07-27-1994 ,.., .."., CITY OF EDGEW ATER LAND DEVELOPMENT AND REGULATORY AGENCY REGULAR MEETING JULY 27, 1994 Chairman Fazzone called to order the regular meeting of the Land Development and Regulatory Agency at 6:30 p.m., Wednesday July 27, 1994, in the Community Center of City Hall. ROLL CALL: Members present were Mr. Masso, Mr. Hatfield, Mr. Garthwaite, Ms. Agrusa, Mr. Hildenbrand, and Chairman Fazzone. Also present were, Mark P. Karet, Director of Community Development, Krista Storey, City Attorney, and Sondra M. Pengov, Recording Secretary. Ms. Lichter was recorded absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of June 29, 1994 were presented for approval. Mr. Masso moved to approve the minutes as written, seconded by Mr. Garthwaite. Motion CARRIED 4-0. Mr. Hatfield and Ms. Agrusa abstained from voting as they were absent from the June 29th meeting. NEW BUSINESS: V A-0394 - Guido De Graef Mr. Guido De Graef, owner of property located at 205 Hart Avenue requested a variance to enclose an existing carport. Chairman Fazzone asked Mr. Karet to present staffs opinion. Mr. Karet conveyed that the applicant is requesting a variance from the required 10 foot side yard setback. Mr. Karet said the carport encroaches 4 feet 4 inches into the setback at its west end and 1 foot 7 inches at its east end. Mr. Karet stated that the enclosing of the carport will not increase the encroachment. Mr. Karet concluded by saying the applicant has satisfied the five required criteria established in the zoning ordinance and that staff supports the applicant's request. Chairman Fazzone asked the Board and the applicant if they had any questions. Being that there were no inquiries from either, Chairman Fazzone entertained a motion to approve the request based on the fact that the Board agrees with staff. Mr. Masso moved to grant the applicant's request as the Board agrees with staffs recommendation that the criteria has been met, seconded by Mr. Hatfield. Motion CARRIED 6-0. 'w' ...., OLD BUSINESS: Review of Pronosed Chanters of the Land Develonment Code Chairman Fazzone mentioned that VCARn was not in attendance. Mr. Karet said he had not heard from them, consequently, he does not know what their intentions are. Chairman Fazzone also asked if the LDR's would be more difficult to understand than the existing codes? Mr. Karet replied, procedurally, they would be simpler, however, some areas of the code will require more information from developers. Mr. Masso asked if the LDR's will replace the other codes with something less voluminous. Ms. Storey explained that the entire code book won't be replaced, but that the LDR's will be published separately. She went on to discuss the purpose of creating a unified land development code. Chairman Fazzone inquired as to whether there would be a section in the LDR's that defines terms. Mr. Karet assured Chairman Fazzone there would be a definitions section. Chairman Fazzone began the review of the chapters beginning with Procedure for Platting. Ms. Storey gave a brief overview of each chapter as they occurred. The remaining chapters were: Guarantees and Sureties, Right-Of-Way Abandonment and Plat Vacation, and Appeals. Various recommendations and changes were made to the chapters by the Board members as well as staff. DISCUSSION ITEMS: A. Community Director's Report Mr. Karet informed the Board that a special meeting may be required to continue review of the LDR's. Mr. Masso inquired as to when the Board would get the final copy of the LDR's. Ms. Storey replied, that the Board would be provided a copy at the time the Council receives their's. Mr. Karet reported that the continuance of the sign ordinance will be after the LDR's are finalized. Mr. Karet concluded by congratulating Mr. Hatfield on his election to the City Council. Land Development and Regulatory Agency Regular Meeting July 27, 1994 Page -2- ,..., lfttIIII' B. Chairman's Report Chairman Fazzone made reference to the August 4th City Council workshop that will discuss the What's Your Beef Report prepared by the Chamber of Commerce. Chairman Fazzone then read the section of the report that referred to the LDRA. Chairman Fazzone said the Board is welcomed to attend the workshop. Mr. Masso expressed that he felt that an awful lot has been made of a meeting (What's Your Beef) that only had 1 % of the invited people in attendance. C. Agency Member's report Mr. Masso said he enjoys working on the Board and has found all members honest and upright, but expressed his disturbance with the What's Your Beef Report. Mr. Hatfield told the Board he appreciates the insight he has gained while serving on the LDRA Board, and said he will be able to apply some of this knowledge when he returns to the Council. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Board a motion was made and approved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned 8:20 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Sondra M. Pengov, Recording Secretary Land Development and Regulatory Agency /SMP Land Development and Regulatory Agency Regular Meeting July 27, 1994 c:\Idralminutes\72794 Page -3-