Edgewater Police Pension Plan
Board of Trustees
P.O. Box 489
Ed~ewater. Florida 32132
A meeting of the Board of Trustees ofthc City of Edgewater Retircmcnt Board was called to order at 3 :06 p.m.
on JanualY 27, 1997, in thc mceting room of thc Edgewater Public Library.
CalI To Order:
Chairman Gary Conroy called thc mceting to order. Mcmbers prcscnt wcrc Glen Barnhill, Ferd Heeb. Gary
Conroy, Bret Teitelbaum and Ruth Garvey. Also present were Jack AschcrI, City Attorney Krista Story, Larry
WesHlllI, Charles Keller of the FOP, Ron Robbins, FOP Union Rcpresentatiw and Kathy Smith, Recording
Secretary. .
Allllroval of Minutes:
After brief discussion, Ferd Heeb made a motion to accept the minutes of the December 10, 1l.J96 meeting as
written and Bret Teitelbaum secondcd the motion and it carried 5 - O.
Glen Barnhill yes
Ferd Heeb yes
GUlY Conroy yes
Bret Teitelbaum yes
Ruth Garvey yes
New Business:
There W,L<; lengthy discussion about the proposed city ordinance rcfercnce the pension plan. Copies of
a FAX was passed out by Gary Conroy which was given to him by Jack Ascher in reference to 24 changes from
the X6 plan to the plan that is so proposed now. .Jack AscheI'I discussed the Federal Law changes which caused
the need of the changes in the plan.
Ron Robbins of the Edgewater Police Department (FOP Union Representative), addressed the board
about concerns of the cleanup ofthe wording of the pension plan and of the Federal Law changes. Jack AscheI'I
discussed this concern and indicated there were no actual changes over the years, no negative benefit changes,
to his knowledge, to the employees. Ron Robbins discussed his concern of which plan is in force at this time.
.lack AscheI'I said that Principal is preparing a new booklet at this time. Krista Story indicated that the last signed
document signed by a Mayor of the City of Edgewater is dated .June II, 19X7 and then we have a signed
amendment dated .I une I X, 1990, those are the last signed documents that exist.
Charles Keller discussed the concerns of the FOP being the bargaining unit for the police department
and that if there were any benetit changes, especially any compensation to oHicers, that is a dctinite thing that
needs to be negotiated with the bargaining unit. Gary Conroy indicated that would need to be recommended to
the City Council.
After much discussion, Ferd Heeb made a motion to send a representative to the council and that the
representative state to the council that we recommend that the plan be adopted as it is printed. Glen Barnhill
seconded the motion and it carried 5 - O.
...... """'"
Gkn Barnhill ycs
Fcrd Hceh ycs
Gary Conroy ycs
Brct Tcitelbaulll ycs
Ruth Garvey yes
Old Business:
Altcr a lengthy discussion of LallY Wcsttllll'S retircment hcnctits, Fcrd Heeb made a motion to award a disability
benctit to Larry West/llll of $1755.00 cach month commcncing .Junc I, 1995. Motion was scconded hy Glen
Barnhill and it carricd 5-0.
Glen Barnhill ycs
Fcrd Hceb ycs
Gary Conroy yes
Brct Tcitelbaulll yes
Ruth Garvey yes
Gary Conroy indicatcd that he will havc a letter constructed and scnt to Principal.
M iscella nellUS:
Annual RCp0l1 was discussed in bricf. Aftcr discussion Brct Teitelbaulll Illovcd to acccpt the rcport and it was
sccondcd by Fcrd Ilceb.
Glen Barnhill yes
Ferd Ilceb ycs
Gary Conroy ycs
Brct Teitelbaulll ycs
Ruth Garvey yes
Thcrc being no tlll1her business bcfore the board, Bret Tcitclbaulllmadc a Illotion to adjourn; sccondcd by Ruth
Garvcy and it carried )-0.
Glen Barnhill yes
Fcrd Hccb ycs
Gary Conroy yes
Brct Tcitelbaum yes
Ruth Garvey yes
The Illccting was adjourncd at 5: II p.m.