02-19-2003 ~ ...." EDGEW A TER POLICE PENSION BOARD REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, February 19,2003 City Ball Conference Room Minutes CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Conroy called to order the Regular Meeting of the Edgewater Police Pension Board on Wednesday, February 19, 2003 at 4:00 p.m. in the City Hall Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Members present were Chairman Gary Conroy, Mr. Ferdinand Heeb and Mr. Jon Williams. Ms. Rena Green was absent; Mr. Bret Teitelbaum resigned due to his retirement. Also present was Mr. Jack Ascher!, Agent of Record and Donna Looney, Recording Secretary. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mr. Williams moved to approve the November 18. 2002 minutes. second bv Mr. Beeb. MOTION CARRIED 3-0 OLD BUSINESS: Chairman Conroy informed the board that Sugarman & Susskind have repeatedly been asked for copies of the invoices that support their statement and until they are received the board will not pay. Mr. Heeb explained why he does not want to use Burgess Chambers next time they need to have the plan evaluated. Mr. Williams and Chairman Conroy agreed. Mr. Ascher! submitted to Principal the investment policy that Burgess Chambers presented for their review and input. NEW BUSINESS: Chairman Conroy informed the board Mr. Teitelbaum has resigned due to his retirement. He has posted a list for a new board member in the Police Department. Mr. Ascher! handed out a folder containing documents supplied by Principal regarding the police pension plan including the investment policy, which he reviewed (see attached). '-' ...." The board discussed the comments from Principal regarding the investment policy supplied by Burgess Chambers. Mr. Ascher! informed the board the new investment policy was due to be updated last year and as far as he knows, it needs to be to the state by the end of the year or before the deposits are due. He will check one more time to make sure it will not affect the receipt of our money. Mr. Ascher! referred back to this plan having 75% fixed income due to the cash flow needs. This plan is using the Benefit Index system. Mr. Ascher! explained what the difference would be by changing to Direct Funding. This would be for future retirees only. Mr. Heeb made a motion to terminate the Benefit Index system and 20 to Direct Fundin2 for future retirements. seconded bv Mr. Williams. MOTION CARRIED 3-0 The board asked Mr. Williams to talked with Foley & Lardner about legal services to the board. MISCELLANEOUS: Mr. Ascher! will find out when the representatives from Principal will be here. Mr. Heeb wants to have the notebooks done. Chairman Conroy is on night shift and will take care of this. Mr. Ascher! reviewed the 10/01/02 through 01/31/03 fund statement. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to be discussed, Mr. Heeb moved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 5:05 p.m. Minutes submitted by: Personnel Department 2