06-05-2013AGENDA CITY OF EDGEWATER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING JUNE 5, 2013 8:00 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS We respectfully request that all electronic devices are set for no audible notification. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT ALL PUBLIC MEETINGS ARE RECORDED AND MAY BE STREAMED ON THE CITY'S WEBSITE 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular meeting of May 1, 2013 4. CITY AND OTHER REPORTS: A. City Manager Update B. Economic Development /Events Coordinator Update C. Planning and Zoning Board Update D. SEVCC Update E. Volusia County Department of Economic Development 5. CONTINUED BUSINESS: A. Open Positions on Board & Applications B. Draft By- Law Amendments 6. NEW BUSINESS: A. Election for Chairman and Vice - Chairman 7. CHAIRMAN AND BOARD MEMBER REPORTS: 8. ADJOURNMENT: Pursuant to Chapter 286, F.S., if an individual decides to appeal any decision made with respect to any matter considered at a meeting or hearing, that individual will need a record of the proceedings and will need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. The City does not prepare or provide such record. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact City Clerk Bonnie Wenzel, 104 N. Riverside Drive, Edgewater, Florida, telephone number 386- 424 -2400 x 1101, 5 days prior to the meeting date. If you are hearing or voice impaired, contact the relay operator at 1- 800 -955- 8771 Elmv'�01 ADVISORY BOARD — VOLUNTEER APPLICATION Thank you for your interest in serving the City of Fdgewater. Your completion of this application is necessary so that the members of the City Council can thoroughly review each application as part of their consideration for the appointment. Please choose the Board(s) for which you wish to apply. If applying for more thin one Board, you must number in order of your preference. _ANIMAL CONTROL CrnZEN CODE ENFORCEMENT' _LIBRARY _ POLICE PENSION* CONSTRUCTION REGULATION* RECREATION& CULTURAL. SERVICES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLANNING &ZONING* _flREFKMTERS PENSION* _VETERANS PARK AVD, COMMITTEE Mmbers of the Boards with an asterisk ( *) art required to file a Financial Disclosure form within 30 days of appointment. Name ,lam I A &r`mr- Address I13 L'at &k A j ,5 yMr FL 3*Il3a Horne Phone /y394 Y; B %aY � BusmemVell Pbrme 316 215- M o Occupation IF - -- - «. ( % , n f5 _ Am you a resident of FAgewarer�o how long Is yourprincipal place of employment in Edgewater, Ves �ioFess:u r4 � tok 31 7 --r ly 13th SR: d�r...00 St.,,e.,2000 At the present time, do you serve on any odter City Boards orComraissions A ifyea, please list each Have you ever served on any Boards, agencies or commijam 1Y2 if yos, please list each REFERENCBS — Please Nerve, Nerve, address and phone k, JAd Name, address and phone pk" e *y o T --rr c�L- -esf1111 I RF�rf 1 S�as% W .IA h:.n. IIPage g�U N CATTO High School ��.fs �:• AJII<,-.,, College �nn .S { +�c ,fJa ern r.d. � (.)..�.r<r+ /q• ` � s( d Degree(s) A.5-<,rs � .y 0 WORK EXPERIENCE P�v414� 7� <rao;Sf_ 17.,s: :S ,r2WKr INTEREST /AcnvirI ES r -=T-,t�) COINMUNITY INVOLVEbU M' WHY DO YOU DESIRE TO SERVE ON THISR'HESE BOARD(S)2 `Ic. BXPER/BNCEIQUALIFICATIONS BELATED TO1BOARD(S) APPLYING FOR 11 �+ �t,1: 55 C2Wncr r7re w:o slv e2 Fl r•d I ]ocrd oT �kv c;'_ 171., roo ri A resume or separate shed with additional infomtdiun may be included with your application. I understand the responsibilities associated with being a board member, and I have adequate time to serve if appointed- 6,e..,._. S131113 Jj(6pyor Sig sto, Date,' J Please return this application to Bonnie Wenzel, City Clerk, City of Edgewater, P.O. Boz 100, Edgewater FL 32132 or drop off in the City Clerk's Office, 104 N. Riverside Drive, Edgewater FL 32132. If you have any questions please call 386424 -2400. OFFICE USE ONLY Dme Application Recravd Dale Appointed l0 9oaed Board Appoimed to Dale Resigned fmm Reeld 2 1Papc EDGE ryATEIt ADVISORY BOARD – VOLUNTEER APPLICATION Thank you for your interest in serving the City of Edgewater. Your completion of this application is necessary so that the members of the City Council can thoroughly review each application as part of their consideration for the appointment. Please choose the Board(s) for which you wish to apply. If applying for more than one Board You must number in order of your preference. ANMAL CONTROL _ CITIZEN CODE ENFORCEMENT- L113RA RY POLICE PENSION- —CONSTRUCTION REGULATION* _RECREATION &. CULTURAL SERVICES _ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT _PLANNING & ZONING' _FIREFIGHTERS PENSION- _VETERANS PARK AVD. COMMITTEE Members of the Boards with an asterisk (•) are required to file a Finaucial Disclosure form within 30 days of appointment. PERSONAL INFORMATION Name -C ea i L C. -SeJ/p fF N. Cc ki I P Address 21).3 V Vq P� e P nJ 0 P_ 4 e y �ei r- � ?C) 4J-/ Home Phone:�Z–Y2?31S %L Business/Cell Phone Occupation B 05 i Nos s OWN-l' Are you a resident of Edgewater how long Is your principal place of employment in Edgewater P5 At the present time, do you serve on any other City Boards or Commissions if yes, please list each Have you ever served on any Boards, agencies or committees -A-L if yes, please list each REFERENCES – Please list three business and/or personal Name, address and phone 11Page EDUCATION High School_ WORK EXPERIENCE INTEREST /ACTIVITIES INVOLVEMENT YOU DESIRE TO SERVE ON RELATED TO BOARD(S) APPLYING FOR t�JU Si p�'F.SS C J.�NPr- A resume or separate sheet with additional information may be included with your application. I understand the responsibilities associated with being a board member, and I have adequate time t serve if a tointed. Applicant Siinature Date Please return this application to Bonnie Wenzel, City Clerk, City of Edgewater, P.O. Box 100, Edgewater FL 32132 or drop off in the City Clerk's Office, 104 N. Riverside Drive, Edgewater FL 32132. If you have any questions please call 386- 424 -2400. OFFICE USE ONLY Date Application Received Date Appointed to Board Board Appointed to Date Resigned from Board 2]Page ��V pAIFq Vv 0�7 7013 El7GEWATER L. ADVISORY BOARD — VOLUNTEER APPLICATION Thank you for your interest in serving the City of Edgewater. Your completion of this application is necessary so that the members of the City Council can thoroughly review each application as part of their consideration for the appointment. Please choose the Board(s) for which you wish to apply. If applying for more than one Board, you mast number in order of your preference. ANIMAL CONTROL _CITIZEN CODE ENFORCEMENP LIBRARY _POLICE PENSION' CONSTRUCTION REGULATION' _RECREATION & CULTURAL SERVICES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLANNING & ZONING' _FIREFIGHTERS PENSION' VETERANS PARK AVD. COMMITTEE Members of the Boards with an asterisk (•) are required to file a Financial Disclosure form within 30 days of appointment. PERSONAL INFORMATION ff� Name C2G;L C. Se-bn#P, ��. �Cofr n Address -� 71) r J a 4 L J � e"1 A i'er, i'/ .?C!'l a/ Home Phonedg—y- j3-1,14� BusinesslCeli Phone nn OccupationBu5i N,ss ®w Ncf Are you a resident of Edgewaterphow long y 3 0y Is your principal place of employment in Edgewater PS At the present time, do you serve on any other City Boards or Commissions N& ,, if yes, please Have you ever served on any Boards, agencies or committees -F.L if yes, please list each _ REFERENCES — Please list three business and/or personal Name, aaoress ana pnone I I P a g c EDUCATION High School_ RELATED TO BOARD(S) APPLYING FOR A resume or separate sheet with additional information may be included with your application. I understand the responsibilities associated with being a board member, and I have adequate time cli,serve if alikouvred. - 2- t3 A�pplicanli Si nature Dace Please return this application to Bonnie Wenzel, City Clerk, City of Edgewater, P.O. Box 100, Edgewater FL 32132 or drop off in the City Clerk's Office, 104 N. Riverside Drive, Edgewater FL 32132. If you have any questions please call 386- 424 -2400. OFFICE USE ONLY Dee Application Received Date Appointed to Board Board Appointed to Date Resigned from Board 21Page B Kowall From: Jeff Berner [proptfl @gmail.mm] Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 9:46 AM To: B Kowall Subject: Application to join EDB Hello, please let me introduce myself. I am Jeff Berner. Owner of Professional Physical Therapy 1316 S. Ridgewood. I expressed an intrest to Tracy Barlow regarding developing eootourism program in Edgewater. He said it was discussed and said it made the most sense to keep ecotourism within the EDB. Tracy suggested I go to the city website and download the application. However 1 do not see a link specificly for the EDB under main menu/deparhnent /economic development. Is the job application Tracy is referring to the city job application? I am sorry I am new to the workings of city government. To signup for Edgewater's E- newsletters click http://www.cityofedgewater.orgAndex.phpinewsletter- slgnup To Like us on Facebook click htti)s: / /www.faoebook.com /pages /City- of- Edgewater- Florida/156640071072841 To visit our website click hftp: /hvww.cftvofedgewater.org/ CITY OF EDGEWATER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD BY -LAWS ARTICLE I: Official Name The official name of the this Board shall be the Economic Development Board of the City of Edgewater, Florida, hereinafter referred to as "EDB." ARTICLE II: Purpose and Intent The purpose and intent of these By -Laws is to set forth a uniform set of procedures whereby the City of Edgewater Economic Development Board may regulate the manner in which it elects officers, conducts meetings, and otherwise carries out its functions. The By -Laws will serve as a guideline in handting all affairs pertaining to the Edgewater Economic Development Board. ARTICLE III: Membership A. Voting Members and Appointments L The EDB shall have nine (9) voting members. Each member shall be appointed by City Council for a term of three (3) years and shall be subject to removal as set forth by City Council. The terms of appointment shall be staggered. 2. A quorum shall consist of five (5) members. All recommendations and actions of the Board shall require an affirmative vote of a majority of the members present. 3. Prior to appointment, prospective members shall submit a City application, stating therein a brief synopsis of their education, experience and reason for their interest in serving on the EDB. 4. To be eligible for appointment, a prospective member shall be a resident of the City of Edgewater, work within the City, represent a targeted initiative or goal that is identified in the City of Edgewater Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy or own or represent property or business interests within the City of Edgewater. Up to two (2) positions on the Board may be filled by members not meeting the aforementioned criteria, provided such appointment is justified based on the individuals qualifications, determined by a minimum of five affirmative votes of the Board. 5. No member of the EDB shall receive compensation for their service, provided, however, that members may be reimbursed for out -of- pocket expenses as approved by the City. B. Vacancies 1. During the tent of appointment, should a member of the EDB no longer be eligible based on compliance with Article III, A, the member shall forfeit the office and it shall be deemed vacant. 2. If an EDB member is absent from three(3) consecutive regular meetings without EDB By -Laws being excused by the Chairman, said member shall forfeit the office and it shall be deemed vacant. If a Board member is absent for five (5) total meetings during any calendar year, said member shall forfeit the office and it shall be deemed vacant unless a majority vote of the remaining Board recommend retention. City Council may remove any member of the EDB from office at any time. 4. Any vacancy occurring during the unexpired term of office of any member shall be filled by City Council. The vacancy shall be filled as soon as practical after it 3. Voting Conflicts 1. No member of the EDB shall vote upon any matter which would inure to his or her special private gain or loss, or any principle by whom he or she is retained, or by any relative or business associate. 2. No member of the EDB shall appear for or represent any person in any matter before the EDB other than him or herself No past member shall appear before the EDB except when representing him or herself for a period of twelve (12) calendar months after his or her service has ended. ARTICLE IV: Election of Officers A. Chairman 1 The Chairman shall serve as the presiding officer at all meetings and hearings of the EDB and appoint any committees from the EDB membership that are deemed necessary. 2. The Chairman shall be elected by a majority of the voting membership at the annual organizational meeting in the month of June for a One (1) year term. The Chairman shall be eligible for re- election. 2. Vice Chairman 1. The Vice Chairman shall be elected by the EDB from among its regular members in the same manner as the Chairman and shall be eligible for re- election. 1. The Vice Chairman shall serve as acting Chairman in the absence of the Chairman and at such times shall have the same powers and duties of the Chairman. 3. In the went of death, resignation, or removal from office of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman shall perform the various duties until such time the EDB shall elect a new Chairman and Vice Chairman. 3. Other Presiding Officers The members of the EDB may select an additional member to preside over the meeting(s) in the absence of the Chairman and Vice Chairman. 4. Board Coordinator EDB By -Laws The board coordinator shall be provided by the City and be a City employee. 2. The board coordinator shall prepare and distribute agendas, correspondence and minutes and shall establish and maintain files to ensure they are properly kept. All recorded meeting tapes shall be provided to the City Clerk for safe keeping. 3. Any correspondence prepared by a member of the EDB shall be provided to the board coordinator for distribution to the EDB members. 5. Professional Support The Board and duly authorized committees shall have access to the information and staff of the City departments as coordinated through the City Manager on such a basis as these departments are able to render assistance to the Board. Permanent staff members may be appointed to serve the Board, as provided by City Council. ARTICLE V: Meetings/Hearings 1. Regular Meetings The Board shall meet at regular intervals and at such other times as it may deem necessary for the transaction of business. 2. Special Meetings - Special meetings or hearings of the EDB may be called by the Chairman. 3. Requirements All meetings shall be open to the public, provide due public notice, follow Roberts Rule of Order and the Florida Sunshine Laws. ARTICLE VI: Powers and Duties A. The EDB shall exercise the following powers and duties: 1. Formulate plans for the use and development of property designated for commercial and industrial development. Said plans shall be submitted to City Council as recommendations and presentations shall include staff comments. 2. Annually recommend a budget to City Council for monies necessary to carry out the purpose of the Board. All actual expenditures shall be subject to the approval of the City Manager. All Board members' requests for expenditure of funds shall first be approved by the Chairman or Vice Chairman if the Chairman can not be contacted in a timely manner. 3. Promote the City of Edgewater as a prospective site for business and industrial development, provided that no expenses for advertising or other promotional methods shall be incurred without prior approval of City Council, unless specifically identified under the economic development line item of the current budget. 4. Cooperate with and assist private interests that wish to develop new or expand existing businesses in the City of Edgewater. EDB By -taws 3. Recommend to City Council options and agreements relating to the lease of City owned industrial and commercial property to prospective lessees. 4. Cary out preliminary discussions for the purpose of attracting business and industry to the City of Edgewater. All negotiations shall be done in conjunction with City Council and shall be subject to final approval of City Council. 7. To adopt rules of procedure consistent with applicable City Council resolutions and approved for legal form and correctness by the City Attorney, 8. Limitations of the Board: The Board shall not have the authority to bind the City of Edgewater to any contract or document, nor shall the Board have the power to incur any bonded indebtedness, nor to issue revenue bonds, nor shall it have the power of eminent domain. ARTICLE VII: Amendments " The By -Laws may be amended at a regular or special meeting of the El) provided that an affirmative vote of the majority of the members present is obtained and approved by the City Council. Adopted by the Board this day of '2013. Bliss Jamison, Chairman Attest: Barli . Board Coo for EDB By -Laws