05-10-2001 . I' \ ... w 'V~~~ Edge\vater Firefighters' Pension Fund Regular Meeting Thursday, May 10,2001 5:32 p.m. Call to Order: Chairman Jollie called a Regular Meeting of the Edgewater Firefighters' Pension Board to order on Thursday, May 10,2001 at 5:32 p.m. in the Training Room of Fire Station #57. Members present were: Chairman Jim Jollie, Ms. Laura Reilly, Lt. Jill Landreville, Mr. Gary Butt and Mr. Marty Tse. Also present was Ms. Bonnie Wenzel, Recording Secretary. Mr. Lance Powers of Trusco Capital Management also attended the meeting. Minutes: The minutes of the February 13,2001 meeting were presented for approval. A motion to approve the minutes as submitted was made by Lt. Landreville with a second from Mr. Butt. The motion CARRIED 5-0. Old Business: Status of 2000 Yearly Report (Personnel Department): Chairman Jollie stated he had received a letter from the State saying they had not received the 2000 Yearly Report. Lt. Landreville reported she had spoken with Donna Looney of the Finance Department, who indicated the report is nearly complete. Chairman Jollie said he would do a follow-up next week to see where they stand. Actuarial Study Between the General Employees and the Fire Department (tabled from October 17,2000 and February 13, 2001 meetings): Chairman Jollie said we need to find out about the extra monies put aside each year from 'the improvements and establish what can done to make improvements. He said we are unsure how much money is available and what types of benefits it can be used to fund. Chairman Jollie said he felt we should contact Mr. Foster and ask for his advise on the questions mentioned to know where we stand. A motion was made by Lt. Landreville to send a letter to Mr. Foster asking for clarification of how much money we'have, what it can be used for, and ask Mr. Foster for a recommendation. Mr. Butt made a second to the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0, Fiduciary Liability Insurance (to be paid by the City): Chairman Jollie reported the City is going to be paying for the insurance again. He said he would contact the City to find out exactly when this will transpire and any other particulars. After discussion, Chairman Jollie said he would report these findings at the next meeting. New Business: None at this time. Discussion Items: Update from Lance Powers of Trusco Capital Management - Regarding the Transition from Previous Money Managers at Sun Trust Investments: Lance Powers was introduced by Chairman Jollie. Mr. powers gave the board members an update on the Defined Benefit Pension Plan booklets that were mailed out previous to the meeting. He explained the transition from the 1 . . '-" WJ1f previous money manager. Mr. Powers said there were three capital money managers under the SunTrust umbrella. All three have been merged into one. He explained there hasn't been any change in the money manager personnel. Chairman Jollie asked Mr. Powers if he was the primary contact person, of which Mr. Powers replied yes. Chairman Jollie explained there was confusion as to where the City checks were going. Mr. Powers explained the checks go to the account officer then are deposited to the firefighters pension account. Mr. Powers also explained if he is absent he has an assistant to cover for him. Lt. Landreville said the Board Attorney had informed them there were changes in the Florida Statutes regarding investment policies. Mr. Powers explained the book he passed out to the Board members, giving an explanation of the investment overview. He discussed the drop in the market and the increase in the market that started in April. Mr. Powers also gave a summary of the effects of the market. Mr. Powers stated he is cautiously optimistic about the future. The fiscal policy is on our side (Bush's tax cut) and we have the Fed's on our side. We think by the end of this year and into 2002 there will be a nice recovery and opportunity to grow. Mr. Powers continued discussion with the Board regarding investment possibilities. Lt. Landreville made a motion to have Chairman Jollie contact Sugarman & Susskind to see what changes need to be made in the investment policy to come into compliance with Florida Statutes and whether we should employ a money management consulting firm to oversee our accounts. Ms. Reilly seconded the motion. The motion CARRIED 5-0. Pension Schools: The Board discussed the need to attend a pension school and suggested possibly going to a school offered in the fall. Adjournment: There being no additional business to come before the Board a motion was made and approved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 6:15. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Sondra M. Pengov Recording Secretary :smp Minules05-1 0-0 l.reg.mlg Edgcwater Firefighters' Pension Fund Regular Meeting May 10,2001 2