09-23-1994 Cto.fK- --..... .~ .""", CITY OF EDGEWATER 104 N. RIVERSIDE DRIVE p.o. Box 100 - Edgewater, Florida 32132-0100 (904) 428-3245 SunCom 371-7005 Hinute:s Police Pension Plan September 23, 1994 A meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Edgewater Police Retirement Plan was called to order by Chairman Larry Westfall at 3:05 P.H., in the Squad Room of the Edgewater Police Department. ROLL CALL: Hembers present were Larry Westfall, Ruth Garvey, Gary Conroy and Ferd Heeb. Also present were Jack Ascherl, Fred Hunoz and Christi Robbins, Recording Secretary. Board member John Borzner was excused. APPROVAL OF HINUTES: Ferd Heeb made a motion to accept the Hinutes of the ,July 22, 1994, meeting as written. Second was by Gary Conroy and motion passed 4-0. OLD BUSINESS: Ferd Heeb made a motion to pay the outstanding bill to Board Attorney Robert Sugarman. Ruth Garvey made the second and motion passed 4-0. NEW BUSINESS: Jack Ascherl addressed the Board and discussed the Briefly newsletter. AD,JOURNHENT: There being no further business before the Board, Ruth Garvey made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Gary Conroy. Heeting was adjourned at 4:30 P.H.