05-08-1989 ... ....", <tritU Df fbgrwatrr POST OFFICE BOX 100 EDGEWATER, FLORIDA 32032 " POLICE PENSION BOARD MEETING MONDAY, MAY 8, 1989 7:00 P.M. SQUAD ROOM, POLICE DEPARTMENT The meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Edgewater Police Retirement Plan was called to order by Chairman Nancy Swiney at 7:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Members present were Nancy Swiney, John Borzner, Gary Butt, Diana Floyd and Leo Booth. Also present were Fred Munoz, Finance Director for the City of Edgewater, Larry Westfall and Christi R. Fish, Secretary. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Secretary Fish advised that the Minutes of the April 25, 1989, meeting had not been recorded as of this date. Diana Floyd made a motion to waive approval of the Minutes of that meeting, seconded by Gary Butt. Motion carried 5-0. OLD BUSINESS: The Board discussed the pension and designed some specific Plans, for enhancement, to the current provisions (attached). Concern was expressed by unmarried participants. married participants. members regarding Survivor Annuity Benefits for The Board wants the benefit to be the same as for Chairman Swiney requested that Secretary Fish determine from Karen Rickelman, Finance Officer for the City of Edgewater, if this pension is a Chapter Plan or Local Plan. MISCELLANEOUS: Chairman Swiney requested Secretary Fish to contact Jack Ascherl's office and determine when the earliest date could be set for a meeting of Mr. Ascherl and the Board. The purpose of this meeting would be to discuss the Proposed Changes with Mr. Ascherl and obtaining an Actuarial Valuation of these changes. There being no further business before the Board, Leo Booth made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Diana Floyd. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M. Minutes submitted by: Christi R. Fish .... ..." PROPOSED CHANGES The current plan provides the following benefits (information taken from Actuarial Review of Proposed Pension Plan Changes, September 17, 1987): Normal Retirement Benefit: Eligibility: Attained age 60 with five years of plan participation, but no later than attained age 65. Form: Monthly annuity payable for life (optional forms may be elected prior to retirement). Amount (Accrued Benefit): 2% of Average Compensation mulitplied by Accrual Service. Average Compensation: The monthly average of an employee's fixed rate of pay received for the ten compensation years prior to Normal Retirement date. Proposed Changes: Plan 1: For this display Normal Retirement has been changed to the earlier of 20 years of accrual service or attained age 50 with five years of accrual service. Accrued Benefit has been changed to 3% of Average Compensation multiplied by Accrual Service and Average Compensation will be the monthly average of an employee's fixed rate of pay received for the best three of the last ten compensation years prior to Normal Retirement date. Plan 2: Same as Plan 1, except Normal Retirement will be attained age 55 with five years of service. Plan 3: Same as Plan 1, except Accrued Benefit will be 2~% of Average Compensation multiplied by Accrual Service. Plan 4: Same as Plan 2, except Accrued Benefit will be 2~% of Average Compensation multiplied by Accrual Service. Plan 5: Normal Retirement is the same as under Plan 1. Accrued Benefit has been changed to 2% of Average Compensation multiplied by Accrual Service and Average Compensation has been changed to the monthly average of an employee's total pay, including overtime and incentive pay, received for the best three of the last ten compensation years prior to Normal Retirement date. Plan 6: Same as Plan 5, except Normal Retirement will be attained age 55 with 5 years of service. Plan 7: One of the above plus Survivor Annuity Benefits for unmarried participants, to a named beneficiary, with the benefits to be the same as for married participants.