OCTOBER 2, 2013
8:00 A.M.
We respectfully request that all electronic devices are set for no audible notification.
3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular meeting of September 4, 2013
A. City Manager Update
B. Economic Development /Events Coordinator Update
C. Planning and Zoning Board Update
D. SEVCC Update
E. Volusia County Department of Economic Development
A. Review of CEDS Timeline
Pursuant to Chapter 286, F.S., if an individual decides to appeal any decision made with
respect to any matter considered at a meeting or hearing, that individual will need a record of
the proceedings and will need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. The
City does not prepare or provide such record.
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing assistance to
participate in any of these proceedings should contact City Clerk Bonnie Wenzel, 104 N.
Riverside Drive, Edgewater, Florida, telephone number 386- 424 -2400 x 1101, 5 days prior to
the meeting date. If you are hearing or voice impaired, contact the relay operator at 1- 800 -955-
This meeting may be attended by one or more members of the Planning and Zoning
Pursuant to Chapter 286, F.S., if an individual decides to appeal any decision made with
respect to any matter considered at a meeting or hearing, that individual will need a
record of the proceedings and will need to ensure that a verbatim record of the
proceedings is made. The City does not prepare or provide such record.
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing assistance to
participate in any of these proceedings should contact City Clerk Bonnie Wenzel, 104 N.
Riverside Drive, Edgewater, Florida, telephone number 386424 -2400 x 1101, 5 days
prior to the meeting date. If you are hearing or voice impaired, contact the relay operator
at 1-800-955-8771.
City of Edgewater
Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS)
Strategic Goals, Objectives, and Action Plan Implementation for 2013
(Economic Development Board & Planning and Zoning Board Workshop November 14, 2012)
The City of Edgewater recognizes needs to diversify and expand its economic base by attracting and
sustaining new businesses, industries, and other economic activities that increase and upgrade
employment opportunities for local residents, that increase household incomes and standard of living, and
that increase local tax revenues needed to provide expected levels of community services to residents and
businesses. The City further recognizes the importance of retaining existing businesses and industries and
needs they may have to maintain operations and expand. The following objectives are designed to
implement this goal.
Objective LL Identify Desirable Business and Industry Targets
Business and industry opportunities for Edgewater include a range of manufacturing and service
activities that relate well to existing economic activities and resources in the City and Volusia
County, as well as new and emerging services and technologies associated with the proposed
Restoration DRI. The following business and industry clusters are the primary targets for
attraction and retention efforts by and on behalf of the City of Edgewater:
• Boat Building and Marine Equipment, Supplies, and Services. Retention and growth of this
leading industry in Edgewater is critical to the economic future of the City. Edgewater has a
prominent regional and national role in the industry as headquarters of the widely recognized
Boston Whaler brand and as the location for several other boat builders and producers of marine
equipment and supplies.
• Recreational Equipment, Supplies, and Services. The Edgewater area has several small firms
involved in the manufacture of recreational equipment and supplies, including surfboards and auto
and motorcycle racing gear. Demand for sporting and recreational goods will increase with a
growing regional, state, and national population and growing interest and participation in sports
and recreation activities. Recreational assets and generators of demand in the region include the
planned East Central Florida Regional Rail Trail, a multi -use trail traversing Edgewater and
connecting to Bmvard and West Volusia Counties. Edgewater's large presence in the boat building
industry, proximity to NASCAR's Daytona International Speedway, and Dayton's reputation as a
motorcycle capital makes Edgewater a very marketable location for other sports and recreation
related businesses and industries.
• Aviation and Aerospace Equipment, Supplies, Service, Supplies and Technologies. Edgewater
is uniquely positioned to attract aviation related industries to its business parks and general
aviation airport. Massey Ranch Airpark with its proposed Aero Tech Business Park is the City's
public -use general aviation airport. Introduction of a plan to include more aviation and aerospace
opportunities by increasing its relationship with Daytona State College, Embry Riddle and UCF to
provide technical training and assistance. Edgewater's skilled workforce is compatible with new
technologies available through Embry Riddle. The high tech jobs created by these industries are
high paying and will have a major impact on the local economy. Expansion of existing sites in
these businesses and new endeavors should be actively pursued in the future.
March 6, 2013
FoG__ R
• Commercial and Industrial Products and Services. The Edgewater area has a number of firms
that produce equipment, components, parts, and supplies for and provide services to the
electronics, computer, medical, automotive, aviation, and other industries. The fabricated metal
products, machinery, computers and electronics, and medical products industries are leading
manufacturing sectors in Volusia County. Broad segments of these industries rely on the type of
labor force found in Edgewater.
• Green Industries and Technologies. Green industries include a wide variety of energy
conservation and environmental protection and clean-up technologies, products, and services,
including consulting and design services and energy - efficient building materials and equipment.
The proposed Restoration DR], with its orientation to the use of green technologies, is expected to
put Edgewater in contention for a share of these industries, including firms that design, produce,
install, and service energy conservation and environmental protection materials, equipment, and
• Entertainment, Recreation, and Leisure Services. Potential commercial access to the scenic
Indian River provides Edgewater with opportunities to attract and develop commercial and marine
uses of interest to tourists and that provide entertainment and leisure activities to residents.
Desirable waterfront uses include restaurants, specialty retail shops, and marine activities such as
charter fishing, sightseeing tours on the Indian River and Intracoastal Waterway, and eco -tours of
river and marsh environments. Attraction of non - resident visitors and spending to Edgewater is
also a function of types of future commercial development in the Restoration DRI and future
development of other travel - related facilities new the I- 95/SR422 interchange.
Actions to implement Obiedive 1.1 include the followine:
1.1.6. Investigate use of "green" technologies and new design concepts in making housing more
affordable and energy - efficient, and consider adopting land use policies and development
regulations that allow and encourage use of these technologies and concepts in the City.
➢ Assigned: Planning and Zoning Board
Timeline: Endof2013
Objective 1.3. Provide Outreach to Existing Business and Industry
Retention of existing business and industry in Edgewater is as important as attracting newactivity,
as illustrated by the impact on the community of the recent closure of the Coronado Paint plant.
Although corporate downsizing and realignment is beyond the control of the City, attention to the
concerns and needs of existing firms and recognition of their contributions to community well-
being may be the difference between investing and growing at home or closing and moving
Actions to implement Obiedive 1.3 include the followine:
1.3.1. Task the Economic Development Coordinator (Manager) with networking with existing
businesses and industries to determine and help address their concerns and needs for assistance,
including (a) technical and business planning assistance available through the local Small
Business Development Center, (b) employment and workforce development assistance through
Daytona State College and other providers, (c) financial assistance through the U.S. Small
Business Administration, and (d) assistance from the City on various code, permitting, land use,
and access issues.
➢ Assigned: Economic Development Coordinator
Timeline: Spring 2013
March 6, 2013
13.4. Work with Daytona State College and others, including GrowFL, to conduct meetings for
small local businesses on subjects of potential interest, including available workforce services and
the GrowFL concept of "economic gardening" for Florida -based firms with 10 -50 employees and
$1425 million in revenues.
➢ Assigned: Economic Development Coordinator
Timeline: Spring 2013
The City of Edgewater recognizes the need to become a more competitive and attractive location for
business and industry by taking full advantage of its existing assets and by correcting or minimizing
factors that put the City at a competitive disadvantage to other communities and that may hinder its
success in attracting new business and industry and retaining existing firms.
Objective 2.4. Identify and Plan New Business and Industry Locations
There are major opportunities in Edgewater to develop new high- profile locations for business and
industry, particularly near the 1- 95/SR442 interchange. It is in the interest of the City to ensure that
these areas are identified, planned, and reserved for future job and tax producing business and
industry development.
Actions to implement Objective 2.4 include the following:
2.4.1. Work with developers and planners to determine amounts, general locations, and phasing of
additional and potential office and industrial development and types of tenants/firms that are
anticipated or may be targets of future marketing efforts.
➢ Assigned: Planning and Zoning
Timeline: Ongoing
2.4.2. Prepare a Small Area Plan or Special Area Plan, whichever is appropriate, for an
approximate 2,500 -acre area around the 1- 95/SR442 interchange for future development as a
Regional Employment Center, consisting primarily of planned business parks with mixes of
office, light industrial, and commercial land use; include unincorporated lands if needed and
appropriate and enlist County and property owner support for the Plan. Assess the office,
industrial and commercial real estate markets as a basis for this Plan.
➢ Assigned: Planning and Zoning
Timeline: Ongoiny
2.4.3. Recommend adoption of land use policies and regulations that reflect the type of business
park development envisioned for the area and limit less desirable and identify and encourage
productive land uses.
Assigned: Planning and Zoning
Timeline: Ongoing
'2.4.6. Contact FDOT and request assistance in developing a more comprehensive airport zoning
ordinance to prevent obstacles and incompatible development in compliance with FL Statues and
develop an airport zone to be depicted on the official zoning map.
➢ Assigned: Planning and Zoning
Timeline: Ongoing
March 6, 2013
Objective 2.5. Attract and Prepare the Workforce jar Tomorrow's Jobs
Edgewater's traditional blue collar industrial labor force is geared to types of business and
industry identified as primary economic development targets under Goal 1, above. However, as
technological advances are made in these industries to speed production, reduce labor costs, and
service customers, attraction of new skilled workers and training of existing workers will be
needed to keep Edgewater competitive for these and other businesses and industries.
Actions to implement Objective 2.5 include the followine:
2.5.1. Survey a sample of existing industries in Edgewater to determine where there are
deficiencies in the current labor force in terms of skills and other factors and how those
deficiencies affect their business; determine if these employers train workers in house and/or rely
on or could benefit from external training programs.
➢ Assigned: Economic Development Coordinator
2.5.2. To the extent that external training programs are needed by or are of interest to employers,
enlist the guidance and support of Daytona State College and other educational institutions in East
Central Florida in helping local employer meet workforce training needs.
➢ Assigned: Economic Development Coordinator
2.5.3. Coordinate with the Volusia County School Board and Daytona State College on the
concept of developing a vocational - technical skills center as a special magnet high school in
Edgewater for preparing high school students for careers in industrial trades.
➢ Assigned: Economic Development Board
2.5A. Coordinate and cooperate as needed with Daytona State College to ensure that adequate
space, facilities, and personnel we made available at the Edgewater -New Smyrna Beach campus
so that new engineering technology programs me available locally.
➢ Assigned: Economic Development Board
The City of Edgewater recognizes the close relationships between attracting and retaining business and
industry and community quality of life, and is committed to improving the living and work environment
and urban services for existing and future residents and businesses.
Objective 3.1. Plan and Develop a Downtown Edgewater
Deficiencies that Edgewater has in terms of community identity relate to the lack of a sense of
place that comes primarily from not having a definable downtown. Missing in Edgewater is a
central place with the streetscape and architectural ambiance and mix of civic and commercial
uses that characterize traditional downtowns. A strong public desire for a downtown Edgewater
was expressed through the recent Envision Edgewater community visioning process, resulting in
creation of a downtown vision involving redevelopment of the Park Avenue corridor between the
FEC Railroad and the Indian River.
Actions to implement Objective 3.1 include the followine:
3.1.5. Develop plans to relocate the Edgewater City Hall complex from its existing location on
Riverside Drive to a new inland location. The City Hall property can be utilized more
March 6, 2013
advantageously for waterfront commercial development and/or other community purposes
anchoring the east end of the Community Redevelopment Area.
➢ Assigned.: City Manager
Timeline: Ongoing
Objective 3.2 Plan and Develop a New Community Civic Core Area
Potential relocation of the Edgewater City Hall complex to an inland site away from the Indian
River presents the opportunity to plan and develop a new and expanded civic core for Edgewater,
combining governmental, civic, educational, and health - related facilities and services.
Actions to implement Objective 3.2 include the followine:
3.2.1. Identify potential locations for a new civic core, considering future growth patterns and
needs for expanded urban services in a growing community. Potential locations to be considered
and evaluated include Indian River Boulevard near Airpark Road and near Old Mission Road.
Depending on the scope and scale of facilities included in the core, need for a planned campus
area of up to 100 acres should be anticipated.
➢ Assigned: Presently identified in Vision Plan (2008). Consider updating.
Timeline: Ongoing
3.2.2. Prepare a master plan for this new public and institutional campus, to include sites for new
City administrative and public safety facilities, new civic center /meeting hall for arts, cultural, and
social activities and events, and new community hospital complex.
➢ Assigned: City Manager/Staff
Timeline: Oneoine
Objective 3.3. Expand Health Care and Medical Services
Expansion of health care and medical facilities in Edgewater is a leading need and priority,
particularly needs for a community hospital and supporting facilities. Such a hospital would be a
catalyst for other health care facilities and services in the community, including medical offices
and labs, nursing care facilities, rehabilitation facilities, and assisted living facilities. The current
and future population of the Edgewater area and limited existing facilities in Southeast Volusia
County are such that planning for a new community hospital should be initiated.
Actions to implement Objective 3.3 include the followine:
3.3.3. Present and discuss the master plan for the new community civic campus with potential
health care providers.
➢ Assigned: City Manager /Staff
Timeline: Oneoin2
Objective 3.4. Improve Bicycle and Pedestrian Circulation
In discussions with the Economic Development Strategy Committee, it was determined that
quality of life in Edgewater would be enhanced greatly by having an adequate system of bicycle
paths and pedestrian trails and walkways. To the extent that residents are not able to walk or
bicycle conveniently and safely in and between neighborhoods and other areas of the community,
needs and costs to improve existing non- automotive circulation in the City should be studied and
plans for improvement should be prepared and implemented.
March 6, 2013
Actions to implement Objective 3.4 include the followine:
3.4.1. Identify and assess needs for and costs of improved bicycle and pedestrian circulation in the
City and prepare a Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan that addresses needs for new and upgraded
bicycle and pedestrian paths, trails, and walkways that improve service and connectivity
throughout the community.
➢ Assigned: Planning and Zoning
Timeline: Spring 1013
The City of Edgewater recognizes the importance of the Indian River making the community an attractive
place to live and work and in promoting the City as a potential visitor destination. The City further
recognizes needs to provide increased access to and enjoyment of the River and to promote and facilitate
development of certain waterfront properties for commercial and marine uses attractive and inviting to
residents and visitors alike.
Objective 4.1. Improve Existing Public Access Facilities
Edgewater is a waterfront community with extensive frontage on the Indian River with views over
the River and wide coastal marshlands to the barrier island beyond. Physical and visual access to
the waterfront should be maximized to benefit existing and future residents. Toward this end,
existing public access facilities, including waterfront parks, boat ramps, paths and trails, and
viewpoints should be inventoried, improved, and operated in such manner as maximizes public
enjoyment and public safety.
Actions to implement Objective 4.1 include the foilowine:
4.1.1. Inventory and assess all existing public access facilities along the Indian River, including
roads, paths, parks, boat ramps, and vacant publicly -owned lots as to their condition and needs for
➢ Assigned: Planning and Zoning
4.1.2. Develop a plan and program for improving these facilities and sites to make them more
accessible, user- friendly, and safe, including provision of adequate directional and informational
signage and surveillance.
➢ Assigned: Planning and Zoning
Objective 4.2. Identify and Promote Development of Waterfront Sites
Edgewater has yet to take advantage of its scenic waterfront location as a commercial asset with
shops, restaurants, and marina facilities attractive to residents and visitors alike. These facilities
are common in most waterfront communities and contribute to local quality of life, as well as
providing jobs and generating tax revenues. Opportunities for compatible waterfront commercial
development should be pursued in Edgewater to provide additional recreation/leisure activities for
residents, while allowing the City to attract non - resident visitor activity and spending.
Actions to implement Objective 4.2 include the followine:
4.2.1. As part of the Community Redevelopment Plan for downtown Edgewater, including
potential relocation of the City Hall complex, make a determination of how the City Hall property
can be reused and plan for and promote development accordingly.
➢ Assigned. Planning and Zoning
March 6, 2013
4.2.2. For the 60 -acre former waterfront industrial site at the south end of the City, currently in
receivership, meet with receivers to discuss their intentions and expectations for the property and
the interest of the City in seeing the property developed with a mix of commercial and residential
uses as a waterfront destination area, including shops, restaurants, and marine facilities providing
for boat storage and access, fishing charters, sightseeing tours, and water -based eco- tours.
➢ Assigned.' Economic Development Coordinator
Timeline: Ongoine
4.2.3. Review existing "mixed -use" land use and zoning designations for the property and
determine if such designations and policies and standards that implement the designations are
appropriate to this particular property and reflect its development opportunity; amend land
me/zoning classifications, land use policies, and development standards as needed to better reflect
redevelopment visions for the property.
➢ Assigned: COMPLETE
4.2.4. Identify other vacant and developed properties that may have potential for waterfront
redevelopment and facilitate their development as needed.
➢ Assigned: Planniag and zoning
The City of Edgewater understands that extensive private capital is needed to acquire and develop
existing industrial sites, to acquire and develop new commercial and industrial sites, to redevelop
downtown and waterfront properties, and to start new business ventures. The City further recognizes
needs to be competitive with other communities and areas and to seek and provide incentives, financial
and otherwise, to attract and leverage private investment, and will do so within the limits of available
Objective 5.1. Establish Local Incentive Policies and Programs
Incentives have become common at all levels of government in attracting new business and
industry to an area or community. Most incentives are employer - driven, particularly those at the
state level and funded by government grants, in that they are based on the number of jobs created
and averages wages of those jobs, generally in relation to the average wage level or median
household income in the area. Local incentives, which typically are in the form of property tax
rebates for a period of years, generally are more flexible, in that they can be both developer driven
and employer- driven.
Actions to implement Objective 5.1 include the following:
5.1.2. Develop and adopt an incentive policy and program for Edgewater that makes the City
competitive with its peers and can be implemented within available resources.
➢ Assigned: Economic Development Board
Timeline: Oneoine
March 6, 2013
Objective 5.2. Develop New Public Financing Mechanisms
Tax increment financing is an invaluable tool for funding improvements and programs that
directly benefit Community Redevelopment Areas, including use of these funds as financial
incentives to property owners, developers, and businesses for facade improvements, new
construction, and working capital, among other uses. The tax increment financing concept can also
be adapted for other uses, as recommended below.
Actions to implement Objective 5.2 include the following:
5.2.2. CansideF develepmea4 and implementation of a t .,.a a._a:_g _ ._d__ Whieh
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➢ Assigned. REMOVED
Objective 5.3. Actively Seek Federal, State, and County Financial Support
Funding is available from Federal and state sources for community economic development
projects, including the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA), U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Rural Development Program of the U.S. Department of
Agriculture, and Florida Office of Trade, Tourism, and Economic Development (OTTED).
Additional funding support for needed public projects is provided by the Florida Department of
Transportation and Volusia County Council. The City should actively seek financial support from
these sources to promote economic development in Edgewater.
Actions to imolement Objective 53 include the following:
5.3.3. Review eligibility criteria for USDA/Rural Development funding and determine if
Edgewater is an eligible jurisdiction and if individual projects qualify for funding; follow up
➢ Assigned: Economic Development Coordinator
5.3.4. Review eligibility criteria for Florida OTTED funding and determine if Edgewater is an
eligible jurisdiction and if individual projects qualify for funding; follow up accordingly.
➢ Assigned: Economic Development Coordinator
March 6, 2013