Edgewater Police Pension Board
Regular Meeting
Monday, July 17,2000
4:09 p.m.
Chairman Teitelbaum called the Police Pension Board Meeting to order on Monday, July
17,2000 at 4:09 p.m. in the City Hall Conference Room.
Members present were: Chairman Bret Teitelbaum, Ms. Rene Green, and Mr. Larry
LoeIDer. Chairman Teitelbaum advised the board that he received a letter from Mr.
David Muth stating he resigned from the board. Corp. Gary McElroy arrived at 4:18.
Also present were Jack Ascher!, Consulting Agent of Record, Kara Koch, Principal
Representative, Kenneth Hooper, City Manager, Deborah Sigler, Personnel Director,
Robin Matusick, Legal Assistant and Donna Looney, Recording Secretary.
The minutes from May 17, 2000 Regular Meeting were submitted for approval. Mr.
LoeIDer made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Ms. Green. Motion
Chairman Teitelbaum referred to the copy of the Quarterly Fund Statement for June 30,
2000. Mr. Ascher! introduced Ms. Kara Koch and she explained her position with
Principal as our local contact. Mr. Ascherl explained that we have the Fund Selection
Service with Principal where they diversify our investments. He went on to explain that
the U.S. Stock account is now closed out and that money is now half in Large Company
Growth and half in Large Company Value. Mr. Ascherl reviewed the returns on each
investment option.
Chairman Teitelbaum asked about investments in CD's. Ms. Koch and Mr. Ascherl
explained retirement investing.
Mr. Ascherl informed the board that we have not received the 1999 Actuarial Valuation
Report. Principal is waiting on the changes from October 1,1999 and the State
requirements that also have to be done. Principal has said they will do the 1999 Actuarial
Valuation now as if no changes were done in order to get our State monies. Then as soon
as we make the changes they will prepare the 2000 Actuarial Valuation with the proper
changes made. Those changes made technically for October 1, 1999 will be retroactive
to that date whenever they do the Actuarial in 2000. The changes in the State
requirements will be done as of January 1. Mr. Ascher! has talked to the State about this
and they said it is okay to do it that way. Mr. Ascherl expects the 1999 report to be done
in a few weeks.
Chairman Teitelbaum asked when the individual member statements would be coming.
Mr. Ascher! said we would have to send a letter with the statements telling them the
information does not include any changes as of October 1, 1999. The one that comes out
after October 2000 will reflect all of it.
Mr. Ascher! explained to Ms. Koch that the City has an attorney drawing up the changes
and they will send it to Principal for them to look it over and make sure they understand
it. Principal will prepare the amendment, send it back here and Council adopts it.
Chairman Teitelbaum referred to a letter he received a few days ago from legal assistant,
Robin Matusick, reference the changes in the amendments Mr. Ascherl just talked about.
He asked City Manager Hooper if his understanding is correct that the City wants the
board attorney, Mr. Sugarman, to prepare the amendments in ordinance form with strike
through and underlines and have it sent back for the City to review and present to
CounciL City Manager Hooper confirmed that was how it has been.
Chairman Teitelbaum told the board that he has spoken with Mr. Harrison, the attorney
from Sugarman and Susskind, who is handling this matter and it is going to take some
time for him to get this together. Chairman Teitelbaum would like the board to consider
that they are getting to the point now where it may be more cost effective to have the
board attorney on a retainer bases verses an hourly bases.
Chairman Teitelbaum said first thing they need to do is draw up these proposed changes
and would like to entertain the appropriate motion to direct Mr. Sugarman's office to do
that as soon as possible. Ms. Matusick advised that she spoke with Mr. Harrison on
Friday and what Chairman Teitelbaum needs to recommend to the board is two basic
authorizations. One to get the ordinance through now with the modifications that need to
be made and then as soon as that is done the codification for the new statutory
requirements needs to be done.
There was discussion about Principal being able to talk about these changes with the
board attorney. Ms. Koch said Principal would need a letter from the board authorizing
them to talk with the board's attorney.
Corp. McElroy made a motion to authorize the board's attorney to draft the changes per
Ms. Matusick's memo and to send a letter to Principal authorizing them to discuss the
matters with the board attorney, seconded by Mr. Loefller. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
Mr. Loeffier asked about the retainer with Mr. Sugarman verses the hourly rate.
Chairman Teitelbaum said he could discuss with Mr. Sugarman what would be more cost
effective and then get back with the board at the next meeting.
Chairman Teitelbaum asked City Manager Hooper for an update on Larry Westfall,
stating that he understands there was discussion between the City and the attorney for Mr.
Westfall. City Manager Hooper stated that is not correct, he has not received anything
since their last meeting.
City Manager Hooper stated he took the board's comments to Council. Councilwoman
Lichter was on the Council at the time it had been voted on. Her opinion was that it did
not apply to those who were not active members. City Manager Hooper described his
understanding of it because he negotiated it and Gary Conroy's opinion of it, which was
the Chairman at the time. Council would just as soon not bring it back up, because they
are under the understanding that it only applied to active participants. Mr. Westfall's
attorney should contact the City attorney if they thought there was a problem.
After further discussion City Manager Hooper handed Chairman Teitelbaum a copy of
the minutes from the June 5, 2000 council meeting. Chairman Teitelbaum asked what the
intent of Council was. City Manager Hooper said Council has taken the opinion that
Principal is right in saying it doesn't apply.
Chairman Teitelbaum asked that copies of the minutes be sent to Mr. Sugarman since the
Council discussed this situation in order to give appropriate direction to the board. A
lengthy discussion took place as to who is correct in their opinion and what responsibility
the board has in the matter. Corp. McElroy commented that he agrees the board has
administered the plan as it was written, therefore the board does not have to go back to
Mr. Sugarman.
Chairman Teitelbaum asked Ms. Matusick if Mr. Sugarman's office has a copy of the
minutes. Ms. Matusick response was no, but he is already aware of the way the
ordinance reads and that it was not the intent to include Larry. Chairman Teitelbaum
verified with Ms. Matusick that Mr. Harrison knows to prepare the ordinance
accordingly. Mr. Ascherl explained what will happen is when communication takes
place between Principal and Mr. Sugarman's office, Principal will give them the
language and how to write it so it is very clear. Chairman Teitelbaum said that was fine
and let Mr. Sugarman's office and Principal work it out. Chairman Teitelbaum states in
order to pull the board out of this entirely, he confirms with Ms. Matusick that their has
not been any problem with communication between the City and Mr. Sugarman. He
states the board can leave this alone and let this whole rewrite be resolved between
Principal, the City and Mr. Sugarman's office. Chairman Teitelbaum states he will send
the copy of the minutes along to Mr. Sugarman just so he has them and just leave it at
that. He is also going to send the minutes from the last few meetings.
Corp. McElroy asked Mr. Ascherl about purchasing time for prior police experience. Mr.
Ascherl explained how some other cities are doing this and after some discussion told the
board he will check into it and bring the information back to the next meeting.
Chairman Teitelbaum asked Mrs. Green if she could tell the board about the conference
she attended in Naples. She explained the one seminar she attended talked about not
getting involved in taxes whatsoever, do not get involved in anything other than just
administering the plan. She stated that another one she attended was the trustee's
responsibility and she got a very good book on it. She said that while she was listening
she tried to relate to what was going on with Larry, and as far as the board getting
involved with Larry getting paid, she learned that they shouldn't be involved at all.
Chairman Teitelbaum said that is why they are going to turn the whole thing over to Mr.
Sugarman's office and he will be able to communicate freely with Principal and the City
and they can get the whole thing hammered out in a form everyone can understand. Mrs.
Green stated the board needs to stay out of it as much as they possibly can. She shared
some of the handouts she received, and stated she felt it was worth while attending.
Chairman Teitelbaum stated there is a school October 2nd through the 4th 2000 at the
Wyndham's Casa Marina in Key West and asked if Corp. McElroy would be interested in
attending. Corp. McElroy stated he would like to go. Mr. Loeffler made a motion to
send Corp. McElroy to Trustees school, seconded by Ms. Green. Motion CARRIED 4-
Ms. Green asked if they are covered by the cities liability insurance. Her concern is
about a board member being in an automobile accident or something of that nature while
they are performing a board duty. Chairman Teitelbaum does not know, he will get the
answer. Mr. Loeffler mentioned they do not have liability insurance for somebody
suing them. Chairman Teitelbaum ask Mrs. Green about fiduciary insurance. He thinks
it's about $1500 and is checking with one other company. She would like another agent
to take care of this since she is on the board. After further discussion Chairman
Teitelbaum said he would get some figures and if necessary call a special meeting. Ms.
Sigler stated there's a city policy to cover all board members, it's a liability policy to
defend but she does not know all the details. Chairman Teitelbaum asks for her to get all
the details and let him know.
Chairman Teitelbaum asked that due to the time they table the discussion on disability
procedures to the next meeting.
There was discussion on setting the date and time for the next board meeting. Meeting is
scheduled for Wednesday, October 11,2000 at 4:00 p.m.
With no further business Chairman Teitelbaum entertained a motio~ Corp. McElroy
made a motion to adjou~ without any objections Chairman Teitelbaum adjourned the
meeting at 6:04 p.m.
Minutes submitted by:
Donna Looney
Recording Secretary