Planning and Zoning Board
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, July 13,2005
6:30 p.m.
Chairman Vopelak called to order the Regular Meeting ofthe Planning and Zoning Board at 6:30 p.m., July 13, 200S
in the Edgewater Fire Rescue Association Hall, 2616 Hibiscus Drive, Edgewater, Florida.
Members present were Edwin Vopelak, Todd Fuhrmann, Pat Card, Sandy Jones, Kristine Pluscec and Robert
Garthwaite, Charlene Zeese was excused. Also present were Chief Planner Darren Lear and Planning Technician
Bonnie Wenzel.
MOTION by Mr. Garthwaite. second by Ms. Jones to approve the minutes of June 8. 200S.
None at this time.
a. AN-OS I I - Marcia Barnett, requesting annexation of I.S1:I: acres of land located south of 3Sth Street and
Pine Tree Drive.
Chairman Vopelak opened the public hearing and Mr. Lear provided background information. There being no
further discussion Chairman V opelak closed the public hearing.
MOTION by Mr. Garthwaite. second by Mrs. Pluscec to send a favorable recommendation to City
Council for the annexation of 1.51:1:: acres of land located south of 3Sth Street and Pine Tree Drive.
b. CPA-OS09 - Marcia Barnett, requesting an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map to
include I.S1:I: acres of land located south of3Sth Street and Pine Tree Drive as Low Density Residential with
Conservation Overlay.
Chairman Vopelak opened the public hearing and Mr. Lear provided background information. There being no
further discussion Chairman Vopelak closed the public hearing.
MOTION by Ms. Jones. second by Mrs. Pluscec to send a favorable recommendation to City Council for
the amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map to include l.S1:I:: acres of land located
south of 3Sth Street and Pine Tree Drive as Low Densitv Residential with Conservation Overlay.
c. RZ-OSI4 - Marcia Barnett, requesting an amendment to the Official Zoning Map to include I.S1:I: acres of
land located south of3Sth Street and Pine Tree Drive as R-3 (Single Family Residential).
Chairman Vopelak opened the public hearing and Mr. Lear provided background information. There being no
further discussion Chairman V opelak closed the public hearing.
7-13-05 P&Z Minutes
Planning and Zoning Board
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, July 13,2005
6:30 p.m.
MOTION bv Mr. Garthwaite. second bv Ms. Jones to send a favorable recommendation to City Council
for the amendment to the Official Zoninl!: Map to include 1.51:1: acres of land located south of 35th Street
and Pine Tree Drive as R-3 (Sinl!:le Familv Residential).
d. V A-0508 - Florida Casa Net Inc., requesting variances from Article III and Article V of the Land
Development Code to allow the construction of a building addition for property located at 315 N.
Ridgewood A venue.
Chairman Vopelak opened the public hearing and Mr. Lear provided background information.
Mr. Lear stated that staff met with the applicant after the agenda packets were distributed and offered an
alternate recommendation. He stated that there were concerns from adjacent property owners of a gap between
the required wall and existing fence on the adjacent property. He added that staff and the applicant have agreed
to a PVC/vinyl fence to be located directly on the property line, and the dumpster pad would be located in the
parking maneuver area along the east of side of the property.
Mr. Card stated he had concerns of the addition be located so close to the houses to the east. He stated the
property owners expect a 50-foot setback. Mr. Lear stated any changes to this property would be an upgrade to
what exists.
Robert Shepherd stated he only had issue with the wall requirement. He stated this development would be an
improvement and the building would still be 30-feet from the property line. He agreed with staffs
recommendation ofthe fence.
Ramon Rivera. 315 S. Ridgewood Avenue stated the intended development is a Coldwell Banker office. He
added that they would have minimal trash on site and they intend to be good neighbors.
Robert Howard. 120 Monson Drive voiced concerns about the alley that would be between the fence and the
Blake Simmons. 110 Monson Drive voiced concerns about the alley between the fence and the wall also, stating
the property was between two bars and people could use that as a cut-thru.
Mr. Lear reiterated that staffs new recommendation was to allow a fence on the property line.
There being no further discussion Chairman Vopelak closed the public hearing.
MOTION bv Ms. Jones. second bv Mr. Card to approve the variance reauest for property located at 315
S. Ridl!:ewood Avenue to allow a PVC/vinvl fence located on the eastern property line in lieu of the
reauired masonry wall and to allow the eastern portion of the parkinl!: maneuver radius to be utilized as
an enclosed dumpster area.
e. V A-0509 - Wayne and Elizabeth Forguson, requesting a variance from Article V of the City of Edgewater
Land Development Code to allow the expansion of an existing business located at 409 N. Ridgewood
A venue.
Chairman Vopelak opened the public hearing and Mr. Lear provided background information. Mr. Lear stated
the applicant is proposing to expand an existing daycare center. He added that the existing facility has two (2)
driveways on US Highway 1. Mr. Lear stated that the variance request is strictly for the number of parking
7-13-05 P&Z Minutes
Planning and Zoning Board
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, July 13,2005
6:30 p.m.
spaces. Staff worked with the applicant on the driveway, which will be one-way in off Naranga Drive with the
exit being to US Highway 1. He added that staff recommended this due to the existing public safety issues. Mr.
Lear stated there would be approximately 1 DO-feet of stacking area.
Mr. Card asked if the space would be doubled. Wayne Forguson stated the increase in children would be 25-28.
He added that the main reason for the expansion was that Mrs. Forguson has been appointed by Governor Busch
to run a Pre-K program from the facility.
Mr. Garthwaite asked how many employees did they have. Liz Forguson stated they have eight (8), but they all
do not work at the same time, they are staggered. Mr. Garthwaite asked were they would park. Mr. Forguson
stated in the seven (7) parking spaces. Mr. Garthwaite then asked were the parents parked. Mrs. Forguson stated
in the drop off/pick up area.
There was discussion regarding the size of the property and the safety concerns of people entering on US
Highway I.
Mr. Card stated he had no objection to this; it would be an improvement but was concerned with setting
precedence. He added that he would not want this on S.R. 442.
Phyllis Sperry. 118 Bigelow Drive. stated there was a lot of traffic on Naranga Drive and there were three (3)
other families who could not attend the meeting concerned about the extra traffic.
Earl Rowett. 113 Naranga Drive. stated there was a lot of traffic in the vicinity going in four (4) different
Ms. Sperry stated people make U-turns on US Highway I to enter into the nursery.
Mr. Forguson stated his wife intends to send a memo to the parents encouraging them to use Rio Vista to get the
daycare center to eliminate the need to do a U-turn.
Mr. Lear stated the proposed driveway plan would eliminate the need for U-turns.
Mr. Garthwaite stated this would be an improvement, but did not think seven (7) parking spaces was adequate.
Mr. Card asked if there was any room in the rear for parking. Mr. Forguson stated you would be encroaching on
the DCF required play area.
Mr. Fuhrmann stated he didn't think there was much choice, and this proposal is better than what exists there.
Mr. Card reiterated that he did not want to see this on S.R. 442. Mr. Vopelak stated they would not be setting
There being no further discussion Chairman Vopelak closed the public hearing.
MOTION bv Ms. Jones. second bv Mr. Card to approve the variance request from Section 21-57.02 -
Table V-8. Off-Street Parkin2 Standards. to allow seven (7) parkin2 spaces in lieu of the required fifteen
(15) for propertv located at 409 and 411 N. Rid2ewood Avenue.
MOTION CARRIED 5-1. Mr. Garthwaite voted NO.
7-13-05 P&Z Minutes
Planning and Zoning Board
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, July 13,2005
6:30 p.m.
a. Sign Agreement, per Section 21-65 of the Land Development Code, between the City of Edgewater and
various property owners to bring the existing signs located at 1401 S. Ridgewood Avenue into compliance
with the City of Edgewater Land Development Code.
Mr. Lear explained the agreement and why this was before the Board.
Mr. Card asked how the other agreements were coming along. Mr. Lear stated they are not yet in compliance. A
letter was sent recently by the City Manager to the applicant.
MOTION bv Mr. Garthwaite. second bv Mr. Card to send a favorable recommendation to City Council to
allow the City to enter into a "Sie:n Ae:reement" with Hall's Holidav Square property owners.
a. Planning Director's Report
Mr. Lear requested to change the day of the August meeting. After discussion the consensus was to have the
meeting earlier.
b. Chairman's Report
Chairman Vopelak stated that Kristine Pluscec's term will expire on July 15,2005 and she has indicated that
she would like to resign from the Board. After discussion the Board decided to provide Staff with their
recommendation for replacement individually and have staff submit the top three to Council for
c. Agency Member's Report
None at this time.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Bonnie Wenzel, Planning Technician
7-13-05 P&Z Minutes