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A meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of
Edgewater Police Retirement Plan was called to order
by Chairman Larry Westfall at 1:43 P.M., in the Squad
Room of the Edgewater Police Department.
Members present were Larry Westfall, Ruth Garvey, Gary
Conroy, Ruth O'Rourke and John Borzner. Also present
were Robert Sugarman, Board Attorney, and Christi
Robbins, Recording Secretary.
Gary Conroy made a motion to approve the Minutes of
the November 16, 1992, meeting. Second was by Ruth
O'Rourke. Motion carried 5 - O.
Mr. Sugarman discussed recommended changes to the
Pension Plan, written by Principal Mutual, dated July
14, 1992 (see attached).
John Borzner made a motion to accept two changes:
l)to define "compensation year" to end December 31,
and, 2)to include the spousal consent provision. The
motion also dictated Mr. Sugarman correspond directly
with Principal Mutual to make other necessary changes
to the Plan to bring it into compliance with Florida
State Statute. Gary Conroy seconded the motion.
Motion carried 5 - O.
The "Actuarial Valuation" was not discussed.
Larry Westfall briefly discussed Portfolio Manaqement
Services "Value Analysis".
Larry Westfall brought to Mr. Sugarman's attention
that Members hired by the City as police officers
before the inception of the Plan were not paid into
the Plan, by the City, from their first day of
employment. Those employees are not vested for their
total years of employment with the City. Mr. Sugarman
advised he would address this in his letter to
Ruth Garvey indicated a desire to resign as Secretary
for the Board.
Ruth O'Rourke made a motion to accept Ruth Garvey's
resignation of the position of Secretary. Gary Conroy
made the second. Motion carried 5 - O.
Gary Conroy then made a motion to elect John Borzner
to the position of Board Secretary/Vice-Chairman.
Ruth O'Rourke seconded the motion. Motion carried
5 - O.
Ruth Garvey made a motion that the Board pay the
outstanding attorney fee for services rendered. Ruth
O'Rourke made the second. Motion carried 5 - O.
The "Annual Report" was discussed and Mr. Sugarman
suggested the Chairman turn the document over to the
City for completion.
Ruth O'Rourke made a motion that the Chairman forward
the "Annual Report" for completion and then have it
returned to the Board for signatures of the Chairman
and Secretary. Motion second was by Ruth Garvey.
Motion carried 5 - O.
A meeting was scheduled for January 19, 1993, at 1:30
P.M., in the Squad Room of the Edgewater Police
With no further business before the Board, Gary Conroy
made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Ruth Garvey.
Meeting adjourned at 2:58 P.M.
.... .."""t
Board of Trustees
Edgewater Police Retirement Board
October 16, 1992
Page Three
Section 1.02. Definition of "Severance From Service Date"
(Page 11). Subsection (b), which provides for automatic
severance after a one year absence of service, should be deleted.
Because of the dangers of your profession, an employee could be
out of disability for more than one year recovering from an
injury. The employee should not automatically sever from
participation in the pension plan just because his or her injury
takes more than one year to heal. Subsection (b) should be
Section 1.02. Defini tion of "Totall V and Permanently
Disabled' (Paqe 12). This definition requires that a participant
be disabled from any gainful employment iri order to receive a
disability pension. This conflicts with the definition of
disability in Section 185.18 which requires only that the
participant be unable to render useful and efficient service as a
police officer. The definition and requirements of disability
set forth in section 185.18 should replace the current
definition. .
Section 1.02. Definition of "Years of Service" (Paqe 13).
The Period of Service - Service Spanning Rule should be deleted.
It is not needed.
Section 2.01(a) (Page 14) provides that the person must be
at least eighteen years of age and an employee for at least three
months in order to be a participant. Section 185 requires that
police officers begin participation of the pension plan on their
first day of full-time service. Section 2.01(a) (1) should be
deleted. If the City hires police officers below the age of
eighteen, then they need to be included in the plan and Section
2.01 (a) (2) should be deleted. If someone must be at least
eighteen to be a police officer, then Section 2.01(a) (2) is
unnecessary. Therefore, in either case it should be deleted.
Section 2.01(c) (Paqe 14). The second subsection requires
that participants agree in writing to participate in the plan.
Section 185 does not provide for such an agreement although it
does give new employees one year to opt out of the plan.
Section 3.01 (Paqe 16) states that employer contributions
"shall meet or exceed the minimum of funding standards of the
code". This should be revised to read as follows:
'-' ...",
Board of Trustees
Edgewater Police Retirement Board
October 16, 1992
Page Four
The amount of Employer Contributions shall meet or
exceed the minimum funding standards of the Code, Part
VII of Chapter 112, Florida statutes and Chapter 185,
Florida statutes.
The second section of section 3.01 states that "the amount
and time of Employer Contributions shall be determined based on
actuarial evaluations...." The timing of employer contributions,
which must be at least quarterly, is determined by Chapter 185.
Therefore, this should be reworded as follows: "The amount and
time of Employer Contributions shall be determined based on
actuarial evaluations and applicable law as to the amounts
required to fund benefits under this Plan."
Section 4.04. Earlv Retirement Deduction Factor (Page 26).
The plan proposes an early retirement reduction factor of 6.67%
per year. This is too much because Section 185.16(4) (b) states
that the maximum early retirement reduction factor can only be
three percent per year. This section should' be amended
Section 4.06. Benefit Continuation Upon Re-Emplovrnent (Page
~. This section provides that a pension recipient who is
rehired by the City after going on pension will continue to
receive the pension in addition to his or her pay from the City.
This is an unusual provision because pension benefits usually
stop when a retiree is re-employed. We suggest that Section 4.06
be changed to provide that the monthly retirement benefit
received by a participant be suspended if the participant is
rehired by the City as a police officer.
Section 5.03. Disabilitv Benefits (Page 34). The draft
provides a single disability benefit of 25% of average
compensation. This conflicts with Chapter 185 which requires a
service-connected disability benefit minimum of 42%. Section
5.03 should be completely rewritten to comport with Chapter 185.
Section 6.01. Inclusion of Tax Advice in Plan (Paqe 36).
The last paragraph on page 36 together with the top of page 37
sets forth the federal income tax consequences of certain pension
benefit payments. This does not belong in the plan. Neither the
Board of Trustees nor the City should be giving federal income
tax advice to participants. These provisions should be deleted
from Section 6.01.
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Board of Trustees
Edgewater Police Retirement Board
October 16, 1992
Page Five
section 6.05. Spousal Notice. Subsections (a) and (b)
require the Board, as Plan Administrator, to furnish written
explanations of the optional forms of retirement benefits not
only to the participant, but to the participant's spouse. This
is not required by Chapter 185 and the spousal consent provisions
of the Internal Revenue Code do not apply to governmental plans.
There is nothing prohibiting you from doing this if you want to.
However, it is extra administrative work. You should consider
whether you want to get involved with spousal notifications.
Article VII. Reversion of Assets to Employer Upon
Termination. The last paragraph provides that should the plan
terminate, after all liabilities are paid the assets remaining
will be paid to the employer. This confl icts with Section
185.37. This should be reworded to provide that any termination
will be in accordance with Chapter 185.
section 9.07. Qualified Domestic Relation Orders (Paqe 52).
The last sentence of this section provides that benefits can be
paid to a former spouse pursuant to a qualified domestic
relations order. As mentioned above, qualified domestic
relations orders do not apply to governmental plans. The only
type of order which we must honor are income deduction orders.
We suggest that the last section of Section 9.07 be deleted and
replaced with the language of.Section 185.25.
Section 9.08. Applicability of Federal Law (Paqe 53). This
provision provides that the plan will be construed under federal
law. However, there are more state laws than federal laws which
apply to your plan. We therefore recommend that the first
sentence of Section 9.08 be replaced to read as follows: "The
validity of the Plan or any of its provisions is determined under
and construed according to Florida law.
Siqnature Paqe (Page 55). The Principal proposes that the
plan be signed by the city. The signature page should be changed
to be signed by the Chairman and the Secretary of the Board of
Trustees of the Edgewater Police Retirement Board.
We recommend that the draft pension plan provided by The
Principal be changed in accordance with our above suggestions.
You may wish to forward a copy of this letter to Joan Way, The
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Board of Trustees
Edgewater Police Retirement Board
October 16, 1992
Page six
Principal's pension administration specialist, since she invited
Mr. Munoz to mark the changes in the plan which the city desired.
You might also ask Ms. Way to contact me if she has any questions
about my suggestions or wishes to discuss further how we can
amend this draft to bring it into compliance with Chapter 185.