Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, March 26, 1997
6:30 p.m.
Chairman Masso called to order the regular meeting of the Land Development and Regulatory
Agency at 6:30 p.m., March 26, 1997 in the Community Center, 102 N. Riverside Drive,
Edgewater, Florida.
Members present were Ms. Lichter, Mr. Moncure, Mr. Garthwaite, Ms. Agrusa, Mr. Hildenbrand
and Chairman Masso. Also in attendance were Mark P. Karet, Director of Community
Development, Krista A. Storey, City Attorney and Sondra M. Pengov, Board Coordinator. Mr.
Fazzone was recorded as absent.
A motion was made by Mr. Moncure to approve the minutes of February 26, 1997 and seconded
by Ms. Lichter. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Mr. Garthwaite did not vote as he was absent from the
February meeting.
N one at this time.
Public HearingVA-0197 - Donald & Tean Bowles. 3113 Needle Palm Drive. Lots
8189 & 8190
Chairman Masso opened the public hearing and inquired whether any Board members had visited
or had conversation relating to the site. Mr. Garthwaite and Mr. Moncure and Ms. Agrusa stated
they had driven by the subject property. Mr. Karet was then asked to present staff's comments
on the variance.
Mr. Karet said the applicants wish to obtain a variance from Section 602.04(d)(2) of the zoning
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Regular Meeting
March 26,1997
ordinance to retain their home in its present location. Mr. Karet said the applicants own a single-
family residence encroaching into the front and south interior side yard setback. Mr. Karet
explained the home had been constructed according to the survey. However, after construction of
the home it was discovered the survey was in error. The Board was supplied a letter from the
surveyor explaining how the error occurred. Mr. Karet said while a survey was made to the
adjoining lot the encroachments were discovered. Mr. Karet said the applicant is requesting a
variance, but must meet the six criteria in Section 1011.02 when requesting a variance. Mr.
Karet concluded saying staff has found the six criteria have been met and recommends the LDRA
approve the applciant's request for a variance.
Mr. Moncure asked if the variance is granted, what restrictions will there be on future
development? Mr. Karet replied a nonconformity does not prohibit the use as it is, as long as
future setbacks are met there will be no problems.
Ms. Agrusa wanted to go on record stating she felt the letter sent by the City to Mr. and Mrs.
Bowles seemed harsh. Mr. Karet explained that the letter was handed to Mr. and Mrs. Bowles
after a meeting with them. At that time the process was explained.
After brief discussion between the Board and Mr. Karet, Chairman Masso asked the applicant if
he had any comments.
Mr. Donald Bowles. 3113 Needle Palm Drive - Mr. Bowles said although the City had been
great, the stress encountered because of this error has been unbelievable. He also said he has
spoken with his neighbors and they have no problem with leaving the home in its present
There being no comments from the public, Chairman Masso closed the public hearing.
Mr. Moncure moved to approve the variance request based on the criteria being met and staff's
comments, seconded by Ms. Lichter. Motion CARRIED 6-0. Mr. Fazzone was absent.
Public Hearing - CU-9701 - Richard Spangler. authorized a~ent for Tesusa (Sue)
Wheeler. 1511 Man~o Tree Drive.
Chairman Masso said the applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to allow the operation
of an Institutional Residential Home for 14 + unrelated residents in the R-4 district. Chairman
Masso then opened the public hearing and inquired of the Board whether they had visited or
communicated with anyone regarding the site. Ms. Lichter, Mr. Garthwaite and Mr. Moncure
said they had driven by the property. Chairman Masso then asked Mr. Karet for staff's
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Regular Meeting
March 26, 1997
presentation. Mr. Karet stated the applicant is requesting a conditional use permit for an adult
congregate living facility (ACLF) in the R-4 district. He said Section 603.01(c)(3) of the zoning
ordinance permits institutional residential homes as special exceptions. Such a facility may serve
14 or more residents. Mr. Karet said the term specifically includes congregate care facilities.
Mr. Karet said the request is for a .73+ acre parcel with a 3,200 square foot single-family home
with a detached garage and shed. He said the applicant wishes to renovate the home to operate an
ACLF with 12 residents. Mr. Karet said this size facility is classified as a community residential
home and is permitted "by right" in the R-4 district, separated by 1,200 linear feet of another
such facility. He said there is another community residential home within the 1,200 linear feet,
also owned by the applicant. Mr. Karet said institutional residential homes are permitted in the
R-4 district as a special exception without separation restrictions this is why the applicant is
applying for a larger use than originally intended.
Mr. Karet stated Section 603.01(c)(3) of the Land Development Code establishes standards for
review of conditional use permits. He said based on these standards, the Department of
Community Development supports the applicant's request to allow the proposed ACLF.
However, staff recommends the following conditions be placed on the permit; 1-) the footprint of
the existing structures on the site shall not be expanded; 2-) no alterations shall be made to the
exterior appearance of the structures or property that are not in keeping with a residential
Chairman Masso asked for Board comments. Ms. Lichter asked what the normal amount of
residents would be in a dwelling this size. Mr. Karet said it depends on the design, probably 12.
Mr. Karet explained a community residential home with six residents or less is allowed without an
exception. Ms. Lichter questioned how the applicant is allowed to apply for a conditional use
permit if it's required to have 14 or more residents, when they want less. Ms. Storey said the
intent of the Ordinance is that 14 residents is consistent with State law, but less is also
There being no additional discussion from the Board, Chairman Masso asked the applicant for
his comments.
Richard Spaneler. 1615 Mission Road - Mr. Spangler explained his interpretation of the
effect the request will have on adjacent properties. Mr. Spangler said he is available to answer
questions from the Board.
Ms. Lichter asked if parking accommodations had been provided for. Mr. Karet replied it is
intended to maintain a residential look, but a small parking area could be developed.
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Regular Meeting
March 26, 1997
Mr. Moncure asked if the facility will be staffed 24 hours a day. Mr. Spangler replied, yes,
probably with four employees.
Chairman Masso then asked for questions or comments from the public.
Ms. Margaret Stanley. 1515 Mango Tree Drive - Ms. Stanley expressed her objections to the
facility and questioned hazardous waste on the property.
Mr. Loean Williamson. 1304 Regent Street - Mr. Williamson said he feels the facility will
hurt the residential property values in the area.
Mr. Andrew Sherman. 1211 Regent Street and Ms. Dorothy Rodeers. 1205-07 Bond
Street - Mr. Sherman and Ms. Rogers expressed their opposition to the request and were
concerned with the possibility of flooding if paved parking was put in.
Several other neighbors to the property stated their objections to the request. They stated this
would increase the flooding problem if the property had paved parking and cause traffic
congestion and noise from emergency vehicles. The possibility of a second floor addition was also
Mr. Karet responded to the above-mentioned comments.
Ms. Storey explained to the public this is a conditional use which means, as of right, this use is
permitted, but if the Board finds the criteria are not met it cannot be approved.
Chairman Masso stated because the applicant has a right to put this facility in the R-4 district, he
felt the Board should table the request until the applicant can provide additional information that
will satisfy the neighbors.
Ms. Storey explained that under the law this is not a commercial establishment. The State of
Florida has made the decision that this is a residential use and for that reason the facility is
permitted in a residential district. Ms. Storey reminded the Board that this property could be
used for up to six residents without special permission. She said the issue being presented is the
amount of residents. Ms. Storey also explained that the surrounding property owners are notified
of the request and asked to participate in the meeting because conditions may be imposed by the
Margaret Stanley. 1515 Mango Tree Drive - Ms. Stanley asked what is the maximum
number of residents that can be placed in an institutional residence? Mr. Karet replied there is a
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Regular Meeting
March 26,1997
"practical limit" based on the build-out of the properly to its setbacks. He said with expanding
the structure and the State's minimum requirements, probably as many as 36 residents.
There being no additional comments from the public, Chairman Masso closed the public hearing
at 8:22 p.m.
Chairman Masso then asked for discussion from the Board and asked the Board if they would like
to go through each of the required criteria. The Board agreed to go through the criteria.
Chairman Masso called for a recess at 8:35 p.m. and resumed the meeting at 8:44 p.m.
After reviewing items A and B of the criteria the Board found that criteria B had not been met.
Chairman Masso then asked for a motion. Ms. Agrusa moved to deny the request based on the
fact all the criteria had not been met, factors being; additional noise, traffic, number of staff,
emergency vehicles, delivery vehicles and visitors as well as nuisances that would affect adjacent
properties. Seconded by Mr. Garthwaite. The motion CARRIED to deny by a 4-2 vote. Mr.
Moncure and the Chairman voted no.
Mr. Karet then informed Mr. Spangler that his client has 30 days to submit a written appeal of
the Boards decision to the City Council. He said if heard by the City Council it will be a hearing
de novo. Ms. Storey said that if there is a hearing at Council level, a public notice will be mailed
indicating date and time of the meeting.
A. Community Director's Report
Review "Draft" document of the Evaluation Appraisal Report
Mr. Karet said the document before the Board is a partial "Draft" of the Cities Evaluation and
Appraisal Report of the comprehensive plan. He said th draft identifies changes to the compo
plan. Mr. Karet then identified some of the changes. Mr. Karet then asked the Board for their
comments and opinions. The Board agreed it would be necessary to schedule a special meeting to
review the report. Chairman Masso asked the Board Coordinator to schedule a meeting in April
that would be agreeable to all.
B. Chairman's Report
Chairman Masso had nothing to report at this time.
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Regular Meeting
March 26, 1997
c. Agency Members' Report
The Board had nothing to report at this time.
There being no additional business to come before the Board, a motion was made and approved
to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Sondra M. Pengov, Board Coordinator
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
c: \LD RA \millutes\3/26/97
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Regular Meeting
March 26, 1997