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MAY 26, 1993
Chairman Hellsten called to order a regular meeting of the Land Development and Regulatory
Agency at 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 26, 1993 in the Community Center of City Hall.
Members present were Mr. Masso, Mr. Ewing, Mr. Fazzone, Mr. Garthwaite, Mr. Hildenbrand
and Chairman Hellsten. Also present were Mark P. Karet, Director of Community
Development, Krista Storey, City Attorney and Sondra M. Pengov, Secretary.
Mr. Fazzone moved to approve the minutes of April 28, 1993, seconded by Mr. Masso.
Motion CARRIED 6-0.
Mr. Masso asked the Chairman about the newly appointed Board member. Chairman
Hellsten said Mary Agrusa had been notified of the appointment, but may not be able to
attend this meeting and hasn't been sworn in by the City Clerk.
Text Amendment of R-IA District Re!!Ulations
Chairman Hellsten asked Mr. Karet to review the memo provided to the Board. Mr. Karet
reminded the members that staffs recommendation at last months meeting was to amend the
text of the zoning ordinance for the R-1A district, to eliminate the prohibition on multi-story
homes and raise the maximum building height to 25 feet from the base flood elevations as
established by Federal Emergence Management Agency (F.E.M.A.). Mr. Karet also stated, if
the LDRA wishes to preserve the view of the river, then height limits do little good, an
alternative would be to increase the open spaces between structures. Mr. Karet concluded by
giving an example of a dwelling 35 feet high on a 100 ft. x 120 ft lot.
Discussion followed regarding riparian rights along the east side of Riverside Drive and the
restrictions on fill according to the Corp. of Engineers and the possibility of filling. The
members also discussed the elevation of Riverside Drive and F.E.M.A. requirements.
Chairman Hellsten asked for citizens input.
Ray Anderson. 1905 S. Riverside Drive - Mr. Anderson said he feels the status of the view
on Riverside Drive should not be of concern, rather the height of the dwelling should be of
concern. Mr. Anderson also said he believes that changing the height to some level larger
than 22 feet over the base flood elevation, such as 25 feet, would be the best alternative for
most people. Mr. Anderson felt the single story or two story shouldn't even be discussed.
He concluded by saying the 25 foot height limitation would alleviate the problem of trying to
build a home on a 100 foot lot, by being able to contain the building higher, as well as
reducing the amount of impervious land.
Mort Sprentall. 823 Cooper Street. New Smvrna Beach - Mr. Sprentall stated he is
representing a potential property owner. Mr. Sprentall expressed his desire for higher height
limitations. Mr. Sprentall also stated he agrees that there should not be any consideration of
the view and presented a collage of pictures showing dwellings that prevent the view of the
river from the west side of Riverside Drive.
Chairman Hellsten said he doesn't feel a one story dwelling is adequate for the land values.
Discussion followed in reference to available buildable lots on Riverside Drive and how many
have 50 foot rear setbacks.
Mr. Masso asked if the 25 foot height was allowed, what would happen to an existing home
to be modified?
Ms. Bice. 210 N. Riverside Drive - Ms. Bice questioned the 50 foot setback from the river.
Ms. Bice also inquired whether fences were allowed between homes on the east side of
Riverside Drive as they obstruct the view of the river.
Doris Hill. 112 Lincoln Road - Ms. Hill agreed with Mr. Anderson regarding building height
and setbacks. She also questioned whether existing homes, built in the side setback, would be
able to build an additional story.
Mort Sprentall, said he feels that landowners should be able to adjust side setbacks so that the
placement of the building could be moved.
Chairman Hellsten said he is interested in raising height and reducing the lot coverage.
Chairman Hellsten also said the developer should be given as much flexibility as possible.
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Regular Meeting
May 26, 1993
Mr. Fazzone expressed the need for increased height, but had reservations in going up 35 feet.
Mr. Fazzone said he agrees with staffs original position of 25 feet, with no restrictions on the
number of stories.
Mr. Masso asked Mr. Karet if there were any buildable lots on the east side of Riverside
Drive. Mr. Karet replied, yes. Mr. Masso continued, saying he was in agreement with Mr.
Sprentall's suggestion of variable side setbacks.
Mr. Karet asked the Board, under what conditions does the Board think it would be
reasonable for someone to vary the setbacks. Chairman Hellsten said he feels the setback
requirements should be re-worded to say the total setback must be met, but that they could
be varied on either side.
Krista Storey, City Attorney, asked if the side setback recommendation was for all districts?
The Board agreed this would be for all districts. Ms. Storey brought up that this should be
handled in the land development regulations.
Mr. Karet asked the Chairman if existing homes would have to meet the required setbacks.
Chairman Hellsten replied yes.
After additional discussion Mr. Garthwaite moved to accept staffs recommendation for a 25
foot restriction on height above the base flood elevation established by F.E.M.A. and setbacks
to increase by 5 feet for each story added above 1 story. Motion was seconded by Mr.
Fazzone and CARRIED 5-1. Mr. Hildenbrand vote no.
None at this time.
A. Community Director's Reoort
Mr. Karet said he has had discussion with VCARD and they are willing to establish an
informal committee that will review the City's draft Land Development Regulations and
provide input in written form. Mr. Karet said he will provide the Board members with
committee meeting dates, if they wish to attend.
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Regular Meeting
May 26, 1993
Mr. Karet responded to Chairman Hellsten's enquiry on the status of the LDR's, saying the
landscape ordinance is 80% complete, the maintenance ordinance is 90% complete and the
building permit ordinance is 90% complete. Mr. Karet said some of the administrative
chapters being worked on by Ms. Storey are also near completion. Mr. Karet stated the next
LDRA meeting agenda should include some of the chapters for the Board's review.
B. Chairman's Report
Chairman Hellsten said he feels as the LDR's develop, he would like to have a series of
workshops with an open forum and bring the results back to a full Board. Other Board
members agreed with the Chairman.
C. Agency Member's Report
Mr. Ewing stated he still disagrees with Mr. Karet's comment on setbacks. Ms. Storey again
explained the meaning of minimum setbacks.
Mr. Fazzone stated he feels variances should be handled in a different manner. He suggested
that staff review the five criteria and provide the background history without making a
judgement ahead of time, then send the variance to the LDRA and let them make a final
decision. Mr. Fazzone continued saying, if the applicant wishes to appeal the Boards decision
they may then go to Council. He said this would eliminate the public's concern with why
staff, the LDRA Board, and the council have such different opinions. Ms. Storey explained
that staff is only making a recommendation and the LDRA is a quasi judicial body that
evaluates the information provided, then makes a decision. Ms. Storey said the idea of the
planner of the City's professional staff not making a recommendation to the LDRA Board is
inappropriate. Ms. Storey also said she agrees that the process that goes from the LDRA to
the City Council is not handled as well as it should be and said some recommended changes
will be made to the procedure.
Mr. Karet stated he is bound by a code of ethics to provide advise for the city and he will
continue to provide advise and recommendations to the City Council and City Manager.
Mr. Ewing stated he feels the criteria is repetitious and should be changed.
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Regular Meeting
May 26, 1993
Mr. Fazzone said he brought this subject up because of the perception the public has
regarding the procedure.
Mr. Masso said he feels the Board would be remiss if they didn't ask for staffs
recommendation and Mr. Garthwaite and Mr. Hildenbrand agreed.
There being no additional business to come before the Board, a motion was made and
approved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by,
Sondra M. Pengov, Secretary
Land Development amd Regulatory Agency
Regular Meeting
May 26, 1993