12-15-1998 - Workshop
Edgewater Police Pension Plan
Board of Trustees
P.O. Box 489
Edgewater, Florida 32132
A workshop of the Board of Trustees of the City of Edge water Retirement Board was called to order
by Chairman Gary Conroy at 1 :00 p.m. on December 15, 1998, at the Edgewater Community Center.
Chairman Gary Conroy
Bret Teitelbaum
Jeanne Delnigro
Ron Prekup, Sr.
Ruth Garvey
Not present
Also present were Mayor, Randy Allman, Larry Westfall, Officer Ray Frazee, and JoAnn Richard
Recording Secretary.
Gary Conroy asked if any Board members had gathered any pertinent information on the process of
determining the disability of a police officer? There were none.
Gary Conroy read from Section 5.03 Disability Benefits when a written application is made to the
Board of Trustees for a disability pension the Trustees can require Petitioner to submit to an
evaluation by a Medical Doctor, all expenses being paid by the Board of Trustees. Mr. Conroy
suggested changing the wording to read "shall" instead of can require the Petitioner to submit to an
evaluation by a Medical Doctor.
Gary Conroy said that Jack Ascher! called Patricia Schumaker from the Division of Retirement and
it is acceptable by Statute for the Board to take whatever medical records submitted to them and
make a determination.
Officer Teitelbaum explained that information he received from a conference he had attended was the
possibility allowing members to take a physical at the Board's expense when they come to the Board,
sealing the result of the examination in an envelope, and only opening it in the event ofa disability.
Gary Conroy said that may be something to consider at a later date.
Gary Conroy referred to Section 5.03 Disability Benefits of the Pension Plan stating that "If the
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Pension is granted and it is determined the disability is service-incurred, the benefit amount will be
the accrued benefit as of the date of determination, but not less than 66 2/3 of the Police Officer's
average final compensation. If it is determined the disability is non-service incurred, the benefit will
be the accrued benefit as of the date of determination, but not less that 25% of the Police Officer's
average final compensation". He stated that he knew the City just passed a contract where they will
fund the 42% and 25%, and the Officers could fund the rest.
Mayor Randy Allman stated that those figures were not edged in stone in the contract.
Gary Conroy explained that the City Manager attended the last meeting and he said he would
recommend the 42% and 25% to the Council who would ultimately make the final decision.
Mayor Allman explained that they needed to negotiate with the City Manager. Sixty six (66) and 2/3
may be a little high, but meet somewhere in the middle. He stated that the Board should recommend
possibly 50 - 55% and stand firm.
Gary Conroy said that Mr. Hooper did say that if the Officers are willing to contribute themselves,
he would be willing to agree with that proposal.
Jeanne Delnigro said she still feels that the Social Security and the Pension should be two separate
issues and she didn't feel that the two should be combined.
Gary Conroy eXplained that you couldn't have a disabled employee making 125% of their income
while not working. Some Officers might not feel like working anymore because they would make
more while not working.
Mayor Allman suggested adding a Cost of Living to the Pension.
Gary Conroy explained the cost would be astronomical if an Officer retired in his late 40's early 50's,
but if figured at age 60 it would be affordable costing approximately 5% of the total salary.
Larry Westfall explained that a retired individual has the ability to earn money, but a disabled
individual should have a COLA from the day he becomes disabled. When you are looking at cost
estimates of a COLA it should be made up of those people that are totally disabled in the line of duty
and a cost for those people over sixty (60).
Gary Conroy said if you do an impact study on people totally disabled in their early 20's or any age
for the rest of their life at 3% the cost is astronomical.
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Gary Conroy explained that since we are a local law plan we can modify and change the Plan to
accommodate our needs. He suggested we add the "Heart Bill" to the Plan and that Deborah Sigler,
Personnel Director, was going to call the Worker's Compensation Carrier for costs of adding that
Jeanne Delnigro asked Officer Frazee if he had applied to the Board for a Disability Pension and
when his vacation and sick time would run out.
Officer Frazee answered that he had not applied to the Board yet and that his vacation and donated
time would run out the end of December. He would no longer have insurance at that time.
Bret Teitelbaum questioned the definition of Disability of a Police Officer.
Gary Conroy read from Section 5.03 Disability Benefits explaining the definition according to that
Section. He also read from the same Section regarding where it states that a "retired disabled Police
Officer is subject to periodic medical examinations as directed by the Board to determine whether a
disability continues". He added that he didn't agree with that.
Mr. Conroy suggested having a meeting the following week. Bret Teitelbaum suggested having a
meeting every other week until they get all the changes to the Plan completed.
Gary Conroy explained that he would have to meet with the City Manager and get these changes on
the Agenda for a Council Meeting for approval.
Bret Teitelbaum asked Officer Frazee if he had his paperwork ready to submit to the Board. Officer
Frazee explained that he had a doctors appointment on the 18th.
It was agreed to have a meeting Friday, December 18, 1998 at 1 :00 p.m. or possibly Monday Mr.
Conroy would be in touch with the Board Members.
The workshop adjourned at 1:47 p.m.
Minutes submitted by:
J o Ann Richard
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