04-15-1993 ~ ,rt Y' -....... c....r:;r.. , '\ \, ...... CITY OF EDGEWATER CITIZEN CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1993 COMMUNITY CENTER 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman George cowan called to order the regular meeting of the Citizen Code Enforcement Board at 7:00 p.m., Thursday, April 15, 1993. ROLL CALL: Members present were Chairman George Cowan, Mr. Roberts, Mr. schmidt, Mrs. Strong, Mrs. Borner and Mrs. Cucanich. Also present were Bever 1 Y Kinney- Johnson, Code Enforcement off icer , Mark P. Karet, Director of Community Development, Krista A. Storey, City Attorney and Liz McBride, secretary. Mrs. Delnigro was absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: . <f..- L J. .1' ~ 5"-" 0 rr- -' ';-\ Ct-.J Mrs. cucanich made a motion to accept the minutes of March 18, 1993. seconded by Mr. Roberts. Motion CARRIED-a-t. Mrs. Borner abstained as she was absent from the March 18, 1993 meeting. SWEARING IN OF WITNESSES: Chairman Cowan requested Beverly Kinney-Johnson, code Enforcement Officer and anyone else with statements or comments pertaining to any of the cases stand and be sworn in. Mrs. Johnson and Mr. Rich Morin, 1821 S. Ridgewood, Edgewater, Florida were sworn in at this time. CASES IN COMPLIANCE/WITHDRAWN: Beverl Y Kinney- Johnson, code Enforcement Off icer , reported the following cases in compliance or withdrawn: * 93-CE-0036(B), Associates of Meadow Lake - In compliance * 93-CE-0160, Carole J. swan - In compliance * 93-CE-0163, Danny W. & Mary L. Webb - compliance * 93-CE-0171, Larry H. & Linda J. walton - In compliance 1 ,...., - ... ~ \JNl1!.}l1.SI1ED I1US1.}lES.!: ,1" 11 dirt placed in ~;X _ maS G. Ell~S - ~ 1) Code BnfO!Ce C Se *93_CE-001S - Tho . ts section 9.5-55' . e which was heard. a . ''En nO pe:(1ll.1-' 'ed thiS cas ding ~1-9ht_ot-wayW1- , y_Johnson reV1-ew continued pen officer BeverlY K1-nn~ ch 18 1993 and ,was PhotOgraphS were by the Board ~:om :;le l'egiey, City Bnj~~~:~;' stated attempts b~ rec011l1!\endat1-0n rd for review. Mrs. re unsuccessful an presented to the BOat contact the violat~r ~e 1 1993 to correct her and Mr. l'egle{h ~iolator be given unUl a&30. 00) per day be rec011l1!\ended that e fine of thirty dollars the violat~on or a imposed. t and the after hearing the ftesti~~n{o cf:se:~urober 93-CE- MrS. Borne~, of staff moved in re eren Ed ewater Code of ~~~~~~~a ~1-~~o la ti?n of sdecg~nai i;~;~ (~to ~~ t:e ha; ?011l1!\i t ted ~~ey d' eS does eX1-St an 'ty of the V1-0lat1-0n, ~~ot'.:.~~~n. After considf;:O~ ~e c~~~';,';,t the violation, at t~~i actions taken by the V1-~ the violator, further mo~e , reviouS violations co1llffi1-tted by 1993 to correct the vlolat~On ~he violator be given untll May 1, d for each day the violatlon and that a fine of $30.00 be l1~S~y Mrs. strong. Motion CARRIED continues past that date. secon e 6-0. NEW BUSINES~: CASE *93_CE-Ol15 _ Bdgewater Quick Lube - freestanding signS not permitted. sectJ.on 3- 8 (a \ (2) a .1. code Bnforceme~ t Off lcer Bever1 Y Kinney-Johnson reported the violation was flrst observed on l'ebruary 22 1993 and waS to be corrected by March 5, 1993. PhotographS 'were presented to the Board for review. upon reinspectiOn of the property on April 13, 1993, Mrs. Johnson found that no corrective action had been taken and recommended that the violator be given until May 1, 1993 to correct the violation or , fine of thirty dollars ($30.00) per day be imposed. Mr. Morin stated the freestanding sign has been on the prope' since 1989 and is used to block a bay off when a bay is tied Mr. Morin alsO stated the sign is not for advertising an( essential to the businesS. Mr. Schmidt, after hearing the testimony presented aD recommendation of staff, moved in reference to Case Number 0115 that a violation of section 3-8 (a) (2) a.1. of the Er code of ordinances does exist and the alleged violi commi tted the vio la tion. After cons i de ring the gravit vlOlatlon, any actlOnS taken by the violator to co violation, and any previOUS violations committed by th' further moved that the vi~lator be given until May correct the vlolatlon by elther painting over the w) 2 .... ....., there is no lettering or totally removing it from the outside of the property and that a fine of $30.00 be imposed for each day the violation continues past that date. Seconded by Mrs. Borner. Motion CARRIED 6-0. DISCUSSION ITEMS: * * Mrs. Cucanich - Compliance with sewer hook-up. Mr. Schmidt - Signs. CODE ENFORCEMENT COMMENTS: None at this time. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, a motion was made and accepted to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:43 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Elizabeth J. McBride, Secretary Citizen Code Enforcement Board 3