Planning and Zoning Board
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, February 9,2005
6:30 p.m.
Chairman Vopelak called to order the Regular Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board at 6:30 p.m.,
February 09, 2005 in the Community Center, located at 102 N. Riverside Drive, Edgewater, Florida.
Members present were Edwin Vopelak, Todd Fuhrmann, Charlene Zeese, Pat Card, Sandy Jones, Robert
Garthwaite and Kristine Pluscec. Also present were Chief Planner Darren Lear, Paralegal Robin Matusick, and
Planning Technician Bonnie Wenzel.
MOTION bv Mr. Card. second bv Ms. Jones to approve the minutes of January 12.2005 as presented.
None at this time.
a. V A-0407 - Deborah Ann Godfrey requesting variances from Article V of the City of Edgewater Land
Development Code to construct a warehouse for personal storage on a vacant lot located in the 2700
block of Guava Drive.
Chairman Vopelak opened the public hearing. Mr. Lear provided background information and staffs
Mike and Debbie Godfrey spoke of their intended use of the property. There was discussion regarding the
residences behind this property and the need for the natural buffer. Mr. Godfrey stated they had no
problem leaving the trees and installing a chain link fence with slats.
Chairman V opelak closed the public hearing.
MOTION bv Mr. Gartbwaite. second bv Mr. Card to ann rove the variance from Section 21-50.02
(Table V) to allow a rear setback of 20-feet in lieu of the reouired 50-feet from residential zoninf!/use
and the variance reouest from Section 21-54.04 (Table V-5) footnote (2) to eliminate the reouirement
for a six-foot (6') masonrY wall for the nronertv located in the 2700 block of Guava Drive. Lots 6649
& 6650 with the condition that some form of onaoue barrier (vef!etation or fence) be nrovided. and to
keen the trees on the rear of the lot.
Mr. Garthwaite withdrew his motion.
Further discussion ensued regarding the vegetation and fence requirement.
MOTION bv Mr. Garthwaite. second bv Mrs. Pluscec to annrove the variance from Section 21-50.02
(Table V-I) to allow a rear setback of 20-feet in lieu of the reouired 50-feet from residential
zoninf!/use and the variance from Section 21-54-04 (Table V-5) footnote (2) to eliminate the
reouirement for a six-foot (6') masonrY wall for the nronertv located in the 2700 block of Guava
2-09-05 P&Z minutes
Planning and Zoning Board
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, February 9, 2005
6:30 p.m.
Drive. I,ots 6649 & 6650 with the condition that some form of onaoue harrier aIOt~: t~:::a: ~~~~e
nrODertv be nrovided. Mr. Card amended the motion to include the conditio~ t nit
leave as much natural vepetation as Dossible in the rear of the DrODertv.
AMENDMENT CARRIED 4-3 with Mrs. Pluscec. Ms. Jones. and Mr. Fuhrmann votinp NO
MOTION CARRIED 6-]. with Mr. Card votinp NO
b. V A-0408 - Wordley D. (Butch) Frye III requesting variances from Article V of the City of Edgewater
Land Development Code for the purpose of constructing a warehouse/storage facility on a vacant lot
located in the 2700 block of Guava Drive.
Chairman Vopelak opened the public hearing. Mr. Lear provided background information and staffs
Butch Frye, 1801 Ith Street, spoke of his intended use ofthe property. He also discussed his desire for two
(2) driveways in lieu of the required one (1). Discussion ensued regarding the driveway issue. Mr. Frye
stated he could work with one (1) 40-foot driveway, but would prefer to have two (2) driveways. There
was discussion regarding buffering the parcels to the east. Mr. Frye stated he would be happy to install a
hurricane fence with slats. Further discussion ensued regarding the driveway issue.
Chairman V opelak closed the public hearing.
MOTION bv Mr. Fuhrmann. second bv Mrs. Zeese to ann rove the variance reo:::t: f~;;:~::;~
located in the 2700 block of Guava Drive. Lots 6651 throuph 6654 to allow a rear se k . _ _ .
lieu of the reouired 50-feet from residential zoninp/use: to eliminate the reoui;~~::~ ~; :~::_~:~;
(6') masonrY wall to eliminate the reouirement for a fifteen-foot 15') vehic e _
maneuver radius: to eliminate the reouirement for a loadinp berth: and to allow two (2) Doi~t; ~f
access nrovided some form of ODaoue visual barrier is nrovided in the rear.
MOTION CARRIED 4-3 with Mr. Card. Chairman Vooelak. and Mr. Garthwaite voting:
c. VA-0406 - Joseph T. Wagner requesting a variance from Section 21-50.20 (Table V-I) to allow the
creation of a non-conforming lot for property located at 2530 Travelers Palm Drive.
Chairman Vopelak opened the public hearing. Mr. Lear provided background information and staffs
recommendation. Mr. Lear stated there was an existing single-family residence on this property, he added
that this request was before the Board previously and was denied.
Joseph Wagner explained to the Board his reason for wanting split the lot and how met with a surveyor to
come up with a plan for the lot split.
Mr. Card suggested adding onto the existing residence. There was discussion regarding the proposed
configuration of the lots and how this would cause problems in the future. Mr. Fuhrmann stated he felt this
proposal was o.k. Ms. Jones stated they would be setting precedence, and that there were subdivisions with
50-lots and that is were they should be kept.
Mr. Lear stated that Section 21-70 of the Land Development Code states, "the provisions of the Article are
intended to curtail substantial investment in non-conformities and to bring about their eventual
2-09-05 P&Z minutes
Planning and Zoning Board
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, February 9,2005
6:30 p.m.
elimination." Mr. Garthwaite stated the Code also considers a non-conforming lot adjacent to another lot
under the same ownership to be considered one (1) lot.
Chairman V opelak closed the public hearing.
MOTIQN bx Me,.r,.,..... ,econd bv Me. Garth",ait~ III ~en~ the v:;;~.:~ ~:.U~: ~~t~~~'::~
50.02. Tahle V-I. to create a non-conformmp pot Width m heu of t u d _ e
located at 2530 Travelers Palm Drive.
MOTION CARRIED 6-1. with Mr. Fuhrmann votin!! NO.
a. Planning Director's Report
None at this time.
b. Chairman's Report
None at this time.
c. Agency Member's Report
None at this time.
There being no further business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 8: 15 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Bonnie Wenzel, Planning Technician
2-09-05 P&Z minutes