fund had always been in an interest bearing account and has been earning interest all along. Chairman Wagner stated a letter had been sent to the State informing them of the election of officers. Hopefully that would be all the information the State would be needing to turn loose of the funds. The Board should be expecting an update on this shortly. NEW BUSINESS: There was no new business at this time. Discussion items The Board 6 :30 P. J1 . set their next meeting In the Conference Room at to be Monday', City Hall. Ma y 20 ~ 1 S'S'] .3 t Adjournment There being no additional business to come this time Mr. Gilbert moved to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 6:43 P.M. before the Board at Lt. Carson seconded. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Lisa R. Miller~ Secretary Firemen's Pension Board /lm