Planning and Zoning Board
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
6:30 p.m.
Chairman Vopelak called to order the Regular Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board at 6:30
p.m., May 10, 2006 in the Community Center, 102 N. Riverside Drive, Edgewater, Florida.
Members present were Edwin Vopelak, Pat Card, David Ross, John Weiss, Todd Fuhrmann and
Charlene Zeese. Sandy Jones was absent. Also present were Interim City Manager Jon Williams,
Development Services Director Darren Lear, Paralegal Robin Matusick and Planning Technician
Bonnie WenzeL
MOTION bv Mr. Card. second bv Mrs. Zeese to approve the minutes of April!2. 2006.
a. AN-0601 - Sid Peterson, requesting annexation of approximately 80::1: acres of land located
south of the Taylor Road and Glencoe Road intersection.
Chairman Vopelak stated this item was to be continued to the June 14,2006 meeting.
MOTION bv Mr. Card to continue AN-060! to the June 14.2006 Plannine: and Zonine: Board meetine:.
second bv Mr. Weiss.
b. AN-0515 - Arthur Gardiner, Sr., requesting annexation of 82.33::1: acres of land located south of
Taylor Road.
Chairman Vopelak opened the public hearing. Mr. Lear provided background information on the
Mark Watts, 351 East New York Avenue Deland, stated the request at this time is strictly for
annexation. Mr. Watts explained that the Future Land Use and Zoning Map amendments would be
heard at a later date. He continued to explain the history of the property and the proposed use by
Mr. Gardiner.
Mr. Card brought up the problems associated with this property and Volusia County Code
Compliance. Mr. Watts stated that due to the problems in the County Mr. Gardiner decided to
resolve the Code violations and annex into the City of Edgewater.
Mr. Card stated that he understood many of the neighbors were concerned about the type of business
being run from the property. He wondered if the City would be subject to any liability due to the fill
on the property. Mr. Watts stated there were no hazardous material issues, and all Code violation
were resolved, he further added that this was private property and the City would not be liable for
the property owners actions.
5-10-06 p&z Minutes
Planning and Zoning Board
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
6:30 p.m.
There was discussion regarding what the City would get by annexing this property and whether or
not there were any listed species on-site. Mr. Card was concerned about the current fire situation.
Mr. Card stated to Mr. Watts that this would be an uphill battle to develop the property in the City.
Mr. Watts stated the commercial building is already on-site.
Mr. Weiss was concerned that they were bringing the property into the City because they could not
run the business in the County. Mr. Watts stated the County took contractor storage in Agricultural
zoning districts out of the Land Development Code in 2003.
Mr. Weiss stated he looks at how the use will comply with the Comprehensive Plan and what benefit
there will be to the City. He added that he has a problem bringing in a piece of property that will
bring code enforcement problems. Mr. Watts stated that the intent is to bring in the property and
have the contractor storage on-site and follow the City zoning criteria.
Mr. Ross stated that staff recommended approval, and asked what the benefit to the City would be.
Mr. Lear stated the proposed larger lots are a benefit. Mr. Ross stated the use was almost light
industrial, and asked how that was compatible to the surrounding area. Mr. Lear stated staff was
looking at the residential use, which is compatible. Mr. Ross stated the only benefit to the City was
to control what could go on the land.
Larry Buck, 1603 S. Riverside Drive spoke about the lots being five (5) acres, but only one (1) acre
being dry.
Bob Rosa, 2215 Hidden Trail, spoke against the annexation and use of the property and showed a
power point presentation showing Mr. Gardiner's business.
Denise Mumpower, 1603 S. Riverside Drive spoke against the annexation and use of the property, as
well as the use of a closed road.
Lenore Rosa, 2215 Hidden Trail, spoke against the annexation and the use of the property.
Mike Thanksly stated there should be no special exceptions allowed for this property.
Eric Vincent, 2897 Hardy Avenue New Smyrna Beach, spoke about the depth of the lake.
Ryan Thompson, Taylor Road New Smyrna Beach, spoke about the depth of the lake.
Raleigh Werking, 2101 Knittle Circle New Smyrna Beach, stated this was a residential neighborhood
and the entrance being used was supposed to be closed.
Ron Hartwell, 2420 Taylor Road New Smyrna Beach, stated Mr. Gardiner was a nice guy and to get
back to basics.
Art Gardiner, 641 Bay Drive New Smyrna Beach, stated he was going to live on the property, and
that there was nowhere on-site for a landfill. He stated the property only had a commercial building
on it, in which he intended to store his trucks and work on them. He also invited the Board to come
see the site.
5-10-06 p&z Minutes
Planning and Zoning Board
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
6:30 p.m.
Mr. Card stated he has been to the property and has no objection to the annexation, but wanted Mr.
Gardiner to understand that he will have a tough time getting a commercial designation for the
Mr. Werking stated the problem was the trucks going in and out of the site. Mr. Gardiner stated he
obtained a permit from Volusia County to pave the road.
Mr. Watts reiterated that the use of the land was not the Issue at hand, and they were still
comfortable annexing into the City.
Mr. Fuhrmann stated he has a friend who lives nearby and thought the property has been cleaned
up. He added that it appears to be only truck storage.
Mrs. Zeese suggested letting the County police the site.
Mr. Ross stated that the benefits to the City need to be weighed. Mr. Card stated five (5) acre parcels
are hard to come by and the property would be better off in the City, that way the City can control the
There being no further discussion, Chairman Vopelak closed the public hearing.
Mr. Weiss stated he did not think this property would benefit the City at this time.
MOTION by Mr. Weiss to send an unfavorable recommendation to City Council for the annexation of
82.33::1: acres of land located south of Taylor Road. second by Mrs. Zeese.
MOTION by Mr. Card to send a favorable recommendation to City Council for the annexation of
82.33::1: acre of land located south of Taylor Road. second by Mr. Ross.
MOTION by Mr. Card to continue AN-0515 to the June 14.2006 Plannine: and Zonine: Board meetine:.
second by Mr. Weiss.
Chairman Vopelak called a recess at 7:55 pm.
The meeting resumed at 8:05 pm.
a. SD-0504 - Julington Oaks LLC, requesting preliminary plat approval for an 86"unit residential
subdivision located on 29.28::1: acres west of US Highway 1 and north of Clinton Cemetery Road.
Chairman Vopelak opened the public hearing and Mr. Lear provided background information on the
request. Mr. Lear stated the development has an RPUD Agreement that was entered into on
January 23,2006. The Agreement specifies the number of permitted lots and specific lot sizes.
5-10-06 p&z Minutes
Planning and Zoning Board
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
6:30 p.m.
Mike Evans, 1682 W. Hibiscus Boulevard Melbourne, stated the plat provided meets the
requirements set forth in the RPUD Agreement.
Mr. Ross asked if the Agreement allows for 60'foot lots. Mr. Evans stated yes. Mr. Ross asked if
there would be a buffer to the industrial property to the north. Mr. Lear stated that at such time
the industrial property is developed they would be required to buffer the residential.
Mr. Ross stated there was no reason for all 60-foot lots. Mr. Lear stated the RPUD Agreement has
been approved and the development meets those requirements. Mr. Lear also stated the RPUD
Agreement specifies lot dimensions of 60' x 120'.
There being no further discussion Chairman Vopelak closed the public hearing.
MOTION bv Mrs. Zeese to send a favorable recommendation to City Council for nreliminary nlat
annroval of an 86'unit residential subdivision located on 29.28:C acres of land located west of US
Hi2'hwav 1 and north of Clinton Cemetery Road. second bv Mr. Weiss.
MOTION CARRIED 5-1. with Mr. Ross votin2' NO.
b. SD-0506 -Worthington Creek Investment LLC, requesting preliminary plat approval for a 436-unit
residential subdivision located on 155.64::1: acres northwest of William Street, west of US Highway 1.
Chairman Vopelak opened the public hearing and Mr. Lear provided background information on the
request. Mr. Lear stated the development has an RPUD Agreement that was entered into on
January 23,2006. The Agreement specifies the number of permitted lots and specific lot sizes.
Mike Evans, 1682 W. Hibiscus Boulevard Melbourne, stated he has worked with the residents to the
south and has spoken with some City Council members. He stated they have added 28' 75' lots
along the southern boundary and included a 50-foot buffer, which includes a 25-foot berm, also only
single'story residences will be permitted in this area.
Mr. Card asked how much of this was required by the City. Mr. Evans stated none of it was
required by the Land Development Code.
Mr. Card asked Mr. Evans if he has promoted a new north/south access road. Mr. Evans stated he
has at Mr. Card's direction.
Mr. Card stated he would like to see side setbacks of five (5) feet on one side and lO-feet on the
other. Mr. Lear stated that could not be done because the Agreement requires a 7-Y2 -foot side
Mr. Ross asked if the Agreement specifies lot widths. Chairman Vopelak stated the density was
less than three (3) units per acre. Mr. Ross said he had no problem with the density, but that it
would be sad if the City ended up with row housing.
Faye Levine, 4558 Lake James Circle, states the developer has met with the residents of Shady
Oaks and made changes to the development to help alleviate their concerns. She stated the Board
should recommend approval of the subdivision.
There being no further discussion, Chairman Vopelak closed the public hearing.
5-10-06 p&z Minutes
Planning and Zoning Board
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
6:30 p.m.
MOTION bv Mrs. Zeese to send a favorable recommendation to City Council for preliminary plat
approval of a 436.unit residential subdivision located on 155.64:1: acres northwest of William Street.
west of US Hi~hwav 1. second bv Mr. Card.
c. SD-0601 - River Colony Inc, requesting preliminary plat approval for a 4.2:1: acre, 15-lot residential
subdivision located north of Jones Fish Camp Road, east of the Indian River.
Chairman Vopelak opened the public hearing and Mr. Lear provided background information on the
request. He stated this development has an approved RPUD Agreement associated with it.
Mr. Weiss asked what the City was going to do about the traffic in the area. Mr. Lear stated this
section of US Highway 1 had an established LOS of B, this development will not be detrimental to
the roadway system.
There being no further discussion Chairman Vopelak closed the public hearing.
MOTION bv Mr. Card to send a favorable recommendation to City Council for preliminary plat
approval of a 4.2:1: acre. 15-lot residential subdivision located north of Jones Fish Camp Road. east
of the Indian River. second bv Mrs. Zeese.
d. SP-0509 - John Massey, requesting site plan approval for a 6-unit residential development located
on 8.12:1: acres of land west of Massey Ranch Airpark.
Chairman Vopelak opened the public hearing. Mr. Lear provided background information on the
request. He stated this project also has an executed RPUD Agreement associated with it.
There being no further discussion Chairman Vopelak closed the public hearing.
MOTION bv Mr. Card to send a favorable recommendation to City Council for site plan approval of
a 6.unit residential development located on 8.12:1: acres of land west of Massev Ranch Airoark.
second bv Mr. Ross.
e. AN-0513 - Janice Shore requesting annexation of 1:1: acre ofland located at 1008 Flying M Court.
Chairman Vopelak opened the public hearing. Mr. Lear provided background information on the
There being no further discussion Chairman Vopelak closed the public hearing.
MOTION bv Mrs. Zeese to send a favorable recommendation to City Council for the annexation of
1:1: acre of land located at 1008 Flvin~ M Court. second bv Mr. Card.
5-10-06 p&z Minutes
Planning and Zoning Board
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
6:30 p.m.
f. CPA-0607 - Janice Shore requesting an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use
Map to include 1::1:: acre of land located at 1008 Flying M Court as Low Density Transition with
Conservation Overlay.
Chairman Vopelak opened the public hearing. Mr. Lear provided background information on the
There being no further discussion Chairman Vopelak closed the public hearing.
MOTION by Mr. Card to send a favorable recommendation to City Council for the amendment to
the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map to include 1:1: acre of land located at 1008 Flying M
Court as Low Density Transition with Conservation Overlay. second by Mr. Weiss.
g. RZ-0605 - Janice Shore requesting an amendment to the Official Zoning Map to include 1:1: acre on
land located at 1008 Flying M Court as RT (Rural Transition).
Chairman Vopelak opened the public hearing. Mr. Lear provided background information of the
There being no further discussion Chairman Vopelak closed the public hearing.
MOTION bv Mr. Weiss to send a favorable recommendation to City Council for the amendment to
the Official Zoning Map to include 1:1: acre of land located at 1008 Flying M Court as RT (Rural
Transition). second bv Mr. Card.
At 8:40 pm Chairman Vopelak called recess, the meeting resumed at 8:50.
h. RZ-0513 - Reflections Community Development requesting an amendment to the Official Zoning
Map to include 877.50:1: acres of land located at 3450 Old Dawson Ranch Road (west of 1-95 and
south of SR 442) as RPUD (Residential Planned Unit Development) and approval of the RPUD
Chairman Vopelak opened the public hearing. Mr. Lear provided background information.
Mr. Ken Mitchell, Reflections Community Development, stated that they have worked with the
School Board on the potential school site and will designate a specific site on the master plan. He
added that flexibility is desired for the site, with School Board approval.
Mr. Card stated he was concerned about fires in the nearby area and asked if any fire buffers were
considered. Mr. Mitchell stated controlled burns and fire breaks could help.
Mr. Card asked if the developer would consider side setbacks of 10-feet on one side and five (5) feet
on the other. Mr. Mitchell stated that could be included as an option, he did not have a problem
with that setback on the 55-foot lots and will consider it. Mr. Mitchell added that the developer is
providing a two (2) acre parcel on -site for a fire station.
5-10-06 p&z Minutes
Planning and Zoning Board
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
6:30 p.m.
There was discussion regarding the design and construction of the project.
Mr. Ross stated he wanted the HOA/CDD documents to specify that that no other documents will
supersede the RPUD Agreement without the Agreement being amended. He asked Mr. Williams
what substantial changes were and asked for the wording to be more specific. Mr. Ross then asked
the developer if they would provide a five (5) acre parcel to the City for a new City Hall. Mr.
Mitchell stated they would do that with mutual agreement with the City, with the stipulation that
the property would revert back to the developer if the City opted not use the property for a City
Hall. He would also like architectural control over the design.
Mr. Weiss asked Mr. Mitchell what he would do if he could only have 75-foot wide lots. Mr. Mitchell
said the proposed changes are going in the right directions, but flexibility is needed in a PUD
Agreement. He stated that he liked the idea of developments having parks in them rather than all
large lots.
Earl Underhill, Miami Corporation, spoke of their concerns with the access road and the logging
Saralee Morrissey, Volusia County School Board, stated that it appears the School Board's concerns
have been addressed.
Lisa Ford Williams, 509 W. New York Avenue Deland stated her family has concerns about the
annexation and access to their property.
There being no further discussion Chairman Vopelak closed the public hearing.
Mr. Fuhrmann asked about the capacity at the new schools being proposed. Mrs. Morrissey stated
the new high school will have some available capacity, and they are working with Edgewater and
New Smyrna Beach for a school location west of 1-95. She added that the new middle school that
will be built in Edgewater would have adequate capacity.
MOTION to send a favorable recommendation to City Council for the amendment to the Official
Zoning- to include 877.50:1: acres of land located at 3450 Old Dawson Ranch Road as RPUD and
approval of the associated RPUD Ag-reement with the following- conditions: that Exhibit "B"
indicates the proposed school site, amendment by Mr. Ross to include the condition that the
developer make a g-ood faith effort to attempt to neg-otiate an acceptable deal to title over land for a
City Hall in a mutually acceptable location, second by Mr. Weiss.
None at this time.
a. Development Services Director's Report
Mr. Lear stated that another workshop will be scheduled to discuss the proposed Land Development Code
changes. He stated that staff would contact each board member the following day to schedule the
b. Chairman's Report
5-10-06 p&z Minutes
None at this time.
c. Agency Member's Report
None at this time.
Planning and Zoning Board
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
6:30 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m.
Bonnie Wenzel, Planning Technician
5-10-06 p&z Minutes