03-05-1991 ... ...., CITY OF EDGEWATER POLICE PENSION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MARCH 5, 1991 7:00 P.M. SQUAD ROOM, POLICE DEPARTMENT A meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Edgewater Police Retirement Board was called to order by Chairwoman, Ruth Garvey, at 7:00 p.m. in the Squad Room of the Edgewater Police Department. ROLL CALL: Members f<enneth pre~-;ent Pengov, present were Sgt. Larry Smith, Gary Butt and was John Borzner (former Secr-etary. Westfall, Sgt. William Bennett, Chairwoman Ruth Garvey. Also board member) and Sondra Meager- APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made by Kenneth Smith and seconded by Gary Butt to approve the mlnutes of February 19, 1991 as presented. Motion CARRIED 5-0. OLD BUSINESS: Chairwoman, Ruth Garvey reported that on the Board's recommendation, she has invited Teresa Littlefield of Portfolio Management Services, Inc. to attend the next meeting. Ms. Littlefield will plan to come to the meeting of March 19, 1991 at 1:00 p.m. Chail-woman, Ruth Garvey, felt 1"1s. Littleflelcl is vef-y knowledgeable and it will be to the Boards advantage to have her attend a meeting. The Board 1:00 p.m. agreed to have the next meeting on March 19, so as to accompany Ms. Littlefield's schedule. 1991 at Upon Sgt. Larry Westfall's request, 3 copy of the penSlon plan contract was provided to the Board. The death beneflt (pg. 38 of the contract) section of the plan was discussed in length. Some of the Board's concerns were: does a named beneficiary receive a lump sum of money; what is received and by whom (spouse or beneficiary); is the amount paid the total of the employees contribution? Also, the Board would like clarified, married for one year before collecting. section (a)( 1 ) pg. 38- By the next Board meeting (March 19, 1991) the Board agreed that they will have gone through the pension contract and have questions prepared to ask lack Ascherl. Sgt. Larry Westfall stated the Board may request use of the acting City Attorney to answer questions regarding the pension plan. Sgt. Larry Westfall, again, expressed his concern to have the City contribute a specified percentage into the plan, stating, if this is going to work it must be taken care of now. Mr. John Borzner explained to the Board their responsibility as a Board to all the pension members. He also discussed the City's commitment to contribute to the plan. The possibility of a COLA and IRS plan was also discussed by the Board. NEW BUSINESS: Mr. John Borzner presented a statement of his goals regarding his time as a Board member from 1988-1990. He gave a brief descrlption of his background and presented a folder of pertinent "W' .""", page --2-- Police Pension Board Regular Meeting Mal-ch 5~ 1991 information, a copy of which member at the next meeting. wi 11 be provided to each Board MISCELLANEOUS: Nothing to report at this time. ADJOURNMENT: There being no additional business to come before the Board~ a motion was made and accepted to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:47 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Sondra Meager-Pengov, Secretary Police Pension Board /smp