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JULY 16, 1992
Chairman Hellsten called to order a regular meeting of the Land
Development and Regulatory Agency at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, July
16, 1992, in the Community Center of City Hall.
Members present were Mr.
Garthwaite, Mr. Klein, Mr.
Also present were Mark
Development, Krista Storey,
Pengov, Secretary.
Masso, Mr. Ewing, Mr. Fazzone, Mr.
Hildenbrand and Chairman Hellsten.
P. Karet, Director of Community
City Attorney and Sondra Meager-
Mr. Fazzone moved to approve
presented, seconded by Mr. Masso.
the minutes of June 11,
Motion CARRIED 7-0.
1992 as
AN-0292 Annexation of Property Located on Ranken Drive-
William Ross, Jr., Esq., authorized agent fOI- the Ranken Dl-ive
property owners, requested annexation into the City of Edgewater.
Mr. Karet gave a summary of the annexation request and described
the location of the property to be between Edgewater Landing to
the south, and the Fong property to the north. Mr. Karet also
said the property contains commercial frontage on U.S. #1 and
waterfront homesites along the river. Mr. Karet stated the
annexation would eliminate an enclave of unincorporated lands
that are surrounded by the City and concluded by saying City
staff supports the request.
After discussion regarding the fact that the City would make
water available to the properties requesting annexation, Mr.
Klein moved to deny the annexation, seconded by Mr. Ewing.
Motion FAILED 2-5. Mr. Klein and Mr. Ewing voted yes.
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Regular Meeting
July 16, 1992
Mr. Karet explained the costs of the water line and explained
the City will eventually gain money from the annexation.
Mr. Garthwaite moved to accept the
Council for approval, seconded by Mr.
2. Mr. Klein and Mr. Ewing noted no.
annexation and forward
Masso. Motion CARRIED
SE-9202 - Special Exception to Construct a Tower in the 1-1
District - Mark Dowst, P.E., authorized agent for Florida Power
and Light requested a special exception to construct a tower that
exceeds the 26 foot height limitation on an 8.8~ acre site on N.
Juniper Dl-ive.
Mr. Karet reviewed the request for the Board and stated, based
on the findings outlined, the Department of Community Development
supports the applicant's request.
Mr. Joe Hopkins, representing Mark Dowst and Associates,
explained the proposed tower will be supported by guy wires, and
will accommodate more than 120 m.p.h. winds. Mr. Hopkins
explained that the tower is designed to collapse upon itself in
the event of structural failure.
Mr. Fazzone moved to allow the special exception, seconded by Mr.
Masso. Motion CARRIED 7-0.
SP-9207 Florida Power and Liqht - Mark Dowst, P.E., authorized
agent for Florida Power and Light requested site plan approval
for an unmanned facility and tower.
Mr. Karet presented a brief background
stated staff approved the site plan.
of the site plan and
Mr. Fazzone moved to accept the site plan as amended (erect a six
foot fence>, seconded by Mr. Masso. Motion CARRIED 7-0.
ZA-9201 - Coronado Paint - Joe D. Martin, P.E., authorized agent
for Coronado Paint requested a zoning text amendment.
Mr. Karet stated the applicant is requesting rear and side yard
setbacks on properties adjacent to railroad right-of-ways be
reduced to zero in all the City's commercial and industrial zones
except the B-5, Planned Shopping Center districts. Mr. Karet
further stated he has no objection to reducing or eliminating
side and rear yard setbacks adjacent to railroad right-of-ways
provided the activity proposed for the site requires rail
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Regular Meeting
July 16, 1992
service. Mr. Karet concluded by saying, since facilities which
make use of rail service are intensive, staff further recommends
that this reduction be permitted only in Industrial districts.
Mr. Garthwaite moved to have the City Attorney and Mr. Karet
draft an ordinance and present it at the August LDRA meeting,
seconded by Mr. Hildenbrand. Motion CARRIED 7-0.
ZA-9202 Jack Strauqhn Shirley Mason, authorized agent for
Jack Straughn requested a zoning text amendment for the 1-1,
Light Industrial district to include appliance repair and sales.
Mr. Karet stated to include appliance repair
district will not cause friction between
character of the district. Mr. Karet
and sales in the 1-1
uses or impair the
said staff has no
Mr. Fazzone moved to grant the zoning text
by Mr. Masso. Motion CARRIED 7-0.
amendment, seconded
SD-89-3 - Woodrick Subdivision - Willie Wood requested final plat
appl-o va 1 .
Mr. Karet said, preliminary plat approval was granted by the LDRA
at the September 28, 1989 meeting, and the construction drawings
were approved on June 5, 1991 by the City Engineer. Mr. Karet
also said the improvements have been installed and approved by
the City Engineer and the Director of Utilities. Mr. Karet
reported, based on the findings outlined, the Department of
Community Development supports the applicant's request.
Discussion followed regarding drainage and lot size.
Mr. Ewing moved to approve the plat as presented, seconded by Mr.
Masso. Motion CARRIED 6-1. Mr. Klein voted no.
Fence Heiqht Draft (corrected text) - Mr. Karet presented to the
Board the requested corrected text for the fence height draft.
After some discussion Mr. Fazzone moved to send the draft to the
City Council, as presented, for their approval. Motion seconded
by Mr. Masso. Motion CARRIED 7-0.
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Regular Meeting
July 16,1992
Discussion on Land Development Requlations - Mr. Ewing moved to
postpone this discussion to the August 13, 1992 meeting, seconded
by Mr. Fazzone. Motion CARRIED 7-0.
A. Community Director's Report - None at this time
B. Chairman' Report - None at this time
C. Agency Member Reports - None at this time
There being no additional business to come before the agency, a
motion was made and approved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned
at 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Sondra Meager-Pengov, Secretary
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Regular Meeting
July 16,1992