Monday, December 23, 1091
6:40 P.M.
The Regular Meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to
Order by Chairman Ben Wagner on Monday, December 23, 1991 at 6:40
P.M. in the Conference Room of City Hall.
ROLL CALL: Members present were: Lt. Larry Carson, Mr. Al
Gilbert, Mr. Robert Morin, and Chairman Ben Wagner. Also present
was Lisa R. Warren, Recording Secretary.
MINUTES: The Minutes for the Regular Meeting of October 21, 1991
were submitted for approval. Mr. Gilbert moved to accept the
minutes as written. Robert Morin seconded. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Chairman Wagner stated the next item on the
Agenda was the election of Firefighter James Castetter by the
Firefighters to take the place of Bill Finch on the Board.
Chairman Wagner stated the Board will welcome him at the next
meeting and the letter has been sent to the City to formalize him
at the next Council meeting.
The next item on the Agenda was the election of officers.
Chairman Wagner stated the Secretary was no longer a member of the
Board and as they can see from their packets, his letter of
resignation as Chairman is in it. Chairman Wagner opened
nominations of the office of Chairman. Lt. Carson nominated Al
Gilbert. Mr. Morin seconded. There were no other nominations for
the office of Chairman. Chairman Wagner closed the nominations
for Chairman. Motion CARRIED 4-0. (Mr. Gilbert abstained and as
there was no conflict of interest it is considered an affirmative
vote.) Chairman Wagner stated since the vote went as it did, he
declared Mr. Gilbert Chairman and turned over the running of the
remainder of the meeting to Chairman Gilbert. Mr. Wagner
congratulated Chairman Gilbert and assured him of his utmost
support. Chairman Gilbert thanked the Board.
Chairman Gilbert stated the Secretary position should be put on
hold until the new member is present at the next meeting. Lt.
Carson moved to table the vote for Secretary until the next
meeting. Mr. Wagner seconded. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
Chairman Gilbert stated he would get with the Recording Secretary
after the holiday and get the letter and mailing list for the
Custodians. He stated they might want a bank to be the Custodian
rather than hire a Custodian.
Chairman Gilbert stated he would like to see a joint meeting
between the Board and the City to convey to the City how we can
work together for the benefit of the Pension Fund. He stated he
would like it to be in January and would like Attorney Sugarman to
be there.
Chairman Gilbert stated the letter for the State describing the
Chapter Plan with a 2 1/2% still needs to be done and he would get
to it after the holidays.
Mr. Morin stated he had turned in a bill for the briefcases. He
purchased 5 briefcases for $19.00 each. Mr. Morin moved to send a
check to for the bill for the briefcases. Mr. Wagner seconded.
Motion CARRIED 4-0.
Firemen's Pension Trust Board
Minutes 12/23/91
Page 2
NEW BUSINESS: Chairman Gilbert stated the State Audit needed to be
done. He stated if it meets the requirements of the State they
would take an exerpt of the City's audit and let it go for this
Chairman Gilbert stated Attorney Sugarman's bill needed to be
itemized as it was cumbersome to read. Mr. Wagner moved to pay
the bill and future bills should be clarified to meet the Finance
Director's criteria. Mr. Morin seconded. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
Mr. Wagner suggested extending thanks to Mr. Morin for the job he
did on the briefcases. Chairman Wagner thanked Mr. Morin.
There was discussion concerning Attorney Sugarman's contract that
had been questioned by the Finance Director relating that it was a
letter of engagement and there was no retainer fee.
DISCUSSION ITEMS: Chairman Gilbert stated he wanted to set up a
meeting between the Board, the City Attorney, and the new City
Manager sometime in January. He stated the City needed to be
informed as to the powers and responsibilities required of the
Board by State Statute.
There was discussion as to the date of the next meeting. The
meeting was set for Tuesday, January 22, 1992.
There being no more business, Lt Carson moved to adjourn. Mr.
Morin seconded.
Meeting adjourned 7:12 P.M.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Lisa R. Warren, Recording Secretary
It a~ person decides to appeal any decision made b.Y the Pension
Board of Trustees with respect to any matter considered at the
above meeting, that person will need a record of the proceedings
and, for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record
ot the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony
and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.