Ed~ater Firefighters' Pension -....and
Regular Meeting, April 19, 1994
Fire Administration Office, 1605 S. Ridgewood Avenue
6:27 p.m.
Call to Order: The Regular Meeting of the Edgewater Firefighters' Pension Fund was
called to Order at 6:27 p.m. in the Fire Administration Office at 1605 South Ridgewood
A venue, Edgewater.
Roll Call: Members present were Mr. William Vola, Firefighter Michael Hayes, Mr.
Ben Wagner, and Chairman Al Gilbert. Mr. Robert Morin was Absent. Also present was
Mr. Steve Burkhalter from Smith Barney Shearson and Recording Secretary Lisa R.
Investment Report: .Mr. Burkhalter congratulated the Board on having $127,300 in the
fund at this time. He added the current cash position was is approximately $21,800 so they
had some money they should invest. Mr. Burkhalter presented his proposal to the Board at
this time. There was discussion regarding his proposal. Mr. Vola moved to accept Mr.
Burkhalter's proposal to put $10,000 in a FREDMAC and $10,000 in a Treasury Bill. Mr.
Wagner seconded. Motion CARRIED 4-0. Mr. Burkhalter was given a copy of the Audit.
The Board thanked Mr. Burkhalter for his presentation and he left at this time.
Minutes: The Minutes of the February 22, 1994 Special Meeting were submitted for
approval. Mr. Vola moved to approve the Minutes as submitted. Mr. Wagner seconded.
Motion CARRIED 4-0. The Minutes of the March 24, 1994 Special Meeting were
submitted for approval. Mr. Wagner moved to accept the Minutes as submitted. Mr. Vola
seconded. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
Old Business: There was discussion regarding the Summary Plan. Mr. Vola stated he
had obtained a copy of the Police Department's Summary Plan Document which was put
together by a Plan Consultant. He asked that the Board look at it as this Document goes
into more depth than the other one. There was discussion regarding this document. The
Board decided to go over the new document and come back with their comments at the next
New Business: Board Attorney Sugarman's Bill was submitted for payment. There was
discussion regarding his bill. Mr. Vola expressed his feelings regarding Mr. Sugarman's
rates. He added he had requested a list from the League of Cities of the attorneys who
practice in the area of municipal pensions. Mr. Vola asked that after that list came back if
the Board could go out for Request For Proposals for legal service. There was discussion
regarding this subject. Mr. Wagner moved to pay the bill for Mr. Sugarman in the amount
of $150.00. Firefighter Hayes seconded. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
There was discussion regarding the Pension Seminar that would be held in Daytona Beach
on June. Mr. Wagner moved that barring any conflict they will send one person to the
seminar in Daytona. Mr. Vola seconded. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
There was discussion regarding the date of the next meeting. The next meeting date was set
for Tuesday, June 7 with the primary subject of discussion being the Summary Plan.
Adjournment: There being no more business to come before the Board at this time Mr.
Vola moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Wagner seconded. Meeting adjourned at 7:40
Minutes Respectfully Submitted By:
Lisa R. Warren, Recording Secretary
If any person decides t.o appeal any decision made by t.he pension Board
of Trust.ees wi t.h respect. t.o any mat.t.er considered at. t.he above meet.ing,
t.hat. person will need a record of t.he proceedings and, for such
purpose, may need t.o ensure t.hat. a verbat.im record of t.he proceedings
is made, which record includes t.he t.est.imony and evidence upon which
t.he appeal is t.o be based.
In accordance wit.h t.he Americans wit.h
needing a special accommodat.ion t.o
should cont.act. Fire Administ.rat.ion no
Disabilit.ies Act. of 1990, persons
part.icipat.e in t.his proceeding
lat.er t.han 48 hours prior t.o t.he
Telephone (904) 424-2445 for assist.ance, if hearing impaired, t.elephone
t.he Florida Relay Service Numbers, 1-800-955-8771 (TDD) or 1-800-955-
8770 (voice), for assist.ance.