October 2, 2013
5 : 00 P.M.
Chairman Kelly called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m.
Present Mike Kelly
Vance Smith
Christine Power
Bonnie Wenzel
John McKinney
Janet Shira
Absent Justin Kennedy
a. Regular Meeting - January 8, 2013
Christine Power moved to approve the minutes as presented second by
Vance Smith.
Yes Christine Power, Vance Smith, Mike Kelly
No None
Abstain None
b. Regular Meeting - March 21, 2013
Christine Power moved to approve the minutes as presented, second by
Vance Smith.
Council Regular Meeting
October 2, 2013
Yes Christine Power, Vance Smith, Mike Kelly
No None
Abstain None
a. Update on scholarship funds - Finance Director John
Mr. McKinney advised the Committee that there was currently $3, 978 .27
in the scholarship fund, however this balance is unaudited at this
time. He stated that $1, 000 was to be set aside for the remaining
scholarship to be distributed leaving a balance of $2, 978.27 available
for the upcoming Princess Ball. He added that a budget for the ball
has been set aside. Mr. McKinney added that this was the highest
balance yet at the beginning of the year and stated that they did pick
up a few more donations added to the water bill this year. At this
time Mr. McKinney went to get the budget for the Scholarship Fund.
a. Update on 2014 Princess Ball - Economic Development/Special
Events Coordinator Janet Shira
Ms. Shira went over the items for the 2014 Princess Ball. She stated
the contracts for consultants have been approved by City Council and
she would now start approaching them about sponsoring the ball again
this year. She stated last year they contributed $250 each, which
should pay for everything for the ball.
Ms. Shira spoke with Councilman Emter and his wife, who volunteered
last year with the decorations and they have agreed to oversee the
decorations this year and are real excited about transforming the gym
for the ball. City Clerk Wenzel stated they do a really good job,
they decorated the Elks for a Volusia League of Cities dinner and it
was beautiful.
Councilwoman Power asked if they Y was going to relax the no food or
drink rule in the gym for the ball. Currently you can only have water
in there due to the new floor. Ms. Shira stated she would speak with
Mr. Corder regarding the floor. She added that as with last year City
crews will there to set up and clean up.
Councilwoman Power then disclosed that she sent a text to Mr. Kennedy
to see if he was coming to the meeting. He responded at this time
that he was still at work and he apologized for not being there.
Councilwoman Power told him they had a quorum.
Council Regular Meeting
October 2, 2013
Ms. Shira stated that the decorations were covered. She continued
that it was her understanding that the food worked out well last year,
so she will work with Chick Fil A and do some of the same. She will
also work with PTA' s regarding their booths.
Ms. Shira stated she is going to simplify the tickets this year, and
have one ticket for $7, however many people you want is how many
tickets you purchase. She stated she did not think they will do
flowers this year, but will encourage the PTAs to do something like
that at their table.
Ms. Shira stated she is still struggling with the decision to work
with the PTAs again on the ticket sales, as most tickets were sold at
the door last year. She added that she was not able to make contact
with some of the schools. She does have a new contact for one of the
schools, but was unsure if the amount of participation will change
year to year. Chairman Kelly and Councilwoman Power agreed that is
the case, there is always one parent who will really get involved, you
just have to find the one parent that will get back to you.
Ms. Shira stated as she has a year under her belt and she knows what
they are doing as far as ticket sales so she can get started earlier
this year. She will contact the same DJ. Chairman Kelly asked if
there was an issue with the DJ last time, there was a complaint from a
parent. Ms. Shira stated there was one comment from one parent that
was unhappy with the music.
Ms. Shira will also contact the photographer and he can set up in the
gym again if he wants to. Councilwoman Power asked if he did his own
set up or did they do it. Ms. Shira stated he had his own set up, but
they gave him some balloons.
Ms. Shira asked if anyone had anything they wanted added or changed.
There was no comment. Ms. Shira stated the most important thing was
that the little girls have a good time and they seemed too.
At this time Mr. McKinney provided the budget breakdown to the
Committee. He explained that he has $5, 000 specified for scholarships
and $1,500 for the Princess Ball. Councilwoman Power would like to
shoot for $10, 000 for scholarships. Ms. Shira suggested that she
could ask the consultants for $500 sponsor donations instead of $250 .
She added that another way to raise more is the publicity on how you
can donate to the fund. Councilwoman Power stated they really didn't
hit that at the ball, that to her that is not the focus of the event.
Ms. Shira stated she did not think it should be, there are other
avenues. She stated while working on other events she discovered
through financial advisors that there a number of people looking to
leave money to places they think it could make a difference. She
added that getting the word out to people who do have the resources,
Council Regular Meeting
October 2, 2013
maybe do stories on the positive such as the recipients and how
important the scholarship is to them would be positive promotion.
Councilwoman Power asked if the one student who did not receive the
scholarship yet not go to school. Mr. McKinney stated he and City
Clerk Wenzel spoke today and were unsure of the reason, possibly there
were other scholarships and this was needed yet. City Clerk Wenzel
stated she has until August to redeem the scholarship.
Ms. Shira stated it seemed last year the high school girls dressed as
princesses were a big hit and she would like to see that again this
Councilwoman Power felt clean up should be arranged for the night of
the dance, especially to clean up the floor. Ms. Shira stated Leisure
Services maintains the building and Mr. Corder sets the policies. She
stated she would ask him, last year he wanted the workers scheduled
for the next morning to clean up. Councilwoman Power stated we should
find out the parameters the Y wants so we can be good users. Mr.
McKinney stated we have a contract with a janitorial company that may
be able to be utilized for clean up. Ms. Shira stated she would speak
with Mr. Corder regarding this issue.
City Clerk Wenzel stated the next meeting was scheduled for January 1
and she would like to re-schedule the meeting to January 15, same time
5:00. Chairman Kelly asked Ms. Shira if this was enough time for her
to get with her before the event. Ms. Shira stated that was fine,
that if there was anything they wanted done different she really
needed to know tonight, that January would be too late. Chairman
Kelly stated he did not want to have meetings just to have meetings,
but he wanted to make sure there was enough time before the dance.
Councilwoman Power stated that was 3-1/2 weeks before. Ms. Shira felt
that was enough time, the focus was during the last few weeks. She
will however, contact the PTAs prior to the holidays.
Mr. McKinney offered to put a flyer in with the January water bills
provided he had it by the end of December, beginning of January. Ms.
Shira felt that would be wonderful. Councilwoman Power asked they
would hand out the flyer at the window where everyone pays. Mr.
McKinney stated they would, that it is done often, such as with the
lunch in the park recently. City Clerk Wenzel also stated they poster
was always displayed in City Hall.
City Clerk Wenzel reminded them the next meeting would be January 15,
2014 at 5:00, that this was still a Wednesday and that she would send
out an email reminder before the agenda is distributed.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 5:32 p.m.
Council Regular Meeting
October 2, 2013
Minutes submitted by:
Bonnie Wenzel, CMC
Council Regular Meeting
October 2, 2013