04-29-1994 .,.,. CITY OF EDGEWATER 104 N. RIVERSIDE DRIVE p.o. Box 100 - Edgewater, Florida 32132-0100 (904) 428-3245 SunCom 371-7005 ....., Hinutes Police Pension Board Heeting April 29, 1994 A meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Edgewater Police Retirement Plan was called to order by Chairman Larry Westfall at 3:30 P.H., in the Squad Room of the Edgewater Police Department. ROLL CALL: Hembers present were Larry Westfall, Ruth Garvey, Gary Conroy and Ferd Heeb. Also present was Christi Robbins, Recording Secretary. APPROVAL OF HINUTES: Ruth Garvey made a motion to accept the Hinutes of the Harch 23, 1994, meeting as written. Second was made by Gary Conroy and carried 4 - O. OLD BUSINESS: All items tabled until Hay 25, 1994, meeting. NEW BUSINESS: Welcomed new member Ferd Heeb, who was appointed by the City Council. Ruth Garvey made a motion to accept the resignation of Ruth O'Rourke, from the Board of Trustees, and Ferd Heeb made the second. Hotion carried 4 - O. Ruth Garvey made a motion to appoint John Borzner to the Board of Trustees; as the Board appointed member. Gary Conroy made a second and the motion carried 3 - 0, with Hr. Heeb abstaining from the vote. HISCELLANEOUS: None. AD,JOURNHENT: with no further business before the Board, Gary Conroy made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Ruth Garvey. Heeting adjourned at 4:06 P.H.