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AUGUST 25,1993
Chairman Hellsten called to order a regular meeting of the Land Development and Regulatory
Agency at 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, August 25, 1993 in the Community Center of City Hall.
Members present were, Mr. Masso, Mr. Ewing, Mr. Fazzone, Mr. Garthwaite, Mr.
Hildenbrand and Chairman Hellsten. Ms. Agrusa was recorded absent. Also present were
Mark P. Karet, Director of Community Development, Krista Storey, City Attorney, and
Sondra M. Pengov, Secretary.
Mr. Fazzone moved to approve the minutes of July 21, 1993 as corrected, seconded by Mr.
Garthwaite. Motion CARRIED 6-0.
None at this time.
Review of Draft ChaDter(s) of the Land DeveloDment Res!Ulations
Mr. Karet briefed the members on the discussion of the previous meeting. Mr. Karet said
VCARD has been provided the draft chapters, but as of now, no information has been
received from them.
Chairman Hellsten asked if anyone had any comments regarding the "Land Reg's". Joe
Martin. Chairman of the Industrial Development Board mentioned several areas of concern.
Chairman Hellsten asked Mr. Martin to provide the Board with a "punch list" of the subjects
of concern for continued discussion at the next LDRA meeting.
Mr. Garthwaite suggested that copies of the Land Development Regulations be sent to the
Beautification Committee members for their input.
Chairman Hellsten recommended holding the landscaping chapter until VCARD has submitted
their comments.
The Chairman then moved to the draft Chapters dealing with Nonconformities and Variances.
Mr. Ewing questioned why a portion of the draft dealing with lot access required submission
of documents to the City Attorney. Mr. Ewing said he thought this should be furnished to the
City rather than the City Attorney. Ms. Storey said there was no other staff member that
could make a legal determination regarding access. The majority of the Board saw no
problem with this section.
Mr. Garthwaite questioned the section pertaining to Legally Nonconforming Lots of Record
that referres to 40 foot minimum width for lots of record. Mr. Karet said, this new language
was written so as not to run into situations such as Bethune Beach which has 11 foot lots.
Discussion followed regarding Expansions under Nonconforming Structures.
Mr. Karet stated that the language change is for clarification of the very strict interpretation,
that is currently used.
Mr. Fazzone questioned the section pertaining to Variances - Appeals from the Land
Development and Regulatory Agency. Ms. Storey explained that two different paragraphs
have been supplied to the Board, one states a person may appeal to the City Council and the
other states a person may appeal to the courts. Mr. Fazzone stated he felt the courts would be
too costly for the average citizen. The Board agreed to use the existing wording (that refers
to the City Council) and let the Council decide if they want to change the appeals process.
There was considerable discussion on Section X02.02 - Standards for Granting Variances.
Some members felt aesthetics should be considered, whereas Ms. Storey and Mr. Karet
recommended that aesthetics would be addressed elsewhere in the chapter.
Mr. Ewing suggested alternative language to the criteria in Section X02.02 (A).
Mr. Garthwaite moved to accept Section X02.02 (A) - Standards for Granting Variances as
written, seconded by Mr. Hildenbrand. Motion CARRIED 5-1, Mr. Ewing voted no.
Under the same Section X02.02 (A thru E) the Board suggested that staff re-word items B
and E. Items C and D were found acceptable by the Board.
The Board continued to briefly discuss variance appeals.
Chairman Hellsten called for a recess at 8:35 p.m.
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Regular Meeting
August 25, 1993
Meeting resumed at 8:39 p.m.
Discussion Items for City Council Workshop
Chairman Hellsten asked the Board for discussion item suggestions to be used at a joint
workshop with the City Council and the LDRA. The items mentioned were as follows:
(1) Dealing with variance appeals and philosophy
(2) Annexation philosophy and expansion of the City
(3) Non-conforming lots on Riverside Drive
(4) LDRA's term limitation
A. Community Director's Report
None at this time.
B. Chairman's Report
Chairman Hellsten asked the Board if the next regular meeting date could be
changed to September 22, 1993. The Board agreed to the date change.
C. Agency Members Report
None at this time.
There being no additional business to come before the Board, a motion was made and
approved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by,
Sondra M. Pengov, Secretary
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Regular Meeting
August 25, 1993