07-13-1993 '-' ..", <ttitu of iEZ.grwutrr POST OFFICE BOX 100 EDGEWATER. FLORIDA 32032 MINUTES POLICE PENSION BOARD MEETING JULY 13, 1993 A meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Edgewater Police Retirement Plan was called to order by Chairman Larry Westfall at 3:48 P.M., in the Squad Room of the Edgewater Police Department. ROLL CALL: Members present were Larry Westfall, John Borzner, Ruth Garvey and Gary Conroy. Also present was Christi Robbins, Recording Secretary. Member Ruth O'Rourke was excused. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Gary Conroy made a motion to accept the Minutes of the July 13, 1993, meeting. Ruth Garvey made the second and motion passed 4 - O. OLD BUSINESS: Ruth Garvey made a motion to have Board Secretary, John Borzner, write a letter to Debbie Sigler, Personnel Technician, to have retired Lt. Norman McCall's employment and pension history reduced to writing to ascertain if he is being compensated, in his pension, properly. Gary Conroy seconded the motion and motion passed 4 - O. Gary Conroy made a motion to take necessary action to fully compensate Robert Sugarman, Board Attorney, for services rendered. Ruth Garvey seconded and motion carried 4 - o. Ruth Gary made a motion to re-appoint Ruth O'Rourke to the Board term that previously expired. Gary Conroy made the second and motion carried 4 - O. NEW BUSINESS: Gary Conroy made a motion to send a copy of the Annuity Contract to Robert Sugarman, along with a letter to ascertain the correctness and validity of the contract, and ask for his suggestions; because the City and Principal are waiting for the document and signature. Ruth Garvey seconded the motion and it carried 4 - O. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business before the Board, Gary Conroy made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Ruth Garvey.