7:00 P.M.
The meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Edgewater
Police Retirement Board was called to order by temporarily
appointed Chairwoman Ruth Garvey at 7:00 p.m. in the Squad Room
of the Edgewater Police Department.
present were Sgt. Larry Westfall, Sgt. William Bennett,
Smith, Gary Butts and Chairwoman Ruth Garvey. Also
was Sondra Meager-pengov, Secretary.
A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of January
17, 1991, eliminating the first paragraph under New Business.
Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Sgt. Westfall indicated to the board that the present secretary
is a little "loaded" with the boards that she is working on.
Sgt. Westfall stated he would prefer someone (as secretary) that
is not on other boards. The current secretary suggested to Sgt.
Westfall that he needs to speak to someone else, rather than
her, concerning board secretaries. Sgt. Westfall stated that
they may very well speak with someone in City Hall concerning
this. He feels this board cannot be subject to not having the
facts or what ever.
Two board members asked the secretary if she had a problem with
this board and she replied there hasn't been any problems for
her. Sgt. Westfall said he doesn't want her responsibilities
with the other boards that she serves as secretary on, to cause
any difficulties with the Police Pension Board. Sgt. Westfall
doesn't want to get involved with not being able to meet when
they should meet. He also stated that as time passes they might
get involved in testing the secretaries particular time and
conflicts with other boards. If it does become a problem then
Sgt. Westfall thinks it is something that will have to be
addressed. Kenneth Smith said we will cross that bridge when we
come to it.
Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman - Kenneth Smith made a
motion to elect Ruth Garvey as Chairman. Seconded by Sgt.
Bennett. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Sgt. Bennett made a motion to
Chairman. Seconded by Ruth Garvey.
elect Sgt. Westfall
Motion CARRIED 5-0.
as Vice
Discission of pension investment Sgt. Bennett inquired as to
whether we know where all monies are going in the pension plan.
Sgt. Westfall requested the following:
f lot takes to
1. A copy of the actual expenditure 0 monies
make the pension plan work
2. A copy of the original pension plan contract
3. When did the City make their last contribution to the
pension fund and the amount of the contribution
4. Cost for the agent 0 record to operate the pension fund
5. From beginning of plan, how much money has been put
into the pension fund
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Police Pension Board
February 19, 1991
Sgt. Westfall stated he feels the City should be putting their
contribution into the fund now rather than waiting until the end.
Kenneth Smith is under the impression that the City had to donate
part of cigarette tax money and liquor tax monev etc. Sqt.
Westfall said the way the plan is set up, per statute, the City
isn't required to delay paying, but chooses to do so. As long
as the fund is fully funded and there are no new benefits that
require extra funding, the City will continue not to put
budgeted money into the fund each year. At the end of the year,
if the fund is fully funded, the City takes the budgeted monies
and turns it back to the general fund. Sgt. Westfall feels it
would best to have the City start paying into the plan now rather
than get "devoured" at the other end. He t.hinks this should have
been done years ago and that some retroactivity, if at all
possible. Sgt. Westfall asked the board to keep in mind where
this fund can go if those expenditures are not there and stated
if we are going to deal with this as a business then we need to
look at it with another perspective. If we are going to
continue looking at it from the perspectives that we are given
and those things that we are told by the people who are not
accepting the responsibility for the funding of it, then Sgt.
Westfall thinks the board will be very easily misled.
The Board needs to ask who is going to help the board if they
have a legal question. The Statute says that the city attorney
will advise the board if any answers are required. The statute
also advises that the board can have their own attorney. Sgt.
Westfall stated he thinks as time passes this is something the
board will have to look into as things start caving in.
Sgt. Westfall said the board has to look at the pension plan as
Jack Ascherl looks at it, as a business. The plan may be fully
funded and things may be invested in such a way that it is making
money. But the same money and interest that the fund is making,
the City is using to defer their money (contribution). He said
he finds something wrong with that. He may ask an attorney who
is in the business just what can be done to satisfy those worries
that he has. Things may be on the up and up and he will have to
accept that the City does not have to put into this fund,
because the City is using the interest and the money making
process to defer the money they should be putting into it.
Kenneth Smith said he thinks, according to Florida Statute, that
a city cannot be forced to contribute as long as the plan is self
supporting. He mentioned that New Smyrna Beach Police Pension
Plan has not had City contribution in fifteen years. Sgt.
Westfall said that is the fault of the pension board, and further
stated that by a vote of 3-2 they can fire the person who is in
charge of that fund.
Gary Butts stated during his time as a board member the plan has
had a very good history.
Sgt. Westfall distributed a copy of a letter from Portfolio
\Ylanagement Serv ices, I nc . to the board. Upon rev i ew i ng the
letter and attachments, Sgt. Westfall made a motion to have
Chairman Ruth Garvey contact Teresa Littlefield of Portfolio
Management Services, Inc., as to the possibility of her attending
one of the board meetings. Seconded by Kenneth Smith. Motion
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Police Pension Board
February 19, 1991
There being no additional business to come before the board, a
motion was made and accepted to adjourn. The meeting adjourned
at 8:02 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Sondra Meager-Pengov, Secretary
Police Pension Board