03-24-1994 - Special .. -.. ..;-' , .~ ...." Ed~ater Firefighters' Pension -.(Jnd Minutes Special Meeting, March 24, 1994 Fire Administration Office, 1605 S. Ridgewood A venue 6:40 p.m. Call to Order: The Special Meeting of the Edgewater Firefighters' Pension fund was called to Order at 6:40 p.m. in the Fire Administration Office at 1605 South Ridgewood A venue, Edgewater. Roll Call: Members present were Mr. William Vola, Firefighter Michael Hayes, Mr. Ben Wagner, Mr. Robert Morin, and Chairman Al Gilbert. Minutes: There were no Minutes to be approved at this time. Investment ReDort: Chairman Gilbert stated he was trying to put something together on the computer so that they could have a monthly report other than what Smith Barney Shearson sends the Board. He went on to discuss the fluctuations of the value of the investments and how the form would be used. Chairman's ReDort: Chairman Gilbert stated he had a meeting with Linda Linsey, the City Manager, the Finance Director and himself. He added it was a very productive meeting. Chairman Gilbert related that the City Manager and Linda Linsey advised the Finance Director that the way he was stonewalling the Chairman was not the way it was going to be. Chairman Gilbert stated he had had no problem since then. He added they would have to have another meeting when the Annual Report and Audit are done to decide where they are going with the way they report their funds, etc. Chairman Gilbert infonned the Board how things were going to be valued. He added the City had a problem with putting in money quarterly since they didn't know how much money to put in when they don't file the Annual Report until February. Chairman Gilbert stated the City put in one deposit last year in August for the full amount of the City's contribution and this would not be happening again as the City will be depositing quarterly and making up the difference in the last quarter. The auditors' report was given to the Board and the Chairman asked if there were any questions. There was discussion regarding the audit. Chairman Gilbert stated he feels they have fulfilled their obligations. Chairman Gilbert stated there is a bill before the Insurance Department to mandate the State under the Constitution instead of under Chapter #112 which is the Protection of Public Employee Retirement Benefits Act and to move it into Section #16 Article #10 of the Florida Constitution this will have to go on the ballot in November. Chairman Gilbert stated he O.K.'d the Annual Report with Mr. Munoz this past week and they needed to finish signing the two sheets tonight. Mr. Vola stated it needed to be accepted by the Board before it is signed. Mr. Vola stated it might be appropriate to take a break to allow the members to read over the report. Meeting recessed at 7:02 p.m. Meeting resumed 7:09 p.m. Chairman Gilbert asked if there were any questions. Chairman Gilbert stated they needed to send the Summary Plan along with this and he hoped everyone had a chance to look over it since last month. Firefighter Hayes asked if it had to be turned in with the Annual Report. Chairman Gilbert stated yes. There was discussion regarding turning the Summary Plan in as is or holding it back until it could be reviewed and adopted properly. There was some discussion regarding items in the Summary Plan. Mr. Vola moved to accept the Annual Report and authorized the Chairman to execute it and send it to the State. Mr. Morin seconded. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Mr. Vola asked if a copy should be sent to Smith Barney Shearson and Mr. Sugarman. Chairman Gilbert agreed. Mr. Vola stated they should set a specific date to come back and go over the Summary Plan. Chairman Gilbert stated that April 19th would be the next meeting and they should be prepared to go over it at that time. New Business: Chairman Gilbert stated they had received a letter from the State stating they would be shorted $90 next year due to an overpayment last year. Mr. Vola asked if the differences worked out by the auditors and the Finance Department affected the bottom line on last year's report to where the increase would offset the $90. Chairman Gilbert stated it would not. Chairman Gilbert stated there was a bill from Mr. Sugarman, Board Attorney in the amount of $112 from conversations the Chairman had with him on the audit and where he had to look over the audit. Mr. Vola asked if Mr. Sugarman would be sending a bill for a letter for the audit. Chairman Gilbert stated he had asked that Mr. Sugarman keep that bill down. Mr. Morin moved to pay Mr. Sugarman's bill for $112.50 Mr. Wagner seconded. Motion CARRIED 5-0. ,...,. """'" ....... '--" Chairman Gilbert stated they have the bill from Ernst & Young for the audit. Mr. Vola moved to pay the bill from Ernst & Young for $1500 for the audit. Mr. Morin seconded. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Old Business: Chairman Gilbert stated he wrote a letter to the City Manager to request to be on the Agenda to change the Ordinance. There was discussion regarding the starting date. Chairman Gilbert stated they would probably not get on the agenda until April. Chairman Gilbert stated just to let them know that its going through Tallahassee and it will be passed unless somebody dumps it, they are spelling out that all pension plans are going to have to have their own attorney, money manager, and auditor. He added they are doing this because some of the plans are in trouble and it will cost. There was discussion on how this will affect the pension funds. There was discussion regarding what they should start looking into next. Firefighter Hayes stated the membership had asked them to check into heath benefits on retirement and cost of living raises. There was discussion regarding the Pay for Performance Plan and ways to look at cost of living raises. There was discussion regarding the different amount the employees put into the pension plans and how much the City contributes to the various plans. There was discussion regarding how to go about increasing benefits for the membership. Adiournment: There being no more business to come before the Board at this time. Mr. Wagner moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Morin seconded. Meeting adjourned at 7:58 p.m. Minutes Respectfully Submitted By: Lisa R. Warren, Recording Secretary If any person decides 'to appeal any decision made by 'the pension Board of Trus'tees wi'th respec't to any ma't'ter considered a't 'the above mee'ting, 'tha't person will need a record of 'the proceedings and, for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the 'testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance wi'th the Americans with needing a special accommodation to should contac't Fire Adainistration no proceeding. Disabili'ties Act of 1990, persons participate in this proceeding later 'than 48 hours prior to the Telephone (904) 424-2445 for assistance, if hearing impaired, telephone the Florida Relay Service Numbers, 1-800-955-8771 (TDD) or 1-800-955- 8770 (voice), for assistance. 2