Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, June 25, 1997
6:30 p.m.
Chairman Masso called to order the regular meeting of the Land Development and Regulatory
Agency at 6:30 p.m., June 25, 1997 in the Community Center, 102 N. Riverside Drive,
Edgewater, Florida.
Members present were Ms. Hickox, Mr. Moncure, Mr. Garthwaite, Ms. Agrusa, Mr. Hildenbrand
and Chairman Masso. Ms. Lichter was recorded absent. Also in attendance were Mark P. Karet,
Director of Community Development, Krista A. Storey, City Attorney, Lynne plaskett, planner
and Sondra M. Pengov, Board Coordinator.
A motion was made by Mr. Garthwaite to approve the minutes of May 28, 1997 and seconded by
Ms. Agrusa. Motion CARRIED 6-0.
Public Hearine' - Review of "Draft" Evaluation and Appraisal Report <EAR) and
Decision on Transmittal to City Council
Chairman Masso opened the public hearing and asked Mr. Karet for his report. Mr. Karet stated
the Evaluation and Appraisal Report was advertised as a legal ad, announcing the meeting date
and the topic to be discussed. Mr. Karet said this discussion of the EAR of the Comprehensive
plan is a summary of previous meetings. He said all the recommended changes and additions
have been addressed. Mr. Karet defined the meaning of the EAR. Amendments have been made
in particular to land use. Mr. Karet said there has been few changes to the plan since its
adoption. Consequently, it is appropriate to do an assessment of the Comprehensive plan to
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Regular Meeting
June 25,1997
determine any required changes or information that should be incorporated into it. Mr. Karet
said it is a law, required by Chapter 163, Part II of the Florida Statutes and Rule 9J-5.0053 of
the Florida Administrative Code. He said the City is required to prepare the EAR and send it to
the LD RA for review, then it's to be transmitted to the City Council. The Council then
transmits it to the Department of Community Affairs (DCA). The DCA will then conduct a
sufficiency review to determine whether the City has sufficiently met the requirements of the law.
Once this is completed the City has one year to amend the Comprehensive plan to incorporate
the identified changes.
Mr. Karet said the "Draft" document before the Board has had significant changes made since
the last "Draft". Maps and tables have been included along with the changes. Mr. Karet also said
any suggestions from the Board or the public will be incorporated into the document.
Mr. Karet then reviewed the EAR Based Amendments of each element. After the review of each
element, Mr. Karet addressed comments from the Board and the public.
Mr. Moncure inquired of Mr. Karet, Policy 1.7, Access points to arterial and collector systems
of the Traffic Circulation element. He questioned the north/south Florida Shores roads
designated as collector roads. Mr. Moncure said his understanding was Queen Palm Drive was
originally selected as a collector road because of VOTRAN service, but now has been changed to
Willow Oak Drive. Mr. Karet responded that Willow Oak Drive has functioned as a collector,
because of its location. Mr. Moncure also said north Mango Tree Drive may also be included as a
collector. After discussion it was determined Policy 1.7 should be more clearly defined. Mr.
Moncure also addressed Policy 5.1, Implement a Master Bikeway plan by 1992 and asked if the
Board may be supplied a copy of the Plan.
William Lowe. 3003 Vista Palm Drive, questioned eliminating some of the north/south roads
off S.R. 442. Mr. Karet responded, in two or three years the widening of S.R. 442 will eliminate
some of the cross over roads. He said the City is working with F.D.OT. to retain as many roads
as possible.
The next element discussed was the Housing Element of which Mr. Karet said significant
revisions are required. He said the reasons being, it is very population driven and there were
aspects of the Housing Element that expected an aggressive approach toward housing. Mr. Karet
stated the requirements followed were based on previous projections for growth. However, this
growth has not materialized. Consequently, the targets have not been met and haven't needed to
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Regular Meeting
June 25, 1997
be met. Mr. Karet then addressed Board comments.
Continuing, the next element discussed was the Infrastructure Element, Natural Groundwater
section. Among the comments, it was suggested to include drainage from Florida Shores into
Turnbull Hammock in this section. After discussion with the Board and no comments from the
public, Mr. Karet moved on to the Coastal Management Element and the Conservation Element.
Mr. Karet addressed the comments hom the Board. There were no comments hom the public.
Chairman Masso called for a recess at 8:22 p.m. The meeting resumed at 8:31 p.m.
Under the Recreation Open Space element, Mr. Moncure discussed the need for a gymnasium at
the T urgot Avenue location. He questioned whether to assume the citizens need to be in support
of this. Mr. Karet said an effort should be made to involve the citizens to accomplish the
gymnasium. It was agreed this should be done at a policy level.
Mr. Karet then reviewed the Intergovernmental Coordination element, there being no comments
from the Board or the public, he moved on to the Capital Improvement element. Chairman
Masso asked if there would be any elimination of the enclaves in the City. Mr. Karet replied this
has been investigated in the past. However, the County has to be re-approached. The County
said they would give an agreement if there were no objections from the property owners, and the
City's ability to provide infrastructure.
There being no additional comments Chairman Masso closed the public hearing.
Chairman Masso entertained a motion for approval of the EAR document to be sent to the City
Council once the recommended changes and suggestions are completed by staff. Mr. Moncure
moved to approve, seconded by Mr. Garthwaite. The motion CARRIED 6-0.
Mr. Moncure commended staff for the considerable amount of work done in preparing the
NoN ew Business at this time.
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Regular Meeting
June 25, 1997
A. Community Director's Report
Mr. Karet told the Board that the first reading for the request to rezone 1-3 to I-I at 417
W. Park Avenue, was approved by the City Council as well as the addition of aquaculture
as a permitted use in the I-I district. Mr. Karet informed the Board that the text
amendment for a Bed and Breakfast had been denied by Council. He also said the
request for an Institutional Residential Home, located at 1511 Mango Tree Drive had
been approved by Council.
Mr. Karet said the Department of Community Development received an application from
Eckerd Drugs to build a new free standing building.
B. Chairman's Report
Chairman Masso made reverence to the letter received from Mr. Fazzone's son,
expressing the families gratitude for the honors bestowed on his father by the City.
C. Agency Member's Report
Mr. Moncure suggested providing a copy of the LD RA' s packet to the public for
reference. Mr. Karet agreed, and said a packet would be provided.
There being no additional business to come before the Board, a motion was made and approved
to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Sondra M. Pengov, Board Coordinator
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
c, \LDRA \minutes\6/25/97
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Regular Meeting
June 25, 1997