W' ....,
Edgewater Police Pension Plan
Board of Trustees
P.O. Box 489
Edgewater, Florida 32132
A meeting of the Board of Trustees ofthe City of Edge water Retirement Board was called
to order at 2:06 p.m. on August 24, 1998, at the Edgewater Community Center.
Call To Order:
Chairman Gary Conroy called the meeting to order. Members present were Ron
Prekup,Sr., Gary Conroy, Ruth Garvey and Bill Lenz, and Jeanne Delnigro. Also present
was Jack Ascher!, Steve Osher, Lisa Etheridge, Larry Westfall,and Sue Griffiths, Recording
Jeanne Delnigro arrived at 2:08 P.M.
Approval of Minutes:
After brief discussion, and a spelling correction request Ron Prekup, Sr. made a
motion to accept the minutes of the May 08, 1998 and special meeting of July 30,
1998 meeting as written, seconded by Ruth Garvey.
Jeanne Delnigro yes
Ron Prekup, Sr. yes
Gary Conroy yes
Bill Lenz yes
Ruth Garvey yes
Motion carried 5 - 0
New Business:
1) Bill For Services Rendered By Attorney
Mr. Conroy stated that the board has received a bill for services from Mr. Sugarman
for the letter he had written in reference to Mr. Westfall's problem with taxability.
Mr. Conroy asked the board to review the charges and make a decision whether or
not to reimburse the total of $114.00. Mr. Conroy also stated that each board
member was given a copy ofthe letter written by Mr. Sugarman's office that we
requested and the letter was sent to Principle.
Motion: The motion to reimburse Mr. Sugarman for services rendered was made by Ruth
Garvey, and seconded by Bill Lenz.
Jeanne Delnigro yes
Ron Prekup, Sr. yes
Gary Conroy yes
Bill Lenz yes
Ruth Garvey yes
Motion carried 5 - 0
Communications From Principle- Jack Asherl
Mr. Jack Asherl reviewed communications from Principle. Mr. Asherl
recommended removing restriction for international trading, which is now in effect
to make plan more diversified. Suggests 10 percent for investment in international
Old Business
1) Taxability of Disability Income
Mr. Asherl introduced representatives from Principle, Mr. Steve Osher and Lisa
Etheridge from the Orlando Branch. Mr. Osher explained that he was not familiar
with the problems Mr. Westfall was having and would look into the situation and
try to resolve. Mr. Osher stated that all taxability of income is decided by the IRS
and that Principle also has a set of regulation that they follow. He did not know
what the regulations and law were on the disability income but he would get in
touch with the Main Office and request information.
Mr. Bill Lenz requested an accrued value report for his pension from Apr. 27th for
his attorney from the representative of Principle. Mr. Asherl stated that he would
get the request in writing and get the requested information from Principle.
The Board Thanked Mr. Asherl and The Principle representative for attending and
all parties left the meeting.
1) FPPTA School- Gary Conroy
Mr. Conroy mentioned that a F.P.P.T.A School was coming up in The Keys and
anyone interested in attending to learn more about pension boards and there purpose should
request to attend. The board was also informed of the problems Mr. Prekup had with
reimbursement on the last school he attended. The discussed the problems and decided that
it would be presented in the minutes that the full per diem would be paid from the time of
traveling to school, the entire time in school, and also the entire return trip from the school.
Mr. Prekup asked the board ifhe would be allowed to attend the school.
The board agreed and the following motion was made.
Motion: Motion made to allow Mr. Prekup to attend school with full per diem each day,
including en route to school and returning from school by Jeanne Delnigro, seconded by
Ruth Garvey.
Jeanne Delnigro yes
Ron Prekup, Sr. yes
Gary Conroy yes
Bill Lenz yes
Ruth Garvey yes
Motion carried 5 - 0
Conference in Orlando
Mr. Conroy stated that a conference was being held in Orlando and anyone who was
_ interesting in attending the dates would be October 12 - 13 . Mr. Prekup requested approval
to attend. The board agreed. Mr. Conroy also stated that Mr. Sugarman would be able to
attend a meeting in the month of October since he will be in the Central Florida area at the
conference. He suggested that this would be a good opportunity for the board members to
meet the attorney and that the only cost incurred would be a rental car for Mr. Sugarman
to drive to our meeting and then back to his conference. Mr. Conroy also stated that the
conference would be in mid October and either before or immediately after conference the
11 th or the 14th would be the dates. : After discussing the following motions were made:
Motion: Motion to allow Mr. Prekup attend the conference in Orlando on October 12th and
13th was made by Ruth Garvey and seconded by Bill Lenz.
Jeanne Delnigro yes
Ron Prekup, Sf. yes
Gary Conroy yes
Bill Lenz yes
Ruth Garvey yes
Motion carried 5 - 0
Motion: Motion was made to have Mr. Sugarman attend our meeting either October 11th
or October 12th and to reimburse for rental car fees was made by Mr. Prekup and seconded
by Ruth Garvey.
Jeanne Delnigro yes
Ron Prekup, Sr. yes
Gary Conroy yes
Bill Lenz yes
Ruth Garvey yes
Motion carried 5 - 0
3) Tape Recorder
The board discussed the purchase of a tape recorder for the use of recording the
meetings. During the discussion the question was raised as to why and for whom do we
have to record the meeting for since the meeting is and public meeting and notices are
posted for all well in advance. After a brief discussion the board decided to hold off on the
purchase of the recorder until further information was obtained as to the need of recording.
Motion: Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Ruth Garvey and seconded by
Meetiilg was adjourned by Gary Conroy at 3:42 P.M.