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January 15,1998
5:30 p.M.
Chairman Anthony Fowler called to order the regular meeting of the Citizen Code Enforcement
Board at 5:45 p.m., Thursday, January 15, 1998.
Members present were Chairman Anthony Fowler, Frank Roberts, Maureen Bomer, and Donald
Schmidt. Also present were Beverly Kinney-Johnson, Code Enforcement Officer; Nikki Clayton,
Interim City Attorney; Lynne Plaskett, Acting Director of Community Development; and Liz
McBride, Board Coordinator. Joan Strong was excused and Dennis Vincenzi was absent.
Mr. Schmidt moved to accept the minutes of November 20, 1997, seconded by Mr. Roberts. Mrs.
Bomer did not vote because she was not present at the November 20, 1997 meeting. Motion
CARRIED 3-1, since the majority voted approval.
Chairman Fowler requested Beverly Kinney-Johnson, Code Enforcement Officer, and anyone else
with statements or comments pertaining to any of the cases, stand and be sworn in. Mrs. Johnson
and Tere Trimble, 2814 Royal Palm Drive, Edgewater, were sworn in at this time.
* 97-CE-0845, Gertrude Angus, continued
1. Election of Vice Chairman
In consideration of those present for the first case under new business, Chairman Fowler wanted to
address this item later in the meeting.
Citizen Code Enforcement Board
January 15, 1998 - Minutes
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1. Case #97-CE-I011 - Tere Trimble. Accommodations for rent not permitted in the R-2B
Single Family Residential district, Section 602.04.2 (a) & (b). Code Enforcement Officer Beverly
Kinney-Johnson reported she first became aware of the violation on November 19, 1997, after
receiving a complaint from Cpt. Yeomans of the Edgewater Police Department. Acting on Cpt.
Yeomans's statement, a Notice of Violation was sent to the owner on November 20, 1997, setting
December 30, 1997 for the date of compliance. Ms. Johnson said Mr. Trimble called the office on
November 25, 1997, stating he was only renting to one family; a husband and wife, her brother, and
one child. Ms. Johnson stated she found three different names listed in the telephone directory for
the property in question. In an affidavit received from Cpt. Yeomans, she said he observed at least
seven adults and an unknown number of children in the residence and that the bedroom doors were
lettered A, B & c. On January 7, 1997, Ms. Johnson said she met the Building Inspector, the former
Building Official, and a Police Officer at the site, and they discovered numerous code violations. At
that time, a female resident told them Mr. Trimble gave those living at the residence until January 15,
1998 to vacate. On January 8, 1998, Ms. Johnson said Mr. Trimble contacted Robin Wolf of the City
Attorney's office to see about obtaining a list of the code violations found on the property so he could
make the necessary repairs. Ms. J ohoson reinspected the property on January 15, 1998, and found
no corrective action had been taken. She recommended the Violator be given until February 1, 1998,
to correct the violation or a fine of$50.00 per day be imposed.
Mr. Roberts asked if the code violations found at the site could be disclosed. Ms. Johnson said the
violations could possibly come before the Board at a later time. Mr. Roberts felt the violations may
impact his decision of the current case.
Tere Trimble, 2814 Royal Palm Drive, Edgewater, said he had a list of the violations found at the site
in question. He stated he gave written notice to the residents to be out of the premises by January
10, 1998, but they were still in the house. He said he had fixed a majority of the violations, and
intended to hire a contractor to fix additional items when the house was vacated. After much
discussion, Mr. Trimble explained what, and who, he observed at various times while visiting the
residence. He said he only rented the house to Tom and Mark McFarland. He said he filed a five-day
eviction notice on January 15 with the Sheriffs department.
Mr. Roberts questioned why this case was before the Board ifit was a police matter. Ms. Johnson
explained, she acted on the word of the Cpt. Yeomans and his affidavit. She said, after observing the
inside of the residence, it appeared to be set up as rental units. She said police matters concerning
the property were still under investigation, and felt the only thing she could deal with at this point,
was the number of occupants in the residence.
Nikki Clayton, Interim City Attorney, explained that on the face of it, it looked like a rooming house
was operating in a single-family residential neighborhood, and said the Board may want to have
further evidence. Ms. Clayton reiterated Mr. Trimble saying he was doing his utmost to correct the
problems. She said perhaps the Board would want to wait until the residence is brought into
compliance, which may be by the recommended time of February 1, 1998.
Citizen Code Enforcement Board
January 15, 1998 - Minutes
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Mr. Trimble stated he didn't know how the five-day eviction worked, but he didn't want to see the
girl and the baby thrown out onto the street He said that was the reason he had been so lenient
Ms. Clayton suggested since Mr. Trimble said he wanted to bring the house into compliance, he
needed some time for the eviction to take place. She said it was the Board's discretion to decide the
length of time needed to comply with the zoning violation, and perhaps the other code violations not
presently before the Board, would also be abated.
Mr. Roberts, after hearing the testimony presented and the recommendation of staff, moved in
reference to Case Number 97-CE-1011 that the Board extend the case until the Police have finished
their investigations, then bring it back to the Board, seconded by Mrs. Borner.
Chairman Fowler said the only reason he would extend the time would be to allow time for the
evictions to happen. Mr. Roberts said he made the motion because he felt police activities were not
code enforcement decisions. The Chairman said the only thing the Board was making a motion on
now, was the zoning issue. Chairman Fowler suggested either postponing the case for a month and
reviewing again if not in compliance, or give Mr. Trimble a specific date and start fines if not in
compliance. Ms. Clayton asked Ms. Johnson how much time had been given to correct the other
code violations. Ms. Johnson said a written report by the former Building Official was done on
January 7, and usually thirty days is given to comply. Mr. Trimble felt that was enough time for him
to come into compliance.
Mr. Roberts amended his motionfor the Violator to come into compliance by February 19, 1998.
To avoid confusion over the motion, Chairman Fowler asked Mrs. Bomer to resend her second to
the first motion, and asked Mr. Roberts to start over.
Mr. Roberts, qfter hearing the testimony presented and recommendation of staff, moved in reference
to Case Number 97-CE-10lJ that the Board extend the case until February 19, 1998, to see ifit
comes into compliance, or if not in compliance, rehear the case, seconded by Mr. Schmidt. Motion
1. Election of Vice Chairman
With the consensus of the Board, Chairman Fowler postponed the election of Vice Chairman until
there was a full Board.
New Business Con't:
2. Interview Applicants for Board Recommendation
Chairman Fowler asked the three interested applicants to tell the Board why they would like to be
appointed to the Board. Susan Hammond, Linda Johnson and Robert Morin addressed the Board.
Citizen Code Enforcement Board
January 15, 1998 - Minutes
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3. Select Nominee(s) for Council Approval
Chairman Fowler asked Interim City Attorney Nikki Clayton if the Board needed to make their
selection at the present meeting. Ms. Clayton said the Council was currently discussing how to
handle appointments to all City Boards, therefore, there was no rush to forward the Board's
recommendation to them. The Chairman felt the Board should make their selection when there was
a full Board. He thanked the applicants, and told them the Board would make its recommendation
to City Council in the near future.
None at this time.
None at this time.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at
6:25 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Elizabeth J. McBride, Board Coordinator
Citizen Code Enforcement Board
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