April 23, 1998
7:00 P.M.
Chairperson, Robin Hendricks called the regular meeting to order at 7:05 p.m in City Hall.
Members present were: Robin Hendricks, Donna Wagner, Robert Schmitt, and Dr. Vanis. Liz
Scarvarda was absent.
Also present were Animal Control Supervisor Robin Feger and Legal Assistant, Robin Wolf
A revised copy of the minutes was distnbuted by JoAnn Richard, Board Secretary due to errors typed
in the original minutes. Motion was made by Committee Member, Donna Wagner to approve the
minutes with corrections, Second by Bob Schmitt. Motion carried 4-0.
Robin Hendricks asked the secretary to send Melissa Mitchell a "Thank you" card for serving on the
Animal Control Board. JoAnn agreed to do so.
Robin Hendricks questioned if.Dr. Vanis had been approved by the City Council to serve on the
Board. Robin Wolf explained the procedure and that everything had been done appropriately. He
was indeed approved by Council action on April 6, 1998.
Robin Hendricks asked Robin Feger about vaccination day to be held Saturday, May 9th at the
Edgewater Fire Station and whether or not she needed volunteers to help. Robin Feger explained
that Dr. Neves usually brings along help but would let her know for future functions..
Robin Hendricks submitted a sample ''Breeders License" and "Pet License" for approval from the
Board. Robin Wolf suggested that she felt something should be on each license as to whether the
animal is a pedigree or not and if so the registry number should appear on the license so it could be
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Animal Control Board
April 23, 1998
tracked. Robin said she would check and make sure that these licenses would be in compliance with
the Ordinance.
There was discussion about implants and tattoo's for the purpose of tracking animals and the price
being charged for these services. Donna Wagner explained that there wasn't a centralized location
for tracking at this time.
Sec. 5-41 Disposition of Impounded Animals - Dr. Vanis suggested that section (f) be deleted. Robin
Hendricks agreed that section (f) become part of section (e), but delete "unless the animal has a valid
breeder's license tag". Robin Wolf suggested that we add a "return to owner" category under
section (f). It was agreed that (f) be eliminated and become part of section (e).
Robin Hendricks suggested that the discussion stop at Article V. Dangerous Dogs until the next
Robin Feger will be out of town ,for the May 28, 1998 meeting. It was decided to have the meeting
Thursday, May 21, 1998.
Donna Wagner made a motion ~o hold the next meeting Thursday May 21, 1998, Second by Bob
Schmitt. Motion carried 4-0.
There being no further business to discuss, Bob Schmitt moved to adjourn, Second by Donna
Wagner. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Minutes submitted by:
JoAnn Richard
Board Secretary
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Animal Control Board
April 23, 1998