09-16-2013 Police Peaision Board of Trustees
M inutes-Quarterly Meeting
September 16,2013
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Monday, September 16,2013
The Edgewater Police Officers' Pension Board held its{quarterly meeting on Monday, September 16,
2013 in the City Hall Council Chambers at the City of Edgewater, Florida.
Members Present: David Arcieri
Ferd 11ceb
Lawrence beat
John Tarr
Members Absent: James Morey
Plan Attorney: H. I.ee Deliner
Consultant.- lack Evatt, 'fie Bogdahn Group
Doug Lozen, Foster&Foster
Ferrell Jemic, Foster&Foster
City Staff: Donna Looney, Personnel Director
Jonathan McKinney, Finance Director
Chairman Arcieri called the meeting to order at 1:33 p.m.; there was a quorum with four members
APPROVAL OF MINUTES -Quarterly Meeting-June 17, 2013 and Special Meeting-July 10,
Member Heeh made a Inotion to approve the winules Qf 1he June 17, 2013 quarterly meeting and the
July 10, 2013 special meeting; Member Tarr seconded the notion, which passed unanimously.
Review, discuss and execute TPA Contract-
Ms. Looney made comment that during the general pension hoard meeting held today, slight changes
were made tin the duties of the pension fund administrator. Ms.Jeruie explained the minor changes.
Exhibit"A", on page:7, #2, change process to process and coordinate pension benefits payments
monthly and maintain a record of all payments for reconciliation for year-end reporting, 44, change
procc,ss to coordinate/monitor. #10 and#11, change to coordinate and monitor. On#21, it should say
collect necessary data for the City's audit report.
Member Heeh oracle a motion to approve the execulion(?f 1he TPA Contract; Member Tarr seconded
the molion, which passed unanimously.
Puliw Pension Board o1"Trustees
M iciutes-Quarterly Mcct iii g
5epteniher 16,2013
Page 2 of 6
Buyback of Military and Police Services
Ms.Christine stated that Member'Parr questioned the buyback of Military and Police Services at the
previous meeting and was not in attendance at the last meeting so this order of business came up
again. Member Tarr added the biggest question he had was the cost to calculate the buyback. Mr.
Loaen stated the actuary fee is $200.00. Chairman Arcieri asked a questioned to Mr. Definer as to
whether you can buyback police volunteer time like a firefighter can buyback there volunteer time.
Mr. Dcluier stated that according to section 185 under the division of rules you cannot, you have to be
a fulltime police officer as defined in the plan.
Doug Lozen, Foster& Foster,Actuary
Presentation: Experience Study
Mr. Lozen presents the actuarial experience study. On page 7, this is a summary of the main
assumptions for the plan. Basically for each assumption we looked at what has happened in the past
and then created a scenario. If you changed that assumption going forward to mimic the past it shows
you what the affect on City funding would be. The assumptions play a very important role because
they are targets. The way the plan is funded is partly based on how the future will unfold with regards
to certain parameters. In order from most important to less important are invest returns, salary
increases, turnover, and when members retire and mortality. Mr. Lozen added that it is very important
that we try and have the best estimate cif future experience that we possibly can. That's why we are
going to reconunend that we go over this exercise every five(5)years to nine tune. So on ]rage 7, the
first row, the current assumption is 59.7%of payroll. Member Heeb commented, so what you are
saying is the City pays $5.97 for every ten dollars current on gross wages. Mr. Lozen noted that is
correct. If you lowered the assumption from 7.5%to 7%the required City contribution would go from
59.7%to 65.4%. Lowering to 7%would increase the City contribution by 5.7%, in dollar terms it
would be about $66,000 per year.The unfunded liability would increase up to$2,154,218 and the
funded ratio would drop to 74.0%. If you make the decision to do 7.25%then the City's cost would be
around$33,000. Jumping to salary scale, we have to make some guess as to what the officers will
make in the future. From the prior actuary we've been using assumption based on age. Mr. Lozen
thinks that a salary scale based on service is probably a better gage. On page 4, the table represents the
actual history better than the current assumption. In [lie first 5 - 10 years of service you get large
increases in pay, you prove yourself, you work up through the ranks and you get some promotions.
Later in your career you get lower increases. Mr. Lozen slated that he has looked over what has
happened over the last number of years and created this table. Ile thinks this table better reflects what
has happened in the past. In the first ten(10)years of service, the average officer gets an increase of
7.5%, and then ten (10) years and later the increases are more like 4.2%, Mr. Lozen said the
percentages are based on annual year over year increases on average. He understands the City may
have no intention over the next couple of years of given anybody 7.5% increases but this is based on
history and the funding is based on all future years. If you adopt this salary schedule and it turns out
within the next three years the City really hands out 3 -4%increases you will have generated small
gains that will bring the City's funding down at little hit. Foster and Foster's interest and goal is to
pick a long term assumption and this table mimics what has happened in [lie past over the long term.
Member Heeb commented that the only problern he has is looking back over the last 10 years and
recalls there were issues with the police officers and their starting salary compared to other
municipalities and the competition for quality people. Ile added that when you look back there were
Policc Puision Board of'Trustees
Minutes-Quarterly Mccting
Scptcmbcr 16,2013
Page 3 of 6
bumps that were higher especially with this group because the starting salaries were bummed up to be
competitive. Mr. McKinney stated he had this same discussion with the general and fire pension
board. In the last.five(5) years we've average just over a 2%raise City wide which includes the salary
step plan we've implemented. Member Heeb asked about starting salaries for police officers, during
this same period of time, were they hummed?Mr. McKinney stated yes that was one of things that
wasn't done for many years as people received the 2%and 3%raises the starting salaries were not
increased. That is something that was looked out when we went into the salary study years ago. Mr.
Lozen stated they are looking long term over a 25 year career and typically experience studies really
do have to put some weight on what's happened in the past. 'Phis salary scale assumption slightly
lowers the City's funding and lowers the 25 year average salary increase. The reason being by loading
up the early years higher than it is now but scaling off in the future years, when you lower salary scale
at later years you have a bigger impact then increasing it in the early years. Adopting this table
actually over a twenty(20)year career average lowers the average from 5.9% to 5.7%because were
scaling back on the later years and the impact of City's funding is about 2%of payroll. Mr. Lozen
stated you may not get 7.5%going forward and 4.2%after 10 years but he will guarantee you that
officers will get more in the first ten(10)years then they will in the next fifteen(15)years or so.
Jumped back to page 7 again, on [lie salary scale assumption, there would be a decrease of 2.1%which
would be a cost savings to the City of about$15,000 per year. The funded ratio would go up and the
unfunded liability would go down about$100,000. Mr. Lozen proceeded to discuss turnover. Turnover
is when officers leave before early retirement. The turnover has been pretty close to the assumption.
Mr. Lozen recommends that you change the assumption Cram based on age to based on service. Mr.
Lozen thinks that officers who start employment at age 25130 years old, there's a greater likelihood
they leave employment than somebody who has twenty(20)years of service. Mr. Lozen is
recommending that.the board change to a service base turnover schedule. Next, Normal.Retirement
Rates this has to do with, when an actuary thinks an officer takes retirement when they first become
eligible. Right now the assumption from the old actuary is, when an officer gets to retirement status
they take it, but, no sooner than age 47.That hasn't been the behavior here. behavior is page 13;
Exhibit E, expected retirement rates at 56%.After that initial year of eligible the current assumption is
about 100%take it. The earlier an officer takes retirement that's when you need the most funding.
They start it early and they're going to draw it over a longer period of time based on life expectance
so, we need to have full funding done for them. If an officer does not take it during the first year of
eligible, they defer it at least a couple of years. In fact the second year of eligible no one took it. After
that, 113 took it and slowly from there more and more officers took it. Finally based on history once an
officer got on average six (6) years into retirement eligible that's when there around early 50's, they
said there ready to retire. If the behavior in the future is like the past,you can adopt the right hand
column on page 13, proposed retirement rates. What would that do for plan funding, on page 7, normal
retirement rates; by adopting the right hand column from page 13, City funding would go down 4.8%
of payroll on a dollar basis. That is$57,000 per year and unfunded liability would go down almost
$100,000. If you choose to combined assumptions with 7.5%investment return, the City's filnding up
1.5%of payroll and that would be about$28,000 per year. If you choose to combined assumption with
7.0%investment return [lien the City's funding would go up 6.6%of payroll and on a dollar basis
about $88,000 per year. On page 8, Entry Age Normal, if you change the cost method the City's cost
funding would be 52.7%of payroll, it's currently 59.7°/x. So,simply by changing to cost method and
doing nothing else you would lower the City's funding by 7%of payroll and in dollar terms it would
be$627,000. You would be saving about$80,000 per year. Continuing on page 8, entry age, adopting
7.0%assumption the impact to City funding would be about 5.6%of payroll or $66,000 per year. If
you adopt salary scale assumption render entry age the City's cost would go down about 1.4%of
payroll. If you adopt Turnover rates with entry age the City's cost would go down 1.4%of payroll.
Finally under Normal Retirement Rates udder the entry age it's about. 1.5%of payroll lower.
Combining the assumption under entry age but leave it at 7.5%investment the bottom line City dollar
would be$587,125, The final scenario combining the assumption with 7.0% investment return, The
City's fit riding would be$650,381 per year,and 53.9%of payroll. Member Heeb asked, is everyone
Police Pension Board of Trustees
Miuutcs-Quarlerly Meeting
September 16,2013
Page 4 46
shitting to the entry age normal. Mr. Lozen stated yes, in regards to GAS13 25 the City will have to
report $4,833,847 as the unfunded actuarial accrued liability for the 2014 evaluation. Mr. Lozen
mentioned if you adopt the entry age normal basis and advise the board to lower the assumption by
7.25%,lie would be fine with that.
Member Tarr made a motion to approve the percent ref payroll instead of dollar ammint;Member Leaf
.seconded the motion, vvhich Passer!unanimously.
Member Heeh made a motion to change from fi-ozen entry age to entry age:normal actuarial cost
method; Meinber Tarr seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Member Tarr made a motion to expect the combined assumption with 7.5%investment return;
Member I eafseconded the motion, which passed tmaniinously.
Mr. McKinney recommends to the board that you consider revising the 2012 valuation so that
it becomes effected for October 1, 2013.
Member Ifeeb made a motion to remised the 2012 valuation and atrthorize the p yment Qf$1,500.00;
Member'Parr.seconded the notion, which passed unanimously.
Mr. McKinney stated that once the evaluation becomes available that is provided to Mr. McKinney
and Ms. Looney in order to have the proper percentages in place for the biweekly contributions.
The 6ogdahn Group,Performance Consultant
Quarterly report-.June 30, 2013
Jack Fvatt opened by discussing the Investment Performance Review for the 2"d quarter. On page 2,
during the last quarter,domestic equity continues to have strong results. Unfortunately the
international and fixed income markets have both had poor results. Mr. Evatt reported assets ended the
March 31, 2013 {quarter at$6,944,825 and ended the June 30, 2013 quarter at$7,053,678.'I'lnis is a
slightly positive:result Erom the overall plan.
H. Lee Dehner, Plan Attorney
Mr. Dchner opened with, Legislative update: Tallahassee, Senate Bill 534 was signed into the law
which imposes on defined benefit plans in Florida causing additional filing and disclosure
requirements, this will result in significantly increase administrative expenses to the plan. As of right
now the bill will need to pass by 213 majority this did not, but is still being watched and not decided at
this point.
Mr. Deh.ner discussed another item, maintenance of confidentiality for police officer's personal
indentifying information, Ch. 1 l9, Florida Slatum It is a request from the division that this document
be signed by the City and maintained by the division for confidential information what is identified in
Statute to be confidential. However,with respect to the City when someone comes in to the City
Clerk's department for confidential information it can be denied without violating public record
because the Statute is self executing with respect to the City. However with respect to third parties
they have to receive this request in order for items to be kept confidential.
Mr. Delnncr added with respect to conferences, there is a division of retirement conference Being held
October 22nd, 23rd and 24"'located at the doubletree hotel at SeaWorld.
Police Pension Boird of Trustees
Minutes-Quarterly Meeling
September 16,2013
Pugs 5 of 0
1. Christiansen&Dehner, professional legal fees -$1,363.43
2. The Bogdahn Group, performance consultant fees, 2nd quarter, 2013 -
3. Dana Investment Advisors, Inc. - $5,205.50
4. Foster& foster, actuarial services- $7,120.00
5. Integrity fixed Income- $1,224.37, $1,611.24
6. DEPOSITS-none
Member Tarr-made,a motion to approve the processed disbur-.sementsh-enwn of contributions and
deposits;Member legfseconded the motion, which Passed unaninionsly by roll call.
Julie Christine, Board Coordinator
Ms. Christine mentioned that the term for council appointed Member I-Iceb ended on May 21, 2013
and Mr. Hceb has still continued to remain on the board until a replacement is found. 'There are three
potential volunteer police pension applications however; Iris Tyler recently pulled her application. So,
the remaining two are Gary Conroy and Larry Brinson, Member Heeb stated that M-. Conroy is
qualified but the problem is, there ends up being three nietnbers from the law enforcement community
sitting on the board. Mr. Heeb spoke with Mr. Brinson and stated that he scans very excited about the
possibility, lie has a strong background, he is a banker at Wells Fargo, and he thinks lie would be an
excellent addition because he brings an outside prospective. Mr. Ilceb thinks it's healthy for the board
to have citizens who are not involved with the pension plan. Member Tarr acknowledge that while Mr.
Conroy was on the board previously there was a lot of money spent on his education to get him
certified and does not think that Mr. Brinson has the certifications although does have the business
experience. Member Tarr added that he would much rather have someone on the board who is already
certified. Member Leaf agreed with Member'Tarr on having Mr.Conroy on the board. Chairman
Arcieri stated it is hard not to take advantage of Gary's education and experience on the board and lie
can't look at having another person who has law enforcement background on the board as a bad thing.
Member Tarr's personally recommends Gary Conroy and stated it is nothing agenized Mr. Brinson. It
just has to do with the education and experience from Gary. Chairman Arcieri and Member Leaf
Ms. Christine added there is an FPPTA Trustees' school coming up on September 29`h -October 2"d at
Palm Beach Garden if any member would like to attend.
Member'Darr questioned the calculation of sick, vacation and overtime as it pertains to the added value
of police officer's retirement. Has the state come through with maximum calculations for our final
retirement plan? Lee Dclmer, Plan Attorney declared the Senate hill 1128 that was passed in 2011
stated there are limitations on the amount of unused sick, vacation and overtime pay. The maximum
on overtime hours is 300 hours per year after the effective date for fiscal year or calendar year.Ms.
Police Pension Board of Trustees
Minutes-Quarterly Meeting
Septenibo, 16,2013
Page 6 of G
Looney stated she does not have documentation or communication relating to this and was wondering
if we can get something. Ms. Looney asked does the Plan or[pity have to adopt this. Mr. Dehner stated
this should be in the police union agreement and when the ordinance is adopted then that would be the
effective date. Mr. McKinney stated that a memo should be sent to all three boards art([a conversation
should be discussed between him, the City Manager, and Ms. Looney.
Mr. McKinney, Finance Director was provided the estimated premium for the fiduciary insurance
which protects the board from errors and omissions, the estimated premium is $2,580.00. Mr.
McKinney will be coordinating with Ferrell Jenne annually on the insurance because he can get it on a
savings by lumping it with the City policy. Mr. McKinney needs the board content to do this.
Mender Tarr made a motion for Mr. McKinney, Finance Director to acquired the insurance for an
estimate amount of'$2,580.017; Member I eaf seconded the motion, ivhich t)assed unanhnously by roll
There was no further business, and the meeting was adjourned at 3:27 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted: Approved:
Donna Looney, Personnel.Directs vid /r.—iri, Chairman