04-14-2014 - Mock Emergency Meeting � rte•'� City of EUGEWATER April 14,2014 -PUBLIC NOTICE- MOCK EMERGENCY MEETING At approximately 1306 hours today a tornado touched down in the southern part of the city stretching from the western boundary at the 3200 block of Silver Palm Drive extending to the northeast exiting in the area of Rankin Road. Therefore, at 6:00 p.m. this evening (Monday, April 14, 2014) in Council Chambers, 104 N. Riverside Drive, City Council will convene to hear situation reports from various departments as well as approve a Proclamation and appropriate emergency Resolutions. ******THIS IS A MOCK MEETING—CITY COUNCIL WILL MEET TO GO THROUGH THIS SCENARIO***** *****NO REAL WEATHER EVENT HAS OCCURRED AND NO REAL ACTION WILL BE TAKEN BY CITY COUNCIL****** Pursuant to Chapter 286, F.S., if an individual decides to appeal any decision made with respect to any matter considered at a meeting or hearing, that individual will need a record of the proceedings and will need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. The City does not prepare or provide such record. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact City Clerk Bonnie Wenzel, 104 N. Riverside Drive, Edgewater, Florida, telephone number 386-424-2400 ext#1102, 5 days prior to the meeting date. If you are hearing or voice impaired, contact the relay operator at 1-800-955-8771. -EDGE ATE AGENDA CITY OF EDGEWATER City Council-MOCK Emergency Meeting APRIL 14, 2014 6:00 p.m. COUNCIL CHAMBERS We respectfully request that all electronic devices are set for no audible notification. 1. CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, INVOCATION 2. SITUATION REPORT - Fire Chief Cousins 3. PROCLAMATIONS - City Manager Tracey Barlow 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS, ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS a. Resolution No B. Police Chief Dave Arcieri b. Resolution No E: Environmental Services Director Brenda Dewees e. Resolution No. H: Finance Director John McKinney c. Resolution No. F: Development Services Director Darren Lear d. Resolution No. L Development services Director Darren Lear 5. ADJOURN Pursuant to Chapter 286, F.S., if an individual decides to appeal any decision made with respect to any matter considered at a meeting or hearing, that individual will need a record of the proceedings and will need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. The City does not prepare or provide such record. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act,persons needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact City Clerk Bonnie Brown, 104 N. Riverside Drive, Edgewater, Florida, telephone number 386-424-2400 x 1 101, 5 days prior to the meeting date. If you are hearing or voice impaired, contact the relay operator at 1-800-955-8771. EDGE4VATER EMERGENCY COUNCIL MEETING April 14, 2014 MOCK DISASTER i µV u AGENDA • SITUATION REPORT (SITREP) FIRE CHIEF STEPHEN COUSINS • PROCLAMATION CITY MANAGER TRACEY BARLOW • EMERGENCY RESOLUTION B POLICE CHIEF DAVE ARCIERI • EMERGENCY RESOLUTION E ENVIRONMENTAL SRV BRENDA DEWEES • EMERGENCY RESOLUTION F AND I DEVELOPMENT SRV DARREN LEAR • EMERGENCY RESOLUTION H FINANCE DIRECTOR JOHN MCKINNEY MOCK DISASTER i µV u Situation Report 'ED Laze.�a5 Situation — At approximately 1306 hours today a tornado touched down in the southern part of the city stretching from the western boundary at the 3200 block of Silver Palm Drive extending to the northeast exiting in the area of Rankin Road. Initial Damage Assessment — (Homes) 16 Destroyed, 42 Major Damage, and 145 Minor Damage (estimated dollar amount not yet available) Injuries — All injuries associated with the tornado are considered minor. Effects— No electrical service to approximately 500 home in and around the effected area. This includes the sanitary lift stations . • Estimated that up to 100 people may be displaced and may require shelter assistance. • Damage to infrastructure (lift stations, roadways, and traffic control devices) Hazards - Power lines, fallen trees, debris, unsanitary conditions and citizens. MOCK DISASTER i µV u Situation Report (cont) 'ED Laze.�a5 City Emergency Operations Center — • Full activation and staffing (Volusia County EOC partially activated in support) • Emergency/Essential personnel recall has been done. • Mutual Aid requests have been made. • Working with American Red Cross for sheltering (staging at the YMCA) • Working with Salvation Army for feeding in the effected area. • Community Information Line 1-386-424-2400 Mode of Operation — Transitioning from the response mode to the recovery mode. MOCK DISASTER Tornado Path of Destruction AS AV�WYAMIP'�M, ,- � � r / j- K � � �✓ �ii�i i� ,^ Gig^ °, ��"«,w5� ilq %Fi � 4g ' .w a "v y^A' mkX 1� Fa .e U Nib�Fe I — �'NmwurvrAaA aVAf ,.. �^ Z' q � h ii'O ASP 10, PR F. b April 2014 Tornado Damage City 1 Tornado Path Urnits " n � `4e ` � 1NuCwr Damage (145) Major Damage (42) NICA Destroyed (16) u r' u r d 600 Feet , �ryI�g ^�,�µq�y..yryp, py y WMM!."F'"S N �U J y q) fry � � l I' � ,, dH' YI M a f � i�� �,�ro✓ f 'q' � �I M �M� 1 r y � a �,. �� 4 1n Al es R * ; ST "w �- T k V 4 h,"r w � � t MYNA{ 4k�iy ¢I I �( a✓j��Jn r J �� rJ 3f r 1 r Od �d'y VL w_. ........ N a r� o �o v AFFECTED DISASTER RECOVERY ZONES "b I " IQ pro a �+� ° In tG ye „ „ ^ 5 �l 51"�, ,. V AS r ^fir v f VIX IV %n " 'w �'t, WG ml � aaa y4 'y %IA a"P UI !g rye; 4V !, '# %n ! a 0 "kw, �n� ;e` ,h, , Imo; ih 'i ,, •h;,, ap i �, ,,, k'°w ` ; u 7t �G ` ,4" ., Z5B "I NIP""�" v s „ `'✓ „ ''� `_„ „ has i e ,h-6 r, `"d""i.'k� �� ", kk y" .F 'N' x d � >r r i ° s 4 ry % �' k `� r IVrp m 110 IV .. � " A 51 ' vy �i ri� I, h� r v °a 1 � J v TORNADO DAMAGE ( r l w / �ry oai / i/�l %yytn ✓ /1 r� r 7 r y I� �avY Ini Iu � I p � TORNADO DAMAGE r it it '�dytiti��4 �iwuuU� �fl�io, a ,,r TORNADO DAMAGE r u° i i ' , � /G11/dJ➢l�f�mtiy, ��� PY � , i, TORNADO DAMAGE I �d J' / �jl JQID9IG r t l rriliu '1 CfI-Y OF EDGEAVA1111R,FLORIDA P 14 0 CL A MA I'l 0 N WHEREA', Tracey Barlow (EM) has cellifiod IhAt conclilloas I'c'sult4g,fium torn,a�dIo damiage hnvc,cirontc4i an cnictSewy iituat7nn;pind WHERI,AS,Chap(cm 8 W'dw Cvdr Qf Oplirwxwt.s iwthvrizea emwgcc.cy uwa4ktrcs to he,tskmi miler nnicrgrrmay mndrdm;rind MIT,MUM,a aAatr ul`cmcvg=vy is ficrrhy dodarod IFv proc.,lumAion lu aulhmi".0 sm"ll ucut"'JIM is=y be neceisbin,IL)rmtmigr iudA blate of eturqency,and WHPRFAS, thaw i iiqwicc ol caxorepi,cy mwlud,,,,,,,) B,E,F,H an�d l he ncumary kv criublu that pwper conlrol A aad mpunsv,0 ific miagciwy conu'rJons cewficd abovo, N('.)WI THEREFORE, 11 Mayor Michael Thomas . Of rj,.,L, City or f"Agmemr, FInkl(la, do hcjoby paclaiia and derlaic Mat W3 CMIUgolicy mm.", within dw, Cii) (if EiImveutar und thal all jyr(qn,,r anal luwfull u-bom nncwmaD to Pwiftly rnalve the en-mrgency wid retura the zanvaunity to an ckindilion ol norinaky shall I>e lakea„ Nvafh,nvtr,pd(WROM 4 all V2014 Date BAM-RCEM"Y kESOLU VION NO.It AN KWAGEN(W RESOLUTION or rur, cny couxcm OF VHK CITY OF EDCEWATER, FLORIDA, CONnRNHNC A 10CLARATION OF A STATE, OF BARMCENC!V, AND .&UTHORIZING THE SETTING or A CURFEW A,ND DUSIGNATING CERTA]"NAREAS OFF 11MITS. WHERVAN a :Auto Of In the city all" Edgowawx wa plo"I')iuled by Wtw OA,W r ft—, cqj At,M 14 VoTA tCY A.,-Jp will"Up"'ks, condtdong Prime tram Lave spnowly aflmwd t1w,qnfcov wid re rmnry c4f ow,over;iad pfolvvy otthe cvizejss of the(.ity of Edgewater:auj WHEREAS, Owltmi S of the, (7,11Y of Eklgvwcoet code of OlAinjum, u11jmrlzm dw dc-clanafloAl ofil curkmand tile desigomion ul wvab, oil limum dating a blate oremergemy. NOW,TITER ORE,RIP,rf RRSOLVK0 HY t'tfl(C11 V('(ION(11,04'I'MIK(1'I'V OF EDGE,WATER,MOICIDA,AS I,OLLOWS,: A dvvluMa m of o,Swk of 11:mq"wy pm,�luirncd on tpl 4 AJ14 hcrcb, coulirmed, hum,scriou:,0y a ftch,,,1 and crelte'd om"laico:6,%Iuch flurwrn tfic unfrAy and umunty n cs and PTep-Tlvl of the cltu=5 Of pd-cew-atel aad tbevby Nequiim.hr ftkublighmml of iml-few rwtwccn the houTH of -, miff 7— J,,Wy olla the de�iwudijn of 6e,Yellowing amw as off lirfiirw;In all except thow iderrifiod in Seutim 8-4(5)(1) of Chwmcr 9 of the City of 1,dgewatcr Ukidc of kdhtancrs: 7r- AW..y.1 A,12194 Sce inn 4 Aliviolntiou,50 day of 20 Authurizud Oftichal AT'TE,ST-. 5i Clerk SMERCENCY RESOLUTION NO.f� AN UNIERCENCY RESOLITFION OF TBE CITY COUNCIL OY '11W CITV OF EDC!EWATLR, FLORIDA, CONTIRNULNG A L)LULARXIIUN OF A STATE OF FIERGMY, ANN) PLACT,XC CERTAIN RESTRICTIONS ON TIM USE OF WAIT It WI UN 771Y LrrfLrn'SERNIC1,ARE AS Or THE C11 V W II)CEWATUR ATIEREAS, a State of Emenpacy in Tbc City of Ed?,c-vmT,,,,r wax prwAllimci fv W,.0 pt". q,u ApI 14 4 dtllv. thmairm (Ile watm sigyply WHEREAS, ndicir'lfc,lantrnry ormtions;sand 4W111 k 1%AS Chapter 9 of the Cilty of rEd..,,,kwwer Code rat Ordlnauz authorin,mmar w,,,o resATictuns duTing a A-11V Of r'[TMgt!Wy4 NOW,711 'RI FORE,BE IT RE �SOLN�Ej)Bjr THE CITY COUNCII OYTH It CITY 014 F0(;EWATVR,FLORIDA,AN FOLLOWS� Sekbou 1. A dru i mdtiuu uf a Stall,of Eunupnicy Imoclabincd ran P;e% 4 1 A hrrcby<x,,nfirmed is wdovsfy, Mxfing the waw .4upply and'or funcgims ur cuplicity of le'sawtaxy ofiWifilm of Vdagownu md rcquiv w,t1w,rc%trictinr oC lvater W dnd ut, wiLlun C'M bollowing tmm(s): e,wffiCJIVC (Tit-1) (Day,) (Njotjth) (Ycar), :arc aa; Y114 Suzh reAnubmw Jmall mmain Oa effi.�l twil campetent mollonity qha It dccW-c the _4cl _ qmtc Of ornenpnicy wrminatcJ, sec,tiun 5 This rt-sulution shall take,efl�,cc w te daw ant finic spircificd fil so'holl'L i1A.q",'r,',D AL D ADOM"M on thm the 4141).01 W.TZ—ri"'L"d"off-le i.I ATTEST: city awk ENW,PGFN(7VRFSOI.u,rwjN No.F AN M,V,146VNC% IUM)l 11'1 ZION oF,mp.,cm C,0UNCIL OF TFIR CITY OF' KI)GEWAI KK, FILORIOA, CON'FrRNn.NC, A DEC LAPAIION OF A STATK' OF 11.1"ERGXNCT, AND SITSMENrjING CERTAIN MGM. 111MI)ING PlINMI'l-l"ING RK(WIXTIONS LNOFN IK NIERGENCY CONDI DONS. MTEREAS, a SUtp �,terra IYY Of In (he Cjt,; )f W I hd2V,PkIi,N TN— duo Wren aud WHEREAS, a aaaa, gar ha,.,, Wsasivc datimec, to ptiblic and pnvylt,a propeny-Tlh,—T�761 I—l(y 110E-6e"water:and WHEREAS.theexpKAtums rawraTiondpropm,to p-t-exi-icing windiiionx iq 6wl to enuMt 6e, Ot Slwltrr for moiklrmt4,IM1611mqT'A and plllflicmiivifies mml MILREAS, udhrmlice luv cellum loviii ,ziabilshed bt:Uiae periwrrin�, viiinlAtinvir, And I^Toocdurm usn&-lay[lie prouvw LlCrwauring qx svur4tcs to wn khiji)ns e,%istb�rtJor to tllc,,cmcigcncy, frul W HER VAS, uf kicdl Iqdl0hog PtLt acinme,joellhitiolm dut hip;A,lour of evierpney NOW,`1 OPREFORE,HE rr RESOLUD BY THE CITY COLNCIL O:F TfiF.GII V OF Sretim l. A dcularkdon AIlA4 cause'd darange lu Amlyllft(w pwopwio," I'omdc,rhi?,dicill untlafO nr marginally habltable famingTraidmls hurn 11miriviidenus and busanes,,and wfluncrCiM Raivirkm to Trimalm ckxAxi. 5rvlon 3, The fnilowing Runpcv1sion flf"-T-Wrl buddong,pcmlitting mphlticlu$and'px0Ct4vV,$ shall leulaw ill effoot wird ormIxux"t A14olitv 6AII d=IATo 6,10 Matrr Ar umcrgert."y lexluind�r& Stmiou4. PASSED *,ND A DOPTED cm thit the, dly of_ 20 Am lhurr"Officlul ATTVNT� ('#y Clerk rNm Rency R nmunoN No.IT AN FAIEWWNCY liMS ►LITTION OF TTIF CITY COUNCIL OF '144F.' CHY OF KDGEWATER, FLORIDk, RELATING W K&IMCF."WN MANACLNILUI,1';. CONMUUNG A 0MIAHA I ION (,,)r A STATE Or EMER(WNCY, A1,11HOUIZINC EMERGENCY PURCIULSING AND MoCt RKMEN I'PROCIDURF6 AND SUSPENDING CERTAI,N CIIN COOKS, RULES ANT), ]REGULATIONS RELATING TO M.RC ►ANINC rkN D PROCURENTENT; THIS RESOLUTION NHAIJ, IIK VALAD FOR IIHRIY (M) DAIS %Nn AIA'Ol%1A'HCALLV RENENVED EVERY THURTY (30) DAYI� �,'N(11 1,MR1 HIM ACTION BY THE CM COUNCIL, WHIMEAS, a Sime of Emeggeucy uL dbe City oat Edgeuw-1 tiNmq pi nc6imcd by km$r iKirr"m-I h—Z, awns A4,i I 1",20 1 dm to kwoe,jaww WUEREAS. hax vouscd ruews;ve doluagt-, tc, ptibb:un✓ pdvata pro petty within the City rif Hd�(nvstcr.and the rc-emlabhshmenr oCpublk acfivity:and WHEREAS, adbereme to ce0lim local outillarccR, rues Lad regi.aUum (-s,wb1j:,1uug rnrutuLiing and procawrleal ptoceculeA can May the procens of rc,,IoHT4, pullfia; L.,wifitits to cundiums emsfing prior to And WMEREAS,04apter 8 oft he Ckri ofEdgmmr Cpdc of'ordinamees UULhUlU&h the ttOWUMIL of urnurptnacy pru(meatent proudureg Ondup,a SmTr nt Frrcremry. NOW,I HEREFORE,BE ITRESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCII,(A-1"ECIT'v OF' ED(3EW,8 JITRt P I A IRI DA,ASFOLLONVS; Srvaicm I. I he rwhuh,und 6nditigr,oamniiied b dw punnibIc to Ws rmitition um himby idoptod by rdurmcc the rata and;rw/jswzwrd heteili,,u it fully Rt toi ill ill 5,c,otton 2. A dcc8nmuion rif u'Statc of Emtrpersk;v pvmciaiuwd od Ap't 14.711A biA cauwd damap to murimu readuLng nicin unvair,mr sclniouil, 111c o0lorpmy has camcd dirruption und dumage to pubix raufluic's Mia up)LOU"Ims socmbm -5 It i,,iloom"Iry in chruhmic inrnmfiaic thream to die ffe,hea'th aad safety of re%ident),mux:e1llployee%awl ebulvvit;,^illimMiarc ffirmim ui uz%6mw,,eJ pplpevy,as weH as eallUj* mmomic rvueyery to the City aw the commuruN, DIERGENCY RE,SOLUTION NO,I AN'rNIrRGLN'CY RFSOLUTION OF THE(ITYCOUNCIL OF TITS C11NOF U11CFWATEIM, F1X)RTDA, 1RULATTNG TO EMIMCENCY MANACIMENT; CONFIRMING A M-AAARATION W, A SIATE, OF EMURCPACY� AU1110RUINCI 111L SUSPENS10.1% 01, CkMAIN L1JV COULS, RULES AND REGULATIONS RELATTNC 'TO TFIVRORARY ITOINENC; TTITS RESOLMON STIALL, Rr VALID UN"L m,aat A'4 WHEREAS, a State of Eineigemy ift th,e Cily of Edgewiter wag VroCLaiftw4l by On dtle tu, ayw W111EIREAS, ."'Ju ft-c, extuyj cxtcnq3vc dMidge to pubfic and privatc,property within the City(if Edgewatur:and WAVRA'Aii,adherew-c to,xitui-n lix,al oidit-Lanacv,n ukns Aad rquis.rmu vcrg 117<1 at aj ding t.,n y 1`11Wdng nand hhAJ hUflibTly Mpntfacimm ntitav i-up ucl 1110 phlic 1NOR1111,mfcty Mid WC1161rc;wit WAURVAS,Oiap(m N of the Oty of kdpwater Cndc o"Ordinaucc.%autbnri7x-,q thesm1wils,01 ef kvad building rcgulatinnr,41tv ing i Stau nrFAiriSexy, NOW,THEREFORE,BE rr RESOLVED BY THE MY COUNCIL OF THE cFry of EDGENVArER,FLORIDA,AS fOLLOWS: Scettan I 'Hic nwitak and lowfingN conumed 6a th,preminifle to tfilq rcrufluuort wc liceby adoptul by mfucince dievatnand incorporsiad hocin,ar,iffiffly as firth ti tfiin%rcioo �nntion 2, A d('430hOlk 'If it SWC Of EJ11C9?,4avY PfOCAALMcd (w A001 1 2:111 —is "'onfuracd 'macainoa"G. All- ccd mis 0111AEC to glu"10'rovs propeulie,4, &zetioju 5�, It i5 nocti&&Y to VIULLLIAle umi,eawt Lwvots to aw itk,deataq aad sofui,v ui twidemand emplopw,ud elialixtate aumedive tlue,4u to uu&iweed lwoperty,zwell as ensum ecowunic twovery to ftte Cityukl dw amwuuojiiy. Sectuon S. A vulid pubhu r-.nerpenr!, rxi,t�jum,tifying the suipmqikiin of loowl buikfing regula'aong m it relaus tau knrpornzy housmy. on 7, The ornergerwy re dart; it ncA�c%ary u) su4pervi Ina 1VrdiTPWncr,.q, rula� arwi TOPUIULUMv drUlIng with tmrnlunEry howhip., am it 11MIRMN ',Xr properlieq that huve qwNwntud wnjar dainip that have rerALrml the structure=inhabilablu and in which the p Tcrty cuncr w ttnant v,ishcv to live on(be fornperty[rut in mmporw�„,hauntrS until the main=irturc has been repairoti. Po-wrver,thii,"xnran ivituation 40 Iv,on a caRic by cmgr bagii and oily fora irinnymble pcnM of tinic and amly in a tcynprwy hi wing%Inwiluru or vehicle appicwed by the Cfl,,k. �hIaxttnl I hi.1 I alolutul I 1 0311 ho.,La I A not Anqfc,A.114 111KIrse=tcncird by the t.Ity°("launch. Municode Page 1 of 10 OF ORDINANCES >> Chapter 8 COMPREHENSIVE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PLAN AND DISASTER PREPAREDNESS Chapter 8 COMPREHENSIVE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PLAN AND DISASTER PREPAREDNESS 111 Sec. 8-1. Purpose and declaration of policy. Sec. 8-2. Definitions. Sec. 8-3.Adoption of plan. Sec. 8-4. Declaration, extension and termination of a state of local emergency; delegation of authority to declare, extend and terminate a state of local emergency. Sec.8-5.Termination of a state of emergency. Sec. 8-6. City manager to act as director of emergency management. Sec. 8-7. Powers and duties of director of emergency management. Sec. 8-8. Operational organization. Sec. 8-9. Police emergencies. Sec. 8-10. Fire and hazardous materials emergencies. Sec. 8-11. Utility emergencies. Sec. 8-12. Weather emergencies. Sec. 8-13. Debris and hazard removal. Sec. 8-14..Suspension of local building regulations. Sec. 8-15. Certification of emergency conditions. Sec.8-16. Prohibition on price gouging. Sec. 8-17. Portable generators. Sec. 8-18. Penalty for violation of emergency declaration, order or rule. Sec. 8-1. Purpose and declaration of policy. This article [chapter] is enacted to clarify and designate powers and duties with regard to emergencies and disasters. It is intended to grant as broad a power as permitted by statutory and constitutional authority. (Ord. No. 2010-0-20. Pt. A(Exh. A). 9-27-10) Sec. 8-2. Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article [chapter], shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Average retail price. The average price at which similar merchandise, services, rentals or lodging were being sold or rented during the 30 days immediately preceding the declaration of a local emergency. Civil emergency. Any condition of unrest, riot, civil disobedience, affray, unlawful assembly, hostile military or paramilitary action, war, terrorism, sabotage, or any similar condition. http://library.municode.com/print.aspx?h=&clientlD=14694&HTMRequest=http%3 a%2f... 4/11/2014 Municode Page 2 of 10 Comprehensive emergency management plan. The plan adopted by the city council for the effective administration of emergency and disaster preparation, response, management and recovery. Consumer good. Any service, article, product, merchandise or commodity of any kind or class, which is customarily produced or distributed for sale or rental at retail or provided for consumption by or [for] the use or benefit of individuals, including but not limited to foods, water, ice, clothing, lumber, hardware, chainsaws, generators, and home improvement materials; fuel products; and repairs, services, rentals or lodging. Disaster. Whether natural or manmade, shall mean hurricane, flood, fire, tornado, earthquake, severe high or low temperatures, water contamination or pollution, land contamination or pollution, air pollution, landslide, mudslide, building or structural collapse, high water table, pandemic disease, epidemic, blight, drought, severe energy shortages, windstorm, hazardous substance spills or releases, radiation releases or exposures, infestation, explosions, sabotage, mass transportation accidents, public health emergencies, or any similar emergency. Emergency. Any imminent threat or occurrence of a disaster, civil emergency or utility emergency that adversely affects the public health, safety or security affecting the city and its residents and inhabitants where it is determined that the exercise or discharge of emergency or disaster powers, as outlined in section 8-4, is necessary to save lives, protect property, protect the public health and safety, or to lessen or to avert the threat of a catastrophe or calamity within the city. Enforcement official. Any police or law enforcement officer, any code compliance official, any fire department personnel, or division of emergency management, and any other appropriate municipal official. Fuel product. Home heating oil, kerosene, propane, natural gas, diesel fuel, methanol, aviation fuel, bio-fuels and gasoline. Utility emergency. Conditions which endanger or threaten to endanger the safety, potability, availability, transmission, distribution, treatment, or storage of water, natural gas, gas, fuel, electricity, communication, garbage, sewage, or any similar condition. (Ord. No. 2010-0-20, Pt.A(Exh. A), 9-27-10) Sec. 8-3. Adoption of plan. A comprehensive emergency management plan for the city shall be adopted by the city council by resolution and be maintained as a separate document. The city manager shall prepare and present to the city council for approval the comprehensive emergency management plan and such ongoing changes, amendments and revisions thereto necessary for its effective administration. (Ord. No. 2010-0-20, Pt. A(Exh. A). 9-27-10) Sec. 8-4. Declaration, extension and termination of a state of local emergency; delegation of authority to declare, extend and terminate a state of local emergency. http://library.municode.com/print.aspx?h=&clientlD=14694&HTMRequest=http%3 a%2f... 4/11/2014 Municode Page 3 of 10 (a) The city council has the power to declare a state of local emergency activating the emergency management plans applicable to the city when the city council finds it necessary to protect the lives and property of the citizens of the city and to provide for the continued operation of essential services provided by the city. The city council may at any time extend or terminate the local state of emergency as necessary. (b) In the absence of a quorum of the city council, the mayor, vice mayor, city manager, or the acting city manager in his/her absence, in the order named, based on availability, shall have the authority to declare a state of emergency. (c) Any declaration of a state of emergency and all emergency regulations activated or rescinded under the provisions of this chapter and done absent of the city council, shall be confirmed by the city council no later than at the next regular meeting, unless the nature of the emergency renders a meeting of the city council extremely impractical. (d) Emergency resolutions authorized by this chapter shall include, but are not limited to, the following subjects: Resolution Subject A Evacuation B Curfews; declaration of areas off limits C Suspension or regulation of the sale of, or offer to sell, with or without consideration, alcoholic beverages, explosives and flammables or combustibles D Prohibiting the sale of merchandise, goods or services at more than the average retail price E Water use restrictions F Suspension of local building regulations G Regulating the use of and rationing of fuel, ice and other essentials H Emergency procurement procedures I Authorizing the suspension of certain city codes, rules and regulations relating to temporary housing (e) Upon declaration of a state of local emergency and during the existence of a declared state of local emergency, the mayor or designated city official, in addition to any other powers conferred upon the mayor or designated city official by F.S. ch. 252, F.S. ch. 870, or other law, has the power and authority among other nonenumerated powers to: (1) Direct and compel the evacuation of all or part of the population from any stricken or threatened area within the city if the mayor or designated city official deems this action necessary for the preservation of life or other emergency mitigation, response, or recovery. (2) Waive the procedures and formalities otherwise required of the city by law or ordinance pertaining to: a. Performance of public work and taking whatever prudent action is necessary to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the community; b. Entering into contracts; c. Incurring obligations; d. Employment of permanent and temporary workers; e. Utilization of volunteer workers; f. Rental of equipment; g. Acquisition and distribution, with or without compensation, of supplies, materials, and facilities; h. Appropriation and expenditure of public funds. http://library.municode.com/print.aspx?h=&clientlD=14694&HTMRequest=http%3 a%2£.. 4/11/2014 Municode Page 4 of 10 - (3) Prohibit or regulate travel upon any public street, highway or upon any other public property. Persons in search of medical assistance, food or other commodity or service necessary to sustain the well being of themselves or their families or some member thereof may be excepted from such prohibition or regulation; (4) Impose a curfew upon all or any portion of the city thereby prohibiting persons from being on public streets, highways, parks or other public places during the hours which the curfew is in effect; (5) Prohibit any person, firm, or corporation from using the fresh water supplied by the city for any purpose other than cooking, drinking or bathing; (6) Prohibit the sale or distribution of any alcoholic beverages, explosives, and flammables or combustibles during a state of emergency with or without the payment or a consideration therefore; (7) Prohibit or regulate the participation in or carrying on of any business activity, and prohibit or regulate the keeping open of place of business, places of entertainment and any other place of public assembly, unless authorized by the mayor or designated public official and must be for the purpose of assisting with disaster preparedness, response or recovery; (8) Regulate the use of and ration fuel, ice and other essentials; (9) Prohibit or regulate any demonstration, parade, march, vigil or participation therein from taking place on any of the public rights-of-way or upon any public property; (10) Suspend local building regulations as necessary during the existence of a public emergency; (11) Prohibit the sale of merchandise, goods or services at more than the average retail price; (12) The restrictions referenced in sections (3) through (5) above may exempt, from all or part of such restrictions, physicians, nurses and ambulance operators performing medical services, on-duty employees of hospitals and other medical facilities, on-duty military personnel, bona fide members of the news media, personnel of public utilities maintaining essential public services, city authorized or requested firefighter, paramedic, law enforcement officers and emergency management personnel and such other classes of persons as may be essential to the preservation of public order and immediately necessary to preserve safety, health and welfare needs of the people within the city. (e) A declaration of a state of emergency shall activate the emergency plans applicable to the city. A declaration of a state of emergency shall automatically invoke the emergency measures listed in F.S. § 870.044, if the emergency relates to overt acts of violence or the imminent threat of such violence. (f) A state of emergency, when declared as provided herein, shall continue in effect from day to day until declared to be terminated. Provided, however, that a state of emergency declared pursuant to F.S. § 870.041 et seq. shall commence upon the declaration thereof and shall terminate at the end of a period of seven consecutive days thereafter, unless, prior to the end of such seven day period, the public official or city official declaring the emergency shall have terminated such state of emergency. An extension of periods up to 72-hour time limit(s) may occur but must be accomplished by a declaration of extension of the state of emergency by the mayor or designated city official. (Ord. No. 2010-0-20, Pt. A(EA,t. A), 9-27-10: Ord. No 2011-0-14, Pt. A(Exh. A), 9-26-11) Sec. 8-5. Termination of a state of emergency. http://library.municode.com/print.aspx?h=&clientlD=14694&HTMRequest=http%3a%2f... 4/11/2014 Municode Page 5 of 10 A state of emergency may be terminated by the official declaring the emergency or a person eligible to declare an emergency and the termination shall be confirmed by a vote of the city council, at the earliest convenience, or upon the certification of the person who originally requested the declaration of the state of emergency, that the conditions leading to or causing the emergency no longer exist and the city's agencies and departments are able to manage the situation without extraordinary assistance. Provided, however, that a state of emergency established under F.S. § 870.041 et seq. shall terminate at the end of a period of seven consecutive days after the declaration of the emergency, unless, prior to the end of the 72-hour period, the public official calling for a declaration of emergency or the city council has terminated such state of emergency. Notice of termination of the emergency declaration shall be made to the public by the city manager by available means. (Ord. No. 2010-0-20, Pt. A(Exh.A), 9-27-10) Sec. 8-6. City manager to act as director of emergency management. Pursuant to the comprehensive emergency management plan, the city manager shall act as the director of emergency management with all of the authority of that position either granted by the city's comprehensive emergency management plan, the city council, federal or state law, city or county ordinances. The city manager or his designee shall appoint a coordinator of emergency management whose duties shall include the ongoing planning for and coordination of those actions necessary for the creation and maintenance of an effective emergency response capability to prepare for and manage emergency conditions. (Ord. No. 2010-0-20, Pt. A(Exh. A), 9-27-10) Sec. 8-7. Powers and duties of director of emergency management. The powers and duties of the director of emergency management shall include, but are not limited to, all of the following emergency measures: (1) Direct preemergency and emergency response activities by city departments and such emergency services personnel as the director of emergency management may designate or appoint. (2) Execute contracts and purchase or lease goods and services for emergency protection, construction or repair of public improvements and property to the extent allowed by law. (3) Lease real property or structures necessary for the continued operation of city government and essential services provided by the city. (4) Recommend the suspension of or limit the sale, dispensing or transportation of alcoholic beverages, explosives and combustibles. (5) Recommend the establishment of curfews, including, but not limited to, prohibition or restriction of pedestrian and/or vehicular movement, standing or parking, except for the provision of essential services, such as fire, police, utility emergency repairs, emergency medical services and hospital services, including the transportation of patients and emergency calls by physicians. (6) Identify and recommend the declaring of certain areas off limits. (7) Make provisions for availability and use of temporary emergency housing and emergency warehousing of materials and equipment. (8) Establish and operate emergency operation centers and shelters as necessary. http://library.municode.com/print.aspx?h=&clientlD=14694&HTMRequest=http%3 a%2£.. 4/11/2014 Municode Page 6 of 10 (9) Recommend the declaring that it shall be unlawful for any person to use the fresh water supplied by the city for any purpose other than cooking, drinking or bathing. (10) Request assistance from other governmental agencies as necessary for mitigation of the emergency or disaster. (11) Coordinate with federal, state and other governmental agencies as may be necessary to plan and implement a joint jurisdiction emergency planning and disaster services plan and mutual aid arrangement. (12) Coordinate the city comprehensive emergency management plan with the county emergency management agency pursuant to F.S. ch. 252. Comply with all laws, rules, and requirements applicable to county emergency management agencies. Coordinate requests for state or federal emergency response assistance with the County of Volusia. (13) Consult with the city attorney in the planning and exercise of emergency powers. (14) Recommend for adoption by the city council mutual aid plans and agreements. (15) Direct emergency training activities. (16) Maintain a liaison with other municipal, state, regional and federal emergency management agencies. (17) In consultation with the city attorney, prepare all necessary emergency declarations, orders and rules and contracts or agreements. (18) Act as, or appoint, a media contact person during the state of local emergency. (19) Utilize those powers enumerated in F.S. ch. 252. (20) Delegate responsibilities as necessary to members of the recovery operations management team. (21) As necessary during and following any period of a declared state of emergency, enter onto roadways in private or gated communities or on private property for collection and removal of event-generated debris located in the rights-of-way and/or utility easements or on private property when it is determined on a case-by-case basis that III the removal of such debris from private property may be in the public interest when it is required to eliminate or lessen an immediate threat to life, public health and safety, to reduce a threat of additional damage to improved property, or to promote economic recovery of the community at large, subject to the section 8-13 below, on debris and hazard removal. (22) Assume other emergency responsibilities as assigned by the city council. (Ord. No. 2010-0-20, Pt. A(Exh. A). 9-27-10; Ord. No. 2011-0-14, Pt. A(Exh. A), 9-26-11) Sec. 8-8. Operational organization. The emergency management services organization of the city, which includes, but is not limited to, emergency operation center management group, emergency preparedness task force, emergency response team and the long term disaster recovery team, shall consist of municipal officers and employees who may be designated by the director of emergency management, volunteer workers, and paid noncity workers deemed necessary by the director of emergency management to accomplish emergency management planning and response goals. (Ord. No. 2010-0-20, Pt.A(Exh. A), 9-27-10) Sec. 8-9. Police emergencies. http://library.municode.com/print.aspx?h=&clientlD=14694&HTMRequest=http%3a%2f... 4/11/2014 • Municode Page 7 of 10 (a) A public emergency may be declared because of civil unrest or imminent threat to public peace or order when the Chief of Police, or if unavailable, the next highest ranking officer in the Police Department chain of command, certifies to the City Manager (or, if unavailable, the Acting City Manager) that an emergency condition arising from hostile actions of others, armed or unarmed or other imminent threat to public peace or order, requires extraordinary measures for control, including, but not limited to curfew; blockade; proscription of the sale of alcoholic beverages; explosives and combustibles; evacuation; and other like actions. The City Manager, or if unavailable, the Acting City Manager, shall report said certification to the officials in the order named in subsection 8-4(b) regarding the need to declare a state of emergency. Pursuant to section 8-4, a declaration of emergency may then be issued. (b) Declaration of a public emergency because of civil unrest or imminent threat to public peace or order shall authorize the mayor, vice-mayor, city manager or other designated official to exercise the powers provided in section 8-4 or require automatic emergency measures pursuant to F.S. § 870.44 et seq. In addition, additional discretionary emergency measures pursuant to F.S. § 870.045 may be issued. (nu. vo. 2010-0-2u, Ft. ,ti(Exh. A), y-2i-,'v. vru ,1-0-14, Pt. A(Exh. A), 9-26-11) Sec. 8-10. Fire and hazardous materials emergencies. (a) A public emergency may be declared because of fire, emergency medical condition or a hazardous materials incident emergency when the chief of the fire-rescue department, or if unavailable, the next highest ranking officer in the fire-rescue department chain of command, certifies to the city manager or designee that an actual or potential condition arising from fire, medical condition, explosion, chemical, radiological or biological spill, release or exposure, building or bridge collapse, or plane, train, or other vehicle accident, or other actual or potential occurrences which pose an unreasonable risk to health, safety and property, which requires extraordinary measures for control, including, but not limited to, calling out of off- duty and reserve personnel; assistance by outside agencies; evacuation; and other like actions. The City Manager shall report said certification to the officials in the order named in subsection 8-4(b) regarding the need to declare a state of emergency. Pursuant to Section 8-4, a declaration of emergency may then be issued. (b) Declaration of a public emergency because of fire, chemical, radiological or biological and hazardous material emergency shall authorize the city manager or other designated official to exercise the powers provided in section 8-4. (Ow. ivo. 2010-0-20, Pt. A(Exh. A), 9-27-10) Sec. 8-11. Utility emergencies. g (a) A public emergency may be declared because of utility conditions when the director of the environmental services department, or if unavailable, the next highest ranking environmental services department official, certifies to the city manager that: (1) A condition exists or is imminent that endangers the safety, potability, quantity, availability, collection, conveyance, transmission, distribution, treatment, or storage of water or waste water through or within the city's water or waste water utility system; or (2) A condition exists or is imminent that endangers the safety, quality, quantity, availability, transmission, distribution, or storage of gas through or within the gas utility system provided throughout the city; and (3) http://library.municode.com/print.aspx?h=&clientlD=14694&HTMRequest=http%3 a%2£.. 4/11/2014 Municode Page 8 of 10 • Extraordinary actions to control and correct the situation are required, including, but not limited to, emergency purchase; call-in of off-duty personnel; assistance by other communities and agencies; and other like actions. (b) The city manager shall report said certification to the officials, in the order named in subsection 8-4(b) regarding the need to declare a state of emergency. Pursuant to section 8-4, a declaration of emergency may then be issued. (c) Declaration of a public emergency because of utility conditions shall authorize the exercise of emergency powers provided in section 8-4. (Ord. No. 2010-0-20, Pt. A(Ex., A), 9-27-10 Sec. 8-12. Weather emergencies. (a) A public emergency may be declared because of weather conditions when the National Weather Service or a state, county or local emergency management agency informs the city or the public that emergency conditions resulting from meteorological conditions are present or imminent. Meteorological conditions covered by this section shall include, but are not limited to, hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, or other severe weather conditions and the results may be considered to be hazardous or harmful to the community. The city manager shall request a declaration of a state of emergency from the officials in the order named in subsection 8-4(b). Pursuant to section 8-4, a declaration of emergency may then be issued. (b) Declaration of a public emergency because of weather conditions shall authorize the exercise of emergency powers provided in section 8-4. (Ord. No. 2010-0-20, Pt.A(Exh.A), 9-27-10) Sec. 8-13. Debris and hazard removal. A declaration of local emergency under this chapter shall implement the process by which the city assumes responsibility during and following any period of a declared state of local emergency to enter onto roadways in private or gated communities or on private property for collection and removal of event-generated debris located in the rights-of-way and/or utility easements or on private property when it is determined on a case-by-case basis by the director of emergency management that the removal of such debris from private property may be in the public interest when it is required to eliminate or lessen an immediate threat to life, public health and safety, to reduce a threat of additional damage to improved property, or to promote economic recovery of the community at large. Prior to such entry, the owner(s) of said roadways in private or gated communities, or the authorized representative(s) of the private or gated community, shall agree in writing to indemnify, when reasonable to do so, and hold harmless the city, county, and state from liability associated with or arising out of entry onto private roadways and/or utility easements and the collection and removal of event-generated debris under this section. If the owners or authorized representative(s) of private property cannot be immediately contacted in order to obtain a written agreement for entry, the city shall complete the minimal task required on the private property in order to correct any immediate threat to life, public health and safety. (Ord. No. 2010-0-20, Pt. A(Exh. A), 9-27-10) Sec. 8-14. Suspension of local building regulations. The city manager may authorize a suspension of local building regulations during and following a declared state of emergency when the chief building official certifies to the city manager that such action is necessary for the expeditious restoration of property damaged by the emergency http://library.municode.com/print.aspx?h=&clientID=14694&HTMRequest=http%3a%2£.. 4/11/2014 Municode Page 9 of 10 event. Such suspension of building regulations may be applied on a case-by-case basis as required to remedy specific conditions and to facilitate the provision of emergency housing to disaster victims. The chief building official shall specify the provisions of the building code to be suspended and the reasons therefore, when certifying the necessity of such suspension to the city manager. The city manager shall communicate to the city council the need to suspend local building regulations to the officials, in the order named in subsection 8-4(b). The city council shall confirm the suspension pursuant to section 8-4. (Ord. No. 2010-0-20. Pt. A(Exh.A), 9-27-10) Sec. 8-15. Certification of emergency conditions. A certification of emergency conditions to the city manager may be verbal, but each verbal certification shall be confirmed in writing within 24 hours following an emergency declaration. (Ord. No. 2010-0-20, Pt. A(Exh. A), 9-27-10) Sec. 8-16. Prohibition on price gouging. (a) Upon declaration of an emergency pursuant to section 8-4, and during the duration of such emergency, it shall be prima facie evidence that an unlawful method of competition and an unfair and deceptive trade act or practice has occurred if any individual or business entity doing business in the city charges more than the average retail price for any consumer good and such price exceeds the average price at which the same or similar consumer good was readily obtainable in the city during the 30 days immediately prior to a declaration of a state of emergency; or the charges represent a gross disparity between the price of the consumer good or dwelling unit or self-storage facility that is the subject of the offer or transaction and the average price at which that commodity or dwelling unit or self-storage facility was rented, leased, sold, or offered for rent or sale in the usual course of business during the 30 days immediately prior to a declaration of a state of emergency, and the increase in the amount charged is not attributable to additional costs incurred in connection with the rental or sale of the commodity or rental or lease of any dwelling unit or self-storage facility, or national or international market trends; or for a person or his agent or business entity or its employee to rent or sell or offer to rent or sell at an unconscionable price within the area for which the state of emergency is declared, any consumer good including, but not limited to, supplies, services, provisions or equipment that is necessary for consumption or use as a direct result of the emergency. (b) This section does not prevent the seller of consumer goods from charging an amount in excess of the average retail price if such higher price is the direct result of, and limited to, any increased costs due to the transportation of the consumer good during the state of emergency or any increased cost for the consumer goods from the manufacturer, distributor or wholesaler to the seller. In such instances, only the actual cost increase per item from the manufacturer, distributor or wholesaler can be added to the average retail price. (c) A price increase approved by an appropriate government agency shall not be in violation of this section. (Ord. No. 2010-0-20. Pt. A(Exh.A), 9-27-1r Sec. 8-17. Portable generators. http://library.municode.com/print.aspx?h=&clientlD=14694&HTMRequest=http%3 a%2£.. 4/1 1/2014 Municode Page 10 of 10 - The use and operation of a portable auxiliary electrical generator is prohibited within or on the following areas: (1) Within five feet of any opening (includes, but is not limited to, doors and windows) into a building or structure; (2) Within garages, enclosed or partially enclosed areas, or under eaves or other overhangs; (3) On roofs or roof areas, balconies, ingress/egress areas and discharge ways, including but not limited to walkways, stairways and stairwells. (4) The generator shall be operated in a safe manner and in accordance with NFPA 70, the National Electric Code and all other applicable laws, regulations and city ordinances. (Ord. No. 2010-0-20, Pt. A(Exh.A), 9-27-10) Sec. 8-18. Penalty for violation of emergency declaration, order or rule. Any violation of an emergency declaration, order or rule issued pursuant to F.S. ch. 252 shall be punishable as provided in F.S. ch. 252. FOOTNOTE(S): ---(1)--- Editor's note—Ord. No. 2010-0-20, pt.A(Exh. A). adopted Sept. 27, 2010, amended Ch. 8 in its entirety and enacted the provisions set out herein. The former Ch. 8, titled Civil Defense and Disaster Preparedness, derived from Code 1963, §§2-17, 2-19-2-22; Ord. No. 868, §§2-10, adopted Feb. 18, 1974; Ord. No. 879, §§ 1-6, adopted July 1, 1974;and Ord. No. 81-0-27, §§3-6, adopted Aug. 17, 1981. (Back) Cross reference—Administration generally, Ch. 2;flood damage prevention, §9.5-21 et seq.;stormwater management, §9.5-51 et seq. (Back) State Law reference—Local disaster agencies, F.S. §252.38. (Back) http://library.municode.com/print.aspx?h=&clientID=14694&HTMRequest=http%3a%2f... 4/11/2014 CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, has certified that conditions resulting from have created an emergency situation; and WHEREAS, Chapter 8 of the Code of Ordinances authorizes certain emergency measures to be taken under emergency conditions; and WHEREAS, a state of emergency is hereby declared by proclamation to authorize such actions as may be necessary to manage such state of emergency; and WHEREAS, the issuance of emergency resolution(s) shall be necessary to enable the proper control of and response to the emergency conditions certified above. NOW, THEREFORE, I, , of the City of Edgewater, Florida, do hereby proclaim and declare that an emergency exists within the City of Edgewater and that all proper and lawful actions necessary to swiftly resolve the emergency and return the community to a condition of normalcy shall be taken. Authorized Official Date EMERGENCY RESOLUTION NO. A AN EMERGENCY RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, CONFIRMING A DECLARATION OF A STATE OF EMERGENCY, AND AUTHORIZING THE EVACUATION OF CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER,FLORIDA. WHEREAS, a State of Emergency in the City of Edgewater was proclaimed by on due to ; and WHEREAS, citizens must be moved from harm's way; and WHEREAS, Chapter 8 of the City of Edgewater Code of Ordinances authorizes the activation of plans for evacuation during a state of emergency. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA,AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. A declaration of a State of Emergency proclaimed on is hereby confirmed. Section 2. has seriously affected and threatened the lives and property of residents of the City of Edgewater and requires the evacuation of citizens from the following area(s): effective . (Time) (Day) (Month) (Year) Section 3. Such evacuation shall remain in effect until competent authority declares the state of emergency terminated. Section 4. This resolution shall take effect at the date and time specified in Section 2. PASSED AND ADOPTED on this the day of , 20_. Authorized Official ATTEST: City Clerk EMERGENCY RESOLUTION NO. B AN EMERGENCY RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, CONFIRMING A DECLARATION OF A STATE OF EMERGENCY, AND AUTHORIZING THE SETTING OF A CURFEW AND DESIGNATING CERTAIN AREAS OFF LIMITS. WHEREAS, a State of Emergency in the City of Edgewater was proclaimed by on due to ; and WHEREAS, conditions arising from have seriously affected the safety and security of the lives and property of the citizens of the City of Edgewater; and WHEREAS, Chapter 8 of the City of Edgewater Code of Ordinances authorizes the declaration of a curfew and the designation of areas as off limits during a state of emergency. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA,AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. A declaration of a State of Emergency proclaimed on is hereby confirmed. Section 2. has seriously affected and created conditions which threaten the safety and security of the lives and property of the citizens of Edgewater and thereby requires the establishment of a curfew between the hours of and daily and the designation of the following areas as off limits to all except those identified in Section 8-4(5)(1) of Chapter 8 of the City of Edgewater Code of Ordinances: , effective (Time) (Day) (Month) (Year) Section 3. This resolution shall take effect at the date and time specified in Section 2. Section 4. All violations of the provisions of this resolution shall be subject to prosecution as provided for in the Edgewater Code of Ordinances. PASSED AND ADOPTED on this the day of , 20_. Authorized Official ATTEST: City Clerk EMERGENCY RESOLUTION NO. C AN EMERGENCY RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, CONFIRMING A DECLARATION OF A STATE OF EMERGENCY, AND AUTHORIZING THE REGULATION AND SUSPENSION OF THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES AND FLAMMABLE OR COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS AND EXPLOSIVES. WHEREAS, a State of Emergency in the City of Edgewater was proclaimed by on due to ; and WHEREAS, threatens the safety and welfare of the citizens of the City of Edgewater; and WHEREAS, Chapter 8 of the City of Edgewater Code of Ordinances authorizes the suspension or regulation of the sale of alcoholic beverages, explosives and flammables or combustibles during a state of emergency. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA,AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. A declaration of a State of Emergency proclaimed on is hereby confirmed. Section 2. has and conditions arising therefrom are seriously threatening the safety of the citizens and property in the City of Edgewater and require the sale of alcohol, explosives and flammable or combustible materials to be suspended within the City limits of the City of Edgewater to control and prevent circumstances leading to public disorder, riot, arson, looting, and other unlawful acts during the period of the declared emergency. Section 3. No alcoholic beverage in any form shall be sold, offered for sale or otherwise distributed within the City during the period of the emergency by any person or by any commercial, nonprofit or other establishment whether for consumption on or off-premises or for wholesale or retail sale. Section 4. No flammable or combustible material or explosive, i.e. gasoline, kerosene, benzene, or blasting caps, dynamite, plastic explosives, nitroglycerine, ammonium nitrate or other explosives, shall be sold, used or transported in containers within the City other than in a approved containers designed for such product. No person shall have such products in their possession unless they are appropriately permitted and/or authorized during the period of emergency without the issuance of a written permit by the Fire Chief. Such flammable or explosive materials shall not be transported otherwise. Section 6. All violations of the provisions of this resolution shall be subject to prosecution as set forth in the Edgewater Code of Ordinances. Section 7. The regulation and suspension of the sale and possession of alcoholic beverages, flammable or combustible materials or explosives shall remain in effect until competent authority declares the state of emergency to be terminated. Section 8. This resolution shall take effect on . (Time) (Day) (Month) (Year) PASSED AND ADOPTED on this the day of , 20 . Authorized Official ATTEST: City Clerk EMERGENCY RESOLUTION NO. D AN EMERGENCY RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, CONFIRMING A DECLARATION OF A STATE OF EMERGENCY, AND PROHIBITING THE SALE OF MERCHANDISE, GOODS OR SERVICES AT MORE THAN THE AVERAGE RETAIL PRICE. WHEREAS, a State of Emergency in the City of Edgewater was proclaimed by on due to ; and WHEREAS, threatens the stability, economy and civil order of the City of Edgewater and its citizens; and WHEREAS, charging more than the average retail price under existing conditions is an attempt to profit from the misfortune of others and can lead to civil strife, to inequities in the distribution of essential materials such as foodstuffs, ice, fuel, and other vital necessities, and to a greater loss of the sense of hope and well being so basic to a speedy recovery and restoration of the community; and WHEREAS, Chapter 8 of the City of Edgewater Code of Ordinances authorizes this prohibition of the sale of merchandise, goods or services at more than the average retail price during a state of emergency. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA,AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. A declaration of a State of Emergency proclaimed on is hereby confirmed. Section 2. has and conditions arising therefrom threaten to create shortages of essential goods and services which are needed to sustain the physical well being, economic stability and public order of the City of Edgewater and its citizens. Section 3. No person or business entity offering goods or services for sale within the City of Edgewater shall charge more than the average retail price as defined by Section 8-2, of the Code of Ordinances, during the period of the declared emergency. Section 4. All violations of the provisions of this resolution shall be subject to prosecution as set forth in the Edgewater Code of Ordinances. Section 5. The regulation and control of retail prices within the City of Edgewater shall remain in effect until competent authority declares the state of emergency to be terminated. Section 6. This resolution shall take effect on (Time) (Day) (Month) (Year) PASSED AND ADOPTED on this the day of , 20_. Authorized Official ATTEST: City Clerk EMERGENCY RESOLUTION NO. E AN EMERGENCY RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, CONFIRMING A DECLARATION OF A STATE OF EMERGENCY, AND PLACING CERTAIN RESTRICTIONS ON THE USE OF WATER WITHIN THE UTILITY SERVICE AREAS OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER. WHEREAS, a State of Emergency in the City of Edgewater was proclaimed by on due to ; and WHEREAS, threatens the water supply and/or the functions or capacity of the sanitary sewer system of the City of Edgewater; and WHEREAS, extraordinary actions must be taken to assure adequate potable water supplies and/or safe sanitary operations; and WHEREAS, Chapter 8 of the City of Edgewater Code of Ordinances authorizes water use restrictions during a state of emergency. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER,FLORIDA,AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. A declaration of a State of Emergency proclaimed on is hereby confirmed. Section 2. is seriously affecting the water supply and/or functions or capacity of the sanitary sewer system of the City of Edgewater and requires the restriction of water to and use within the following area(s): , effective (Time) (Day) (Month) (Year) Section 3. Water use shall be restricted to the following conditions: Section 4. Such restrictions shall remain in effect until competent authority shall declare the state of emergency terminated. Section 5. This resolution shall take effect at the date and time specified in Section 2. PASSED AND ADOPTED on this the day of , 20 . Authorized Official ATTEST: City Clerk EMERGENCY RESOLUTION NO. F AN EMERGENCY RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, CONFIRMING A DECLARATION OF A STATE OF EMERGENCY, AND SUSPENDING CERTAIN LOCAL BUILDING PERMITTING REGULATIONS UNDER EMERGENCY CONDITIONS. WHEREAS, a State of Emergency in the City of Edgewater was proclaimed by on due to ; and WHEREAS, has caused extensive damage to public and private property within the City of Edgewater; and WHEREAS, the expeditious restoration of property to pre-existing conditions is vital to enable the re-establishment of shelter for residents, businesses and public activities; and WHEREAS, adherence to certain local established building permitting regulations and procedures can delay the process of restoring properties to conditions existing prior to the emergency; and WHEREAS, Chapter 8 of the City of Edgewater Code of ordinances authorizes the suspension of local building permitting regulations during a state of emergency. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA,AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. A declaration of a State of Emergency proclaimed on is hereby confirmed. Section 2. has caused damage to numerous properties rendering them unsafe or marginally habitable forcing residents from their residences and business and commercial activities to remain closed. Section 3. The following suspension of certain building permitting regulations and procedures shall remain in effect until competent authority shall declare the state of emergency terminated: Section 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED on this the day of , 20_. Authorized Official ATTEST: City Clerk EMERGENCY RESOLUTION NO. G AN EMERGENCY RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, CONFIRMING A DECLARATION OF A STATE OF EMERGENCY, AND RATIONING CERTAIN ESSENTIAL CONSUMABLES UNDER EMERGENCY CONDITIONS. WHEREAS, a State of Emergency in the City of Edgewater was proclaimed by on due to ; and WHEREAS, conditions caused by have caused or threaten to cause shortages of critically needed consumables essential to the subsistence of the citizens of Edgewater; and WHEREAS, measures are necessary to assure an equitable distribution of these essentials; and WHEREAS, a method to assure the availability of, and to meet the minimum requirements for these consumables must limit the amount sold to individual families; and WHEREAS, Chapter 8 of the City of Edgewater Code of Ordinances authorizes the rationing of fuel, water, ice and other essentials during a state of emergency. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. A declaration of a State of Emergency proclaimed on is hereby confirmed. Section 2. The following essential consumables shall be rationed for sale to individual families: . Section 3. No individual may purchase more than the following amount of the above each day: Section 4. Such rationing of essential consumables shall remain in effect until competent authority shall declare a state of emergency terminated. PASSED AND ADOPTED on this the day of , 20_. Authorized Official ATTEST: City Clerk EMERGENCY RESOLUTION NO. H AN EMERGENCY RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, RELATING TO EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT; CONFIRMING A DECLARATION OF A STATE OF EMERGENCY; AUTHORIZING EMERGENCY PURCHASING AND PROCUREMENT PROCEDURES AND SUSPENDING CERTAIN CITY CODES, RULES AND REGULATIONS RELATING TO PURCHASING AND PROCUREMENT; THIS RESOLUTION SHALL BE VALID FOR THIRTY (30) DAYS AND AUTOMATICALLY RENEWED EVERY THIRTY (30) DAYS UNTIL FURTHER ACTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL. WHEREAS, a State of Emergency in the City of Edgewater was proclaimed by on due to ; and WHEREAS, has caused extensive damage to public and private property within the City of Edgewater; and WHEREAS,the expeditious restoration of property to pre-existing conditions is vital to enable the re-establishment of public activity; and WHEREAS, adherence to certain local ordinances, rules and regulations establishing purchasing and procurement procedures can delay the process of restoring public facilities to conditions existing prior to the emergency; and WHEREAS, Chapter 8 of the City of Edgewater Code of Ordinances authorizes the enactment of emergency procurement procedures during a State of Emergency. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the preamble to this resolution are hereby adopted by reference thereto and incorporated herein, as if fully set forth in this section. Section 2. A declaration of a State of Emergency proclaimed on is hereby confirmed. Section 3. has caused damage to numerous properties, rendering them unsafe or marginally habitable. Section 4. The emergency has caused disruption and damage to roads, streets and other public facilities and thoroughfares. Section 5. It is necessary to eliminate immediate threats to the life, health and safety of residents and employees, and eliminate immediate threats to undamaged property, as well as ensure economic recovery to the City and the community. Section 6. A valid public emergency exists justifying the waiver of formal competitive sealed bids and competitive selection procedures for the acquisition of such services, equipment, goods and/or materials, as may be required for burden relief and disaster assistance. Section 7. By an affirmative vote of the members of the City Council, formal competitive sealed bid procedures for the procurement of services, equipment, goods and/or materials for the purpose of eliminating immediate threats to the life, health and safety of residents and employees and to eliminate immediate threats to undamaged property, as well as ensure economic recovery to the City and the community, are hereby waived. Section 8. The City Manager is hereby authorized to utilize City forces to participate in the burden, relief and disaster assistance as may be required. Section 9. The City Manager is hereby authorized to: accept the most reasonable, responsive and responsible bid or quote (for necessary improvements, services, equipment, goods and/or materials associated with said burden relief and disaster assistance) and to execute the necessary purchase order(s), agreements, service authorizations, or change orders in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. Section 10. The City Council hereby ratifies, approves and confirms the City Manager's previous expenditure of monies for contracts and awards in conjunction with the burden relief and disaster assistance. Section 11. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute agreement(s), service authorization(s), change order(s) and/or purchase orders for acquisition of such services, equipment, goods and/or materials, as may be required for burden relief and disaster assistance. Section 12. The City Manager is hereby permitted to proceed without express City Council approval, execution of such purchase orders, contracts, service authorizations, change orders, and agreements and in his expenditures of monies for the aforesaid, in conjunction with said burden relief and disaster. Section 13. The City Manager is instructed to submit to each City Councilperson a copy of each contract, agreement, purchase order, service authorization, or change order issued pursuant to this resolution on the same day said contract or purchase order is executed by him. Section 14. The emergency renders it necessary to suspend local ordinances, rules and regulations dealing with purchasing and procurement. Section 15. This resolution shall be valid for thirty (30) days and automatically renewed every thirty (30) days until further action by the City Council. Section 16. That this resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED on this the day of , 20 . Authorized Official ATTEST: City Clerk