10-01-1993 Special -. ..' ~ ~ '-ti J-..", \ c/~(>-~ '" · \ j>' , THE CITY OF EDGE WATER POST OFFICE BOX 100-EDGEWATER, FLORIDA 32132-0100 CITY OF EDGEW A TER LAND DEVELOPMENT AND REGULATORY AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING OCTOBER 1, 1993 Chairman Hellsten called to or4~l'aspeCial meeting of the Land Development and Regulatory Agency at 6:30 p.m., Friday, October 1,1993 in the Community' Center of City Hall. ROLL CALL: Members present were Mr.Mass(),~.SWing, Mr. Fazzone, Mr. Garthwaite, Ms. Agrusa, Mr. Hildenbrand and Chairman :EI~Usten.AlS()present were MarkJ.>.Karet, Director of Community. Development andS()ndra~.PeJ:lgov, Secretary. OLD BUSINESS: VA-0693 - Variance to AUow the A4dition of a Screen Room John Phillips, authorized agent for Robert Curran requested a variance from Section 602.01(d) of the zoning ordinance to allow for the construction of a screen room. The property is located at 510 South Riverside Drive. Chairman Hellsten asked for~~()UQnto lUltable the item from thel&$t meeting. Mr. Fazzone moved to untable the item, see<>ndedbYMr. Masso. MOUoD CARRIED 7-0. Mr. Masso stated he under$t9A4tf'QJ1'tthe last meeting thatthe.pecial meeting was granted on the premise thatthe applicantwQ\lldfurnish the Board alternate plans for the screen room. Mr. Phillips stated he didnoturi.derstand that he would have to presentaltemate plans, but would be open to suggestions. There was discussion between the Board members as to whether Mr. Phillips was to supply an alternative plan. Due to the fact that there was confusion regarding the alternate plans, Chairman Hellsten asked for a vote from the Board as to whether they still wanted to do a site inspection of the property. The Board voted 7-0 to do a site inspection. ....... ..". ,~ The Board adjourned at 6:40 p.m. to do a site inspection. The Board went to 510 South Riverside Drive where Mr. Phillips explained to the Board the proposed location of the screen room addition. Mr. Phillips made reference to the house that is south of 510 South Riverside Drive showing that it sits closer to the road than the proposed addition will be. There was discussion between the Board members regarding the various setbacks of the neighboring homes. Mr. Phillips said the applicant's would be suffering an undue burden not being able to do the same thing as 602 S. Riverside Drive. Mr. Phillips also described where the screen room could possibly be added to the front of the residence. The Board inquired as to the possibility of adding the screen room to the north side of the residence. Mr. Karet said if the screen room was added to the north side of the residence the access to the screen room would be from a bedroom that contains and entrance/exit door, and that is not permitted according to code. Chairman Hellsten called the meeting back to session at 7: 15 p.m and opened the floor to discussion. Mr. Masso made reference to the fact that at the site inspection he had asked Mr. Phillips what his alternative plans were and Mr. Phillips replied, none. Mr. Phillips corrected Mr. Masso saying he said except for the front plan, but he does not recommend it as it would take away from the view of Riverside Drive. Chairman Hellsten asked for a clarification from Mr. Karet concerning the room on the northwest comer of the residence and asked if it is a bedroom. Mr. Karet replied, yes. Chairman Hellsten asked if it is conceivable to put a screen room to the northerly side of the house, with the exception that it would block the access to the most northerly bedroom. Mr. Karet said the outside door to that bedroom would have to be closed off. Land Development and Regulatory Agency Special Meeting October 1, 1993 2 '-" ..."" ,. Mr. Fazzone showed Mr. Phillips and the Board an alternative plan that he devised. Mr. Phillips disagreed with Mr. Fazzone's plan. Mr. Fazzone moved to deny the variance based on the fact that there are other alternatives that would meet the code and that the Board voted no to criteria A,C, and E at the September 22, 1993 meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Garthwaite. Motion CARRIED 6-1. Mr. Ewing voted no saying he is not happy with the vote based on the variances given on other Riverside Drive properties. ADJOURNMANT: There being no additional business to come before the Board a motion was made and approved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by, Sondra M. Pengov, Secretary Land Development and Regulatory Agency /smp c:\ldra\minutes\10193 Land Development and Regulatory Agency Special Meeting October 1, 1993 3