11-12-2001 - Special '-'" ...., Edgewater Firefighter's Pension Fund Special Meeting Monday, November 12, 2001 Station 55, 1605 S. Ridgewood Avenue 3:30 p.m. Call To Order: Chairman Jollie called to order a special meeting of the Edgewater Firefighters1 Pension Fund Board on MondaY1 November 131 2001 at 3:33 p.m. at Station 55. Welcome: Chairman Jollie introduced PM Ron Hayward. PM Hayward was elected to the Board by his fellow firefighters. PM Hayward replaced Captain Jill Landreville. Roll Call: Members present were Chairman Jim Jollie1 PM Ron Hayward1 Mr. Gary Butt and Mr. Marty Tse. Also present were Chief Barlow1 Ms. Donna LooneY1 and recording secretary Beverly Kinney-Johnson. Ms. Laura Reilly was excused. Approval of Minutes: The minutes of October 31 2001 meeting were presented for approval. A motion to approve the minutes as submitted was made by Mr. Butt1 seconded by Mr. Tse. Motion carried 4-0. Old Business: Volunteer Buy Back Plan CostjPension Improvements: Chairman Jollie prepared a letter to Foster and Foster1 dated September 25,2001 regarding changes to our pension plan allowing a volunteer "buy back" prior to full time status. Mr. Patrick Donlan of Foster and Foster sent a letter back to Chairman Jollie1 dated October 41 2001. The cost to do a study on the proposed volunteer "buy back" will cost one thousand dollars ($11000.00). Chairman Jollie suggested the Board could also include other studies requested1 such as a military "buy back" stipend. Chairman Jollie asked the members if there was anything they would like to add. Chief Barlow stated there were probably enough career members to start thinking about a drop at twenty (20) years. Chairman Jollie stated it could take two years to get these things implemented. He also stated the buy back time for career members can be given a monthly set amount on their pension above their normal retirement. Chairman Jollie added he would like to see some type of stipend included for medical care and military "buy back". Mr. Butt moved to have Foster and Foster do an actuarial study for full-time firefighters who began as volunteers. He added the Chairman should handle this matter. Motion seconded by Mr. Tse. Mter some discussion Mr. Butt '-' ...., Edgewater Firefighters' Pension Fund Board Special Meeting November 12, 2001 Page 2 amended his motion to include military "buy back" with four (4) years maximum service, and a possible stipend, meant for health care, for career retirees. Amended motion seconded by Mr. Tse. Motion carried 4-0. Chairman Jollie stated the City used to ask for a budget for the Pension Board. The requests stopped, but the Chairman would like to see a budget for the Board to begin once again. Monthly Calendar: Chairman Jollie discussed the problems with daytime meetings vs. work schedules of the members, and night meetings vs. availability of City personnel. He added the Board is required to have a meeting in January, April, July, and October. Chairman Jollie also stated any special meetings are held when the Board needs hold a meeting. Chairman Jollie stated he does not want to exclude anyone. Chairman Jollie suggested 5:15 to 5:30. Mr. Tse moved to hold the regular Board meeting on the 3rd Tuesday (January, April, July and October) between 5:15p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Motion was seconded by Mr. Butt. Motion carried 4-0. New Business: Election oj Secretary: Chairman Jollie stated former member Captain Jill Landreville was the secretary for the Board. Chairman Jollie opened the floor for nominations. Chairman Jollie passed the gavel to Mr. Tse, and nominated Ron Hayward for secretary. Mr. Butt moved the nominations be closed. Ron Hayward was unanimously elected as the new secretary of the Board. Election oj 5th Member to the Board.: Chairman Jollie referred the members to a letter from Gary Butt asking for reappointment to the Board. Chairman Jollie noted that copies of other people seeking appointment to the Board were enclosed in the member's packets. Recording secretary Ms. Johnson stated there were no new applications, since the year 2000, requesting appointment to the Board. Chairman Jollie passed the gavel to Mr. Tse and nominated Gary Butt be reappointed as the 5th member of the Board. Nominations were closed, and Gary Butt was unanimously reappointed to the Board. F.P.P. T.A. - 2002 Annual Membership (Florida Public Pension Trustees Association): Chairman Jollie stated the Board let their membership lapse about two years ago, and suggested the Board join F.P.P.T.A. at a cost of three hundred and fifty dollars ($350.00) this year, and continue being a member of the Trustees Association (F.P.P.T.A.). There were no objections from the Board. Chairman Jollie asked for a motion. Mr. Hayward so moved, seconded by Mr. Butt. Motion carried 4-0. .'W' .",., Edgewater Firefighters' Pension Fund Board Special Meeting November 12, 2001 Page 3 Chairman Jollie discussed the new signature sheets from SunTrust to authorize the release of funds for the Board. He added the forms should be in at any time. Discussion Items: Outside Audit & Ff.duci.ary LiabUf.ty: Chairman Jollie stated Fiduciary Liability is an insurance policy. He added that having this insurance would offset a lawsuit. Chairman Jollie stated the Outside Audit is required every three (3) years the Board is suppose to have an independent agency audit our fund. Edgewater Police Officer Gary Conroy from the Police Pension Fund visited Chairman Jollie at his home and stated he had spoken to someone and it would cost about seven thousand dollars ($7,000.00) for this study. Chairman Jollie continued by saying he had spoken to Debby Sigler and Donna Looney of Human Resources. Per Chairman Jollie, the Board has not spoken with any agency, and City Hall is going to do a request proposal and do all of the legwork to fmd the least expensive, and most suitable agency to do our Outside Audit as well as our Fiduciary Liability Insurance. There was some discussion about forwarding a letter from Chairman Jollie to Human Resources so City Hall can start. Chairman Jollie asked for a motion. Mr. Tse moved to have Chairman Jollie draft a letter to Human Resources to start Fiduciary Liability R.F.P.'s. Motion carried unanimously (4-0). Records for Pension Fund Board: Chairman Jollie stated he found a ton of back up files and had spent a lot of time going over all the files with Lisa Miller. He added he had read the State law, and discovered the Secretary of the Board was responsible for keeping of the records. Chairman Jollie then asked Donna Looney to sum up the City's procedure in the record keeping for the Fire Pension Fund Board. Ms. Looney stated that part of Debby Sigler's function is to oversee the pension; she explains the pension when new employees are hired, and discusses retirement with employees, by ordering a study of what their pension would be. Human Resources then contacts the pension company, gives them all the information that they need and the pension company sends back to the City the figures. Ms. Sigler then calls the employee in to discuss their options. Human Resources (as the City) complete all the paper work and submit it. She added they also do a yearly report on the employees. ..... ...., Edgewater Firefighters' Pension Fund Board Special Meeting November 12, 2001 Page 4 Chairman Jollie reminded the Board of the meetings held regarding a past employees request for retirement. He added the Board did not need to get involved, because Human Resources deals with all of it. He added that in the future all requests regarding retirement or confidential personnel information should go directly to Human Resources. Ms. Johnson stated the confidential information kept at the Fire/Rescue Administrative office is only copies, but should be kept in a locked area, not available to everyone. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Board, Mr. Butt moved to adjoum at approximately 4:30 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Beverly Kinney-Johnson Recording Secretary Pension.11120 1