04-26-1993 .....,. ..., ,. milD of ifilgrwutrr POST OFFICE BOX 100 EDGEWATER. FLORIDA 32032 MINUTES POLICE PENSION BOARD MEETING APRIL 26, 1993 A meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Edgewater Police Retirement Plan was called to order by Chairman Larry Westfall at 2:35 P.M., in the Squad Room of the Edgewater Police Department. ROLL CALL: Members present were Larry Westfall, John Borzner, Ruth Garvey, Gary Conroy and Ruth O'Rourke. Also present was Robert Sugarman, Board Attorney. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Gary Conroy made a motion to accept the Minutes of the March 23, 1993, meeting. Ruth O'Rourke seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 - O. OLD BUSINESS: It was determined by Secretary John Borzner, in a conference with Fred Munoz, City of Edgewater Finance Director, and the office of Sugarman and Susskind, that a payment of $2,648.63 was rendered on April 5, 1993. This left a balance of $360.20 due Mr. Sugarman, as of the same date. Secretary Borzner requested and received a new, latest/revised Plan 7.6 from Principal. In a letter which accompanied the plan, Sheila Bryan, of Principal, stated that the "Compensation Year" was changed to coincide with the calendar year. The definition of "totally and permanently disabled" was changed to correspond with legislation and the entire section 5.03 (Disability Benefits) was made to comply with F.S.S. Chapter 185. Principal also added an in-service and out-of-service benefit which are both paid under the ten year certain and life option. In addition, the determination of vesting percentage was changed from "plan participation" to "service", per Mr. Sugarman's request. ~ ..." Mr. Sugarman stated that not all changes were incorporated. He will reinspect the plan and have a new draft for submittal to Principal by July 1, 1993. NEW BUSINESS: Chairman Westfall tabled the "wish-list" items to a later date, while effort is put into the new plan from Principal. Two new consulting and actuary firms would like to make presentations to the Board. They are Kruse, O'Connor and Ling, Inc., of Fort Lauderdale and Shearson Lehman Brothers, of Ormond Beach. It was decided to postpone any action to a change at this time, however the issue can be addressed at a later date. MISCELLANEOUS: Representative Jack Ascherl was unable to attend the meeting, however an updated Pension Plan Analysis was given to the Pension Board Secretary who distributed copies at the meeting. The April, 1993, update was well received; showing a balance of $816,773.00 on hand. A letter was received on April 14, 1993, from Linda Hinson, Department of Insurance in Tallahassee, approving the 1992 Annual Report for the Police Officer's Pension Plan for the City of Edgewater. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business before the Board, Gary Conroy made the motion to adjourn, seconded by Ruth O'Rourke. Meeting adjourned at 3:45 P.M. Minutes submitted by, John Borzner jb/cr