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Edgewater Police Pension Plan
Boa I'd of Trustees
P.O. Box 489
Edgewater, Florida 32132
A meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Edgewater Retirement Board was called to order at
6:00 p.m. on May 29, 1997, at the Edgewater Community Center.
Call To Order:
Chairman GalY Conroy called the meeting to order. Members present were Glenn Barnhill. Ferd Heeb,
GalY Conroy, Bill Lenz, Ruth Garvey ( Krista Story joined the meeting at 6:02 p.m.) and Kathy Smith,
Recording Secretilly.
Approval of Minutes:
After brief discussion, Ferd Heeb made a motion to accept the minutes of the March 27, 1997 meeting
as written, seconded by Bill Lenz ant it carried 5 - O.
Ferd Heeb
Glenn Barnhill
Gary Conroy
Bill Lenz
Ruth (iarvey
New Business:
Communications with Principal reference diversification.
Papers were handed out by Gary Conroy, from Principal. showing'a time table which Principal
has put together showing a three year turnover rate which Principal will begin moving into these
investment accounts,
Annual report from Principal was sent to Gary Conroy.
GalY Conroy said that the F.P.P.T.A. annual conference will be held the end of.J une in Orlando.
GalY ('onroy said that the bill for the Police Pension Board's post office box will be coming
due next month. In a previous meeting Ferd Heeb had made a motion to continue to pay the bill until
the post office box would no longer be needed. Karen Rickclman thought that the minut..:s were not
..:xplicit enough and that she has declined to pay the bill for the post office box on a continuous basis.
F enl Heeb made a motion to continue the contract for the Post Office Box on an indetinite
basis, to be terminated at the will of the board, and to direct the Finance D..:partment, The City of
Edgewater, to pay the annual box rental when due annually, until further notitication by th..: board. The
motion was seconded by Glenn Barnhill and it carried 5 - O.
Glenn Barnhill
Gary Conroy
Bill Lenz
Ruth Garvey
tr .. '
In rcfCrcncc to Principal ballot, wc as a board or a mcmbcr, arc cntitled to votc in connection
with the annualmeding and Ferd Heeb made a motion that Gary Conroy as the chairman of the board,
to exercise the ballot on behalf of the board with Principal and vote all of the recommended directors
that arc stated in the annllal report. And the motion carried 5 - 0
Ferd IIeeb
(;knn Barnhill
Gary Conroy
13ill Len7
Ruth Garvey
Ferd Heeb said that he spoke with Susan Wadsworth, City Ckrk, and she is still in the process
of putt ing toget her our manuals.
Krista StOlY said that S/;,>t. Teitelbaum had requested a copy of the insurance policy that covers
the board and said she has copies of the official policy and has made copies for the board. Krista said
the city has tlduci,IIY pension and welfare fund responsibility insll~ance policy, and a public officials
and employees insurance policy.
There being no f1ll1her discussion a motion was made by Ruth Garvey to adjourn the meeting
and it was seconded by Ferd Heeh. Carried 5 - 0 and the meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m.
Ferd Heeb
Glenn 13arnhill
Gary Conroy
13ill Len
Ruth Garvey