February 26,1998
7:00 P.M.
Chairperson, Robin Hendricks called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m in City Hall.
Members present were: Robin Hendricks, Melissa Mitchell, Elizabeth Scavarda, and Donna Wagner.
Robert Schmitt was excused.
Also present were Animal Control Supervisor Robin Feger, and Legal Assistant, Robin Wolf
The minutes were revised as follows:
Page 1: Mrs. Scavarda sug,gested a "Spay and Neuter program".
Page 2: Mr. Schmitt suggested that the Board needed to prioritize developing a Breeder license and
assigning a fee which would be extra income towards implementation of the rebate program
Increasing return to owner fees, and the difference in sterilized verses unsterilized fees would pay for
a Sterilization Rebate Program" then these figures could be presented to the Council.
A motion was made by Donna Wagner to approve the amended minutes and the motion was
seconded by Elizabeth Scavarda the motion carried 4 - O.
There was no old business to be discussed.
Reviewing the Ordinance.
Robin Hendricks suggested reviewing the Ordinance page by page.
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Animal Control Board
February 26, 1998
Page Three: Robin Hendricks suggested that on Aggressive Animal the clause "without
provocation" be emphasized in some way.
Page Four: Animal at Large she questioned how to demonstrate whether an animal is under voice
control Robin Feger explained that she would have the owner demonstrate. Robin Hendricks also
questioned who it would include under Animal Control Officer "any state or local law enforcement
officer or other employee whose duties in whole or part include assignments that involve the seizure
and impoundment of any animal". Robin Wolf explained anyone in the Department trained to be an
Animal Control Officer.
Page Six: There was discussion about Breeder licenses.
Page Nine: There was discussion on Kennel licenses.
Page Fourteen: Robin Hendricks asked what was involved for the board to justify the sterilization of
an animal. Robin Feger explained it could be done under the Dangerous Dog Classification.
Also discussed Membership, Appointment, Removal, Terms, Vacancies and Qualifications of the
Animal Control Board.
There was discussion about having a licensed veterinarian on the Animal Control Board and the fact
that they must live within the City limits. At that time Melissa Mitchell questioned about moving out
of the City. She inquired of the legalities of her being on the board and residing in Melbourne. It
was decided by the board to be put on hold until the next meeting.
There being no further business to discuss, Donna Wagner moved to adjourn, second by Melissa
Mitchell. The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m
Minutes submitted by:
JoAnn Richard
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Animal Control Board
February 26, 1998