Planning and Zoning Board
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, September 14,2005
6:30 p.m.
Chairman Vopelak called to order the Regular Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board at 6:30 p.m.,
September 14, 2005 in the Community Center, 102 N. Riverside Drive, Edgewater, Florida.
Members present were Edwin Vopelak, Pat Card, Robert Garthwaite, Todd Fuhrmann, John Weiss and
Charlene Zeese. Sandy Jones was absent. Also present were Development Services Director Darren Lear
and Planning Technician Bonnie Wenzel.
MOTION bv Mr. Garthwaite. second bv Mr. Card to approve the minutes of Au!!ust 9. 2005.
None at this time.
a. RZ-05l6 - Visconti Construction, requesting an amendment to the Official Zoning Map to include
2.44:r acres of land located at 3609 and 3625 S. US Highway 1, including vacant properties to the
north and east as B-3 (Highway Commercial) and R-3 (Single Family Residential).
Chairman V opelak opened the public hearing. Mr. Lear provided background information and
staff s recommendation.
Mike Visconti stated he would answer any questions the Board had. There being no further
questions or discussion Chairman V opelak closed the public hearing.
Mr. Card moved to send a favorable recommendation to City Council for the amendment to
the Official Zonin!! Map to include 2.44:r acres of land located at 3609 and 3625 S. US
Hi!!hwav 1. includin!! vacant properties to the north and east. as B-3 ffiie:hwav Commercial)
and R-3 (Sin!!le Familv Residential). second bv Mr. Garthwaite.
b. RZ-05l7 - Joe Sfera, requesting an amendment to the Official Zoning Map to include 12.01:1:
acres of land located west of US Highway 1 and south of 41 00 S. US Highway 1 as B-3 (Highway
Chairman Vopelak opened the public hearing. Mr. Lear provided background information and
staff s recommendation. There being no questions or discussion Chairman V opelak closed the
public hearing.
9-14-05 P&Z Minutes
Planning and Zoning Board
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, September 14,2005
6:30 p.m.
Mrs. Zeese moved to send a favorable recommendation to City Council for the amendment
to the Official Zonin!! MaD to include 2.44:J: acres of land located west of US Hi!!hwav 1 and
south of 4100 S. US Hi!!hwav 1 as B-3 (Hi!!hwav Commercial), second bv Mr. Fuhrmann.
c. RZ-0518 - Massey Enterprises, requesting an amendment to the Official Zoning Map to include
8.12:J: acres of land located west of Massey Ranch Boulevard and east of the Massey Ranch
Airpark as RPOO (Residential Planned Unit Development).
Chairman V opelak opened the public hearing and Mr. Lear provided background information.
Richard Holmes, 408 Wildwood Drive, stated he was concerned about drainage and flooding. Mr.
Lear stated that the applicant is required to obtain a permit from St. Johns River Water
Management District, and that no more water can leave the property than does today. He added
that the POO Agreement has some very stringent requirements for storm water retention.
Mr. Card asked if the City has any increased requirements for security at the airport. Mr. Lear
stated that the FAA dictates airport security.
Mr. Card asked if Council previously saw the voluntary impact fees in the agreement. Mr. Lear
stated they have not.
There being no further discussion, Chairman V opelak closed the public hearing.
Mr. Card moved to send a favorable recommendation to City Council for the amendment to
the Official Zonin!! MaD to include 8.12:J: acres of land located west of Massev Ranch
Boulevard and east of Massev Ranch AirDark as RPUD (Residential Planned Unit
DeveloDment), second bv Mrs. Zeese.
d. SD-0401 - L.E.O. Land Developers, requesting preliminary plat approval for a 21-unit single-
family residential subdivision located on 6.85:J: acres of land located east of US Highway 1 and
south of Canal Drive.
Chairman V opelak opened the public hearing. Mr. Lear provided background information on the
subject property.
Daniel Johns, Daniel Johns Engineering stated he would answer any questions the Board may
There being no discussion, Chairman V opelak closed the public hearing.
Mr. Garthwaite moved the send a favorable recommendation to City Council for
Dreliminarv Dlat aDDroval of a 21-unit sin!!le familv residential subdivision located on 6.85:J:
acres of land located east of US Hi!!hwav 1 and south of Canal Drive.
9-14-05 P&Z Minutes
Planning and Zoning Board
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, September 14,2005
6:30 p.m.
e. RZ-0502 - Glenn Storch, P.A., requesting an amendment to the Official Zoning Map to include
154.97::1:: acres of land located northwest of William Street and west of US Highway 1 as RPUD
(Residential Planned Unit Development).
Chairman V opelak opened the public hearing, and Mr. Lear provided background information.
Glenn Storch, P.A, 450 S. Nova Road Daytona Beach, stated the developer has designed this
subdivision around the site and has worked with staff on the RPUD Agreement. Mr. Storch noted
that the developer met with the neighboring property owners the previous night to discuss their
concerns. He stated most of the issues were concerning a buffer against their five (5) acre parcels
and stormwater retention. Mr. Storch stated that the developer is working hard to address those
issues and will meet with the neighboring property owners again once they have a more solid
design in place to address their needs.
There was discussion regarding what a PUD was.
Frank Alberson, 4602 Lake James Circle spoke of his concern with the flooding in the area and
showed the Board pictures of his property. Chairman Vopelak asked ifthere was anything being
done to alleviate the flooding. Mr. Lear stated this property was in the County. Mr. Alderson
stated the water from this development would run to his property. Mr. Lear stated the new
development couldn't do anything to exasperate the problem.
Faye Levine, 4588 Lake James Circle also spoke of the flooding in the area.
Deborah Godfrey, 4502 S. US Highway 1 also stated that drainage was a problem and would like
to be assured the development would not cause more flooding. She was also concerned about
having a barrier against her property.
Mike Evans, 1682 W. Hibiscus Boulevard, Melbourne stated there would be a 20-foot buffer with
a berm and landscaping, also there may be a fence.
Linda Walker, 4599 Lake James Circle, was also concerned about the flooding and that the high
density of this project would take away from the rural area. She was also concerned about the
Chairman V opelak spoke of the procedures the developer would be required to meet regarding
stormwater retention.
Mr. Card asked about the lot sizes and density of the project. Mr. Storch stated the project will
have stormwater retention and was designed around the "smart growth" concept of clustering the
houses and having large areas of open space.
There was discussion regarding the easements for rear yard access.
Mr. Card asked Mr. Storch if the he and the developer were willing to support the widening of Air
Park Road, due to the increased amount of traffic in the City from all of the development. Mr.
9-14-05 P&Z Minutes
Planning and Zoning Board
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, September 14,2005
6:30 p.m.
Storch stated he would from a conceptual standpoint, and added that the road project would have
to get on the MPO's project list.
Mr. Card asked if they have done anything in the last five (5) years with the School Board, as far
as offering any land to them. Mr. Evans stated he has met with the School Board and has donated
land for a school in Daytona Beach. Mr. Storch added that the School Board has to know where a
school is going to go before they can acquire land, and that there are impact fees to help pay for
There being no further discussion Chairman V opelak closed the public hearing.
Mr. Garthwaite moved to send a favorable recommendation to City Council for the
amendment to the Official Zonin!! MaD to include 154.97:1: acres of land located northwest of
William Street and west of US Hi!!hwav 1 as RPUD (Residential Planned Unit DeveloDment)
and the associated RPUD A!!reement. second bv Mr. Fuhrmann.
MOTION CARRIED 4-2. with Mr. Card and Mrs. Zeese dissentin!!.
Chairman Vopelak called a recess at 7:30 p.m.
Chairman Vopelak called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.
f. RZ-0507 - Glenn Storch, P.A., requesting an amendment to the Official Zoning Map to include
31.34:1: acres of land located south of Clinton Cemetery Road and west of US Highway 1 as RPUD
(Residential Planned Unit Development).
Chairman V opelak opened the public hearing. Mr. Lear provided background information on the
proposed development. He stated the lots are proposed to be 60' x 120'.
Mr. Storch stated this subdivision is smaller than the previous development discussed. Mr. Lear
added that the PUD Agreement states the Homeowners Association will adopt the medians along
US Highway 1 and maintain landscaping.
There being no further discussion Chairman V opelak closed the public hearing.
Mr. Garthwaite moved to send a favorable recommendation to City Council for the
amendment to the Official Zonin!! MaD to include 31.34:1: acres of land located south of
Clinton Cemetery Road and west of US Hi!!hwav 1 as RPUD (Residential Planned Unit
DeveloDment) and the associated RPUD A!!reement. second bv Mr. Weiss.
MOTION CARRIED 4-2. with Mr. Card and Mrs. Zeese dissentin!!.
g. V A-051 0 - Edgegate LLC, requesting variances from Articles ill and V of the City of Edgewater
Land Development Code to allow the expansion of an existing mini-warehouse facility on
property located at 3725 S. US Highway 1.
Chairman Vopelak opened the public hearing and Mr. Lear provided background information and
staff's recommendation of denial.
9-14-05 P&Z Minutes
'-'"' CITY OF EDGE WATER ...."
Planning and Zoning Board
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, September 14,2005
6:30 p.m.
Mr. Card asked why staff was recommending denial. Mr. Lear stated that they were requesting a
variance of 65-feet, and that the 100-foot setback was established so there were not mini-
warehouses fronting on US Highway 1.
Ty Harris, 450 S. Nova Road Daytona Beach, stated he understood Mr. Lear's concerns, but this is
a unique site. The existing facility was developed in the County and the property owner wants to
keep the development consistent. He added that this parcel has considerably less depth than the
parcel to the south. He stated they could soften the property with a landscape buffer.
Mr. Weiss asked what the existing front setback was for the facility to the south. Mr. Lear stated
it was about 70-feet.
Mr. Card asked what the setback would be for any other use on this property. Mr. Lear stated 40-
Mr. Fuhrmann asked if they could put offices in the front and use the lesser setback. Mr. Lear
stated yes, although the other mini-warehouse sites have larger parcels.
Mr. Garthwaite asked why the applicant wanted to put mini-warehouses there. Mr. Harris stated
the applicant wants to expand the existing site. He added that the lot constraints necessitate the
need for a variance.
There was discussion as to whether or not this could have been built in the County.
Mr. Harris asked if the City was willing to discuss a compromise. Mrs. Zeese stated that was not
the recommendation. Mr. Fuhrmann asked if the City would look upon this more favorably if the
request were smaller.
There being no further discussion Chairman V opelak closed the public hearing.
Mrs. Zeese moved to deny the variance requests from Section 21-34.11(2) to allow a front
setback of for feet 40' in lieu of the re uired one hundred feet 100' for mini-
warehouses and Section 21-50.02-Table V-I to allow a rear setback of ten feet (10') in
lieu of required twenty-five feet (25').
Mr. Harris asked if the Board would be willing to continue the request so they can try to work
out a solution. Mr. Lear stated they could appeal the Board's decision. Mr. Harris stated he
would rather try to work it out and come back.
Mrs. Zeese rescinded the motion.
Mr. Card moved to continue this item to allow the applicant to work with staff on reducinl! the
variance request. second bv Mr. Garthwaite.
9-14-05 P&Z Minutes
Planning and Zoning Board
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, September 14,2005
6:30 p.m.
h. CU-0501 - Edgegate LLC, requesting a Conditional Use Permit to allow a mini-warehouse for
property located at 3725 S. US Highwayl, within the B-3 (Highway Commercial) zoning district.
Mr. Card moved to continue this item to allow the aoolicant to work with staff on reducinl!
the variance request, second bv Mr. Garthwaite.
a. Development Services Director's Report
None at this time
b. Chairman's Report
None at this time.
c. Agency Member's Report
None at this time.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 6:47 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Bonnie Wenzel, Planning Technician
9-14-05 P&Z Minutes