12-12-1997 '-' ....", Edgewater Police Pension Plan Board of Trustees P.O. Box 489 Edgewater, Florida 32132 Minutes A meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Edgewater Retirement Board was called to order at 4:00 p.m. on December 12, 1997. at the Edgewater Community Center. Call To Order: Chairman Gary Conroy called the meeting to order. Members present were Glenn Barnhill, Ferd Heeb, Gary Conroy, Ruth Garvey and Bill Lenz. Also present was Jack Ascherl. Karen Rickelman and Kathy Miller, Recording Secretary. Approval of Minutes: After brief discussion, Ferd Heeb made a motion to accept the minutes of the September 11. 1997 meeting as written, seconded by Ruth Garvey. Glenn Barnhill yes Ferd Heeb yes Gary Conroy yes Bill Lenz yes Ruth Garvey yes Motion carried 5 - 0 New Business: 1) Communications from Principal At the request of Glenn Barnhill from the last meeting, Jack Ascherl joined the meeting to explain how the monies are being dispersed into those funds and an explanation had been requested. Glenn Barnhill said that he thought they were going heavier into the real estate than we had originally set up to do. Mr. Ascherl explained that Principal was on target and that he had gone over the Fund Selection Service. When Principal looked at ours they were saying general account 35%, Bond and Mortgage 35%, Domestic 15%, Real estate 15% and we can't do International Stocks. Principal said that their analysis showed that our Preferred Fund Mixed target would not be adequate to meet the needs of our current and future benefit payments and were advised not to target International Stock Accounts. Mr. Ascherl said that wbat tbat is saying is when they did this about a year ago is that what they are looking at is merging liabilities in tbe fund and the ability to bave monies available to make tbose payments. Wbat tbey did was to give us tbis as their Preferred Fund Mix for our account at this time. And then what they did was to show over a three year period how they would work towards that goal. Mr. Aseherl said that whenever we went to the Fund Selection Service we transferred fiduciary responsibility to Principal Mutual. This board was responsible for investing the monies and making sure that it met the needs of the plan, you had tbat responsibility. In the Fund Selection Service it was your fiduciary responsibility, you transferred that to Principal. It is now their responsibility and what they are saying is when we take on that responsibility we need to make sure that the monies will be there to pay this out. They will generally put payout monies over the range of years into the general account and the bond and mortgage accounts because they are stable accounts. They have to guarantee those payments arc going to be there for those people after they retire. Yau have the ability any time you want to take that fiduciary responsibility back and invest the monies any way you want to. Principal is saying that in their prudent opinion is the better way to go. '-' """" 2) FPI Quarterly Report Ferd Heeb said he had noticed in the Investment Policy that we established. and one thing was the performance of the various funds. In looking at the U.S. Stock account tor instance that would be one that we had set torth a standard that they would meet or exceed the S&P 500 index and the year to date. one year. five year and ten year average. they are below the S&P 500 index. or have been constantly below it. In all of the large company accounts they are under performing the index and they do better in the small company value account. They have exceeded the S&P 600 Small caps consistently and the same in the real estate. Ascherl said the real estate should be coming up and is looking better all the time. After some discussion it was suggested that a representative from Principal Mutual come to the next meeting so that some explanations can be given to the board. Jack Ascherlleft the meeting at 1633 hours. 3) Annual Report: Gary Conroy spoke to Karen Rickelman about paperwork which was received from her office having to do with the annual report that Mr. Munoz sent to Conroy to be signed by him and the Secretary. Conroy said that before he signed anything he would like to board to look at the report first and give Conroy and Lenz permission to sign the papers as it is a board action. Karen RickeIman said that she believed one of the things that Munoz was requesting to know was who the secretary of the board is. Miscellaneous: 1) Principal has requested that a survey be filled out. Mr. Heeb said that he would take care of it. 2) We have been asked by Principal to sign a ballot for reorganization of Principal Mutual. They are asking for our vote for or against them. The board of directors of Principal have approved and adopted the plan of reorganization and recommends that we vote for the plan. Ferd Heeb moved to vote for the reorganization of Principal and it was seconded by Glenn Barnhill Glenn Barnhill yes Ferd Heeb yes Gary Conroy yes Bill Lenz yes Ruth Garvey yes Motion carried 5 - 0 3) There was discussion about the upcoming schools and classes: Ferd Heeb made a motion to send Gary Conroy to Punta Verde and it was seconded by Glenn Barnhill Glenn Barnhill yes Ferd Heeb yes Gary Conroy yes Bill Lenz yes Ruth Garvey yes Motion carried 5 - 0 .'-' ..." Motion: There being no further discussion a motion was made by Ferd Heeb to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Ruth Garvey. Glenn Barnhill yes Ferd Heeb yes Gary Conroy yes Bill Lenz yes . Ruth Garvey yes Motion carried 5 - 0 Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 5: 13 p.m.